Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) |
Location |
Cape Town, South Africa |
Blog |
Fediverse |
highvoltage on oftc |
Salsa profile |
See my DDPO report page for more details on packages I maintain.
- Most of my packages are either team maintained or in /debian on salsa.debian.net.
If there's trouble with any of my packages, I subscribe to the idea of LowThresholdNmu and if I somehow disappear, also to LowThresholdAdoption.
When I have some time, I review and sponsor packages on the Debian mentors site.
I have sponsored over 50 uploads and granted DM permissions for more than 20 packages (my ddpo page shows less, since they dissappear when DMs become a DD).
I think that reviewing and sponsoring should be a core responsibility of Debian Developers, since they reduce friction for new contributors to get involved.
Debian Project Leader
Once upon a time I served four DPL terms.
Here are some documents that I wrote when I ran for DPL:
My intent to run for DPL titled "Why I'm running for DPL".
Talk slides:
2020-05-04: Fique Em Casa Use Debian, "Mixed bag of Debian": mixed-bag-of-debian.pdf
2020-05-31: MiniDebConf Online, "Striving towards excellence": striving-towards-excellende.pdf
2020-08-24: ?DebConf20 Online, "Bits from the DPL": bits-from-the-dpl-dc20.pdf
- REM: Bits from DPL at Reunion
2022-07-17: ?DebConf22, "Bits from the DPL": bits-from-the-dpl-dc22.pdf
2023-08-16: Debian Day 2023, "Happy 30th Birthday, Debian!": happy-birthday30.pdf
2023-09-11: DebConf23, "Bits from the DPL": bits-from-the-dpl-dc23.pdf
ITWire - "Celebrating individual achievements will bring Debian more visibility, says new DPL"
MyBroadBand - "Meet the first South African elected to lead Debian Linux"
FOSSPOD. - "Debian Linux with Jonathan Carter"
The Changelog - "30 Years of Debian with Jonathan Carter, Debian Project Leader"
The Drop Times - Charting Debian's Free Software Journey
Debian Social
I help maintain the fediverse services we run for Debian on Debian.Social, you can read more about this on the project wiki page.
I've been following DebConf online since DebConf7, and in 2012, I attended my first DebConf in Nicaragua.
In 2016 we successfully hosted DebConf 16 in Cape Town.
From January 2017 until late 2019 I've been a member of the DebConf committee as delegated by the project leader.
Over the years I've contributed on various aspects of DebConf from co-ordinating DebCamp matters, daily announcements, bursaries, welcome team, video team, lightning talks and more.
Since ?DebConf20 Online I've worked on a fun little project called https://jonathancarter.org/2020/08/30/the-metamorphosis-of-loopy-loop/ Loopy Loop.
DebConf16 photo, copyright Jurie Senekal cc-by 4.0.
I have a small channel on YouTube where I create some Debian related videos. I also host these privately on highvoltage.tv, long term I intend to convert that to a PeerTube instance.
There is an instance of Debian Package of the Day where we explore packages in Debian. This is the first time Debian Package of the Day was tried out in video format.
I started working on a Debian package management series, in the future I wish to also do videos about packaging and package maintenance. These videos take some time and effort so I can't say yet when those will happen, but in the meantime I'm happy to receive ideas or collaborators.
You can also subscribe to an RSS feed of my entire channel by adding a link to your feed reader.
Today I Learned
In 2017 I started an IRC channel called #debian-til. I found that I kept learning things that I thought I should've already known before, and wanted to share those kind of factoids with other people that might also be interested in those. Now it's grown in a very nice social channel with around a 100 people in it, with "TIL"s shared every day by a whole bunch of people. A small accomplishment for sure, but it's something in Debian that's social, fun and educational all at the same time. We nee more of that!