Voir aussi: fr/EeePC/Bugs.
- Les projets ont leurs propres en-têtes et les tâches sont listées comme des points entre chaque projet.
Les éléments de la liste sont divisés en objectifs à Court/Moyen/Long term et les éléments activables sont classés parmi une des six priorités suivantes: Facile/Urgent, Facile/Important, Facile/Wishlist, Complexe/Urgent, Complexe/Important, Complexe/Wishlist.
N'importe quel élément Facile implique une courte période de temps pour le résoudre (quelquechose entre quelques minutes à une heure) et a une solution facile.
Le reste est classé Complexe.
Les éléments Urgent doivent être traités rapidement.
Les éléments Important doivent être réglés mais pas forcément rapidement.
Les éléments de la Wishlist doivent être adaptés mais le monde ne doit pas s'écrouler s'ils ne sont pas réglés.
- Merci de faire un lien vers Debian bug#s pour les éléments qui le nécéssitent.
- Indiquer brièvement dans un sous-élément la tâche sur laquelle vous être en train de travailler et ce que vous faîtes.
- LEs tâches plus complexes qui nécéssitent plus d'explications doivent avoir leur propre sous-page en dessous de cette page-ci mais ne doit pas être un subterfuge pour repousser la date de résolution du bug..
- Merci d'indiquer les dépendances entre les tâches en utilisant les ancres et les liens.
Make ACPI work natively in Debian
- Short term: using eeepc-acpi-scripts package
- This has been packaged and uploaded is in NEW
Hard/Urgent: Rebuild custom installer to include eeepc-acpi module and eeepc-acpi-scripts package
Hard/Wishlist: use s2ram from uswsusp for suspend
- Long term: Help Asus merge ACPI upstream
- asus-acpi (and therefore eeepc-acpi which is a fork) are deprecated; work with the asus-laptop maintainer to merge patches for the Eee
Improve installer for Eee
Short term: make custom d-i installer
Hard/Urgent: Post instructions in wiki for rebuilding d-i installer for the Eee, i.e. ../HowTo/CustomInstaller
Easy/Urgent: UTF-8 problem screws up the line-drawing characters making navigation through menus difficult
Easy/Important: No accessibility support included
Hard/Wishlist: No install over wireless possible
Incorporate steps documented in ../HowTo/Install
- Wireless
- Camera
- ACPI (hotkeys)
- Misc. conf fixes, workarounds
- won't shutdown
- silence hdd errors
Long term: support Eee in d-i natively
ensure kernel & related packages support Eee natively so that standard d-i installer supports Eee without modification)
- Long term: make a combination live image / installer image
- Use debian-live
- This will allow users to try out Debian before installing.
Needs either custom d-i installer or native d-i installer to be stable first.
- Short term: fork madwifi package and make available in an unofficial Debian repository
- Replace the repacked image linked from the install howto with a properly packaged and versioned one built from source
- Mid term: assist with or at least track progress of madwifi merging the support for the Eee's chipset upstream
- Long term: ath5k
- This is the only viable solution for support in Debian proper as ath5k is DFSG free whereas madwifi is not nor will it ever be.
- We need someone to look into this. Is anyone working on this? Is there an upstream bug#? Does anyone have the expertise to help add support themselves?
Project management
- Make regular passes through all wiki pages to keep up to date (don't be afraid to prune out outdated/redundant material ... the wiki revision system keeps old copies)
- Check,, etc. to glean from the collected wisdom of the broader Eee community things that will help us
- Use our git repository for group maintained packages.
Easy/Important: Change atl2 to group-maintained on next upload.
BenArmstrong will do this.
Hard/Wishlist: Find a sane solution for OSD display
Hard/Important: Write a script to disable/enable external monitor (xrandr?)
Easy/Important: change actions/ to use #!/bin/bash since it uses bashisms
Keep changes in this package to a minimum and rely as much as possible on existing solutions in Debian. That is, the Eee is no different from other laptops in its need for the things the package provides, so custom Eee solutions should only be made to accomodate for the differences between the Eee hardware and other hardware. Also, upstream solutions are better and preferred over changes made here. So where possible, file bugs upstream (kernel & modules such as the asus-laptop module).