Differences between revisions 39 and 40
Revision 39 as of 2023-07-03 06:18:42
Size: 3938
Editor: FelipeMaia
Comment: Change reference name to Debian 7, correct punctuation and switch to uppercase.
Revision 40 as of 2023-07-03 12:38:13
Size: 3890
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: wiki pages don't need full URLs
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Note that in [[https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWheezy|Debian 7 'Wheezy']] and beyond, {{{tasksel}}} provides and uses dummy packages (known as ''meta packages'') to pull required dependencies. For example: Note that in [[DebianWheezy|Debian 7 'Wheezy']] and beyond, {{{tasksel}}} provides and uses dummy packages (known as ''meta packages'') to pull required dependencies. For example:
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The {{{standard task}}} is a special ''task'' used by Debian Installer. It actually relies on the packages's [[https://wiki.debian.org/Glossary#priority|priority]]. The {{{standard task}}} is a special ''task'' used by Debian Installer. It actually relies on the packages's [[Glossary#priority|priority]].

Translation(s): English - Español - French - Italiano


Tasksel package provides a simple interface for users who want to configure their system to perform a specific task. This program is used during the installation process, but users can also use tasksel at any time.


Desktop environment

  • After installing a Debian core system, you can install the DesktopEnvironment using tasksel. The command tasksel (logged as root) shows you some (high level abstraction) options to install packages. You could simply mark the Desktop environment option. It will install the packages for Gnome and some packages that are considered "standard" for a Debian desktop (openoffice.org, cups, etc).

Sample use

tasksel (Start the User-interface screenshot)


tasksel --list-tasks (List the tasks available on a system.)

  • i desktop               Desktop environment
    i web-server            Web server
    i print-server          Print server
    u dns-server            DNS server
    u file-server           File server
    i mail-server           Mail server
    u database-server       SQL database
    i ssh-server            SSH server
    i laptop                Laptop
    u manual                manual package selection

tasksel --task-packages web-server (List the packages that would be installed by that task)

  • libapache2-mod-python

Note that in Debian 7 'Wheezy' and beyond, tasksel provides and uses dummy packages (known as meta packages) to pull required dependencies. For example:

  • ## Let's retrieve the meta package name for that task
    $ tasksel --task-packages web-server
    ## Let's see the packages that would be installed by that meta-package
    $ aptitude show task-web-server
    Package: task-web-server                 
    State: not installed
    Version: 3.05
    Priority: optional
    Section: tasks
    Maintainer: Debian Install System Team <debian-boot@lists.debian.org>
    Uncompressed Size: 20.5 k
    Depends: tasksel, apache2-mpm-prefork
    Recommends: apache2-doc, libapache2-mod-php5, libapache2-mod-perl2, libapache2-mod-python, analog
    Description: Web server
     This task selects packages useful for a general purpose web server system.

"standard" task

The standard task is a special task used by Debian Installer. It actually relies on the packages's priority.

What does the "standard system" task include?

tasksel --task-packages standard

  • ~pstandard

which is an aptitude search string that equates to aptitude search ~pstandard ~prequired ~pimportant -F%p

"laptop" task

The laptop task is a special task use by Debian Installer, to pull the packages useful on a laptop:

tasksel --task-packages laptop

  • wireless-tools

