Translation(s): none
Zabbix and Debian
Zabbix is a server/client monitoring system and it's also packaged in Debian. Its most relevant features are:
- web-based monitoring and administration
- agentless monitoring
- performance, security and service availability checks
- distributed monitoring, up to thousands of nodes
- auto-discovery
- charting, trending, SLA reporting
- sending alerts via e-mail, SMS and Jabber
- data stored in a relational database
Documentation and informations
/usr/share/doc/zabbix* (most notably README.Debian and NEWS.Debian files as every Debian package)
Debian packages
Debian splits Zabbix functionalities in these packages:
- Zabbix client
- Zabbix server
zabbix-server-mysql for MySQL/MariaDB
zabbix-server-pgsql for PostgreSQL
- Proxy and gateways
Look at the related descriptions in order to understand which of these packages fit your needs.
Most of these Zabbix packages are available in Debian jessie, jessie-backports, stretch, stretch-backports, bullseye and above.
The following instructions will try to be as generic as possible and should work in Debian jessie, jessie-backports, stretch, bullseye and above.
Installing Zabbix server using MySQL/MariaDB
You should already have a MySQL/MariaDB server. If you have not, first install the default-mysql-server package.
All the below commands should be run as root.
Install the zabbix-server-mysql package.
Now open a MySQL shell as administrator:
If it does not work try:
mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf
Create a new database (e.g. "zabbix"), create a related MySQL/MariaDB username (e.g. "zabbix") with a strong password, and grant permissions to that username:
mysql CREATE DATABASE zabbix CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; CREATE USER 'zabbix'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'here-an-example-password-but-please-change-me'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `zabbix`.* TO 'zabbix'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; quit
Do not forget the password you just entered for your Zabbix username because you have to write it down also in the configuration:
nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
DBName=zabbix DBUser=zabbix DBPassword=here-an-example-password-but-please-change-me
Now it's the time to populate your Zabbix database.
Decompress the SQL files provided in /usr/share and import them:
cd /usr/share/zabbix-server-mysql zcat schema.sql.gz images.sql.gz data.sql.gz | mysql zabbix
NOTE: If you see "ERROR 1071 (42000) at line 348: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes" it means you have not followed the guide. Drop the database and create it again following the above instructions.
NOTE: If you are in Debian buster, the table creation script will fail with a "row size error". As a workaround, temporarily disable INNODB strict mode, appending SET global innodb_strict_mode='OFF' in the top of the SQL file.
NOTE: It may need a couple of minutes to create and populate all the ~113 MySQL tables in your zabbix database. In the meanwhile, you can play a Debian game.
NOTE: For Buster, fix the table columns and re-enable INNODB strict mode:
ALTER TABLE `host_inventory` MODIFY `name` varchar(128) default '' not null, modify `alias` varchar(128) default '' not null, modify `os` varchar(128) default '' not null, modify `os_short` varchar(128) default '' not null;
This has sense since the columns are too short (see
Now be sure to have the service enabled at startup, and restart it:
systemctl enable zabbix-server systemctl restart zabbix-server
Installing Zabbix PHP frontend
After installing the server, you can install the zabbix-frontend-php package that provides an user interface to administer your Zabbix instance and also php-mysql (see You can see some Zabbix frontend screenshots.
If you use the Apache HTTP server and you just want to use the default Zabbix configuration, just remember to specify a PHP date.timezone in /etc/apache2/conf-available/zabbix-frontend-php.conf. If you want some additional PHP restrictions, you may want to set the open_basedir restriction to /usr/share/zabbix/:/var/lib/zabbix:/etc/zabbix:/usr/share/javascript.
Then you can enable that Apache configuration and you can reload the webserver:
a2enconf zabbix-frontend-php service apache2 reload
At this point you can follow the installation instructions for your http://your-host/zabbix. It may asks you of populating manually the /etc/zabbix/zabbix.conf.php configuration file. After that you should see something as «Congratulations! You have successfully installed Zabbix frontend. Configuration file "/etc/zabbix/zabbix.conf.php" created.» and you can do the login into your Zabbix frontend.
Anyway you can just create the file /etc/zabbix/zabbix.conf.php manually with the following minimal content:
<?php // Zabbix GUI configuration file. global $DB; $DB['TYPE'] = 'MYSQL'; $DB['SERVER'] = 'localhost'; $DB['PORT'] = '0'; $DB['DATABASE'] = 'zabbix'; $DB['USER'] = 'zabbix'; $DB['PASSWORD'] = 'here-an-example-password-but-please-change-me'; // Schema name. Used for IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL. $DB['SCHEMA'] = ''; $ZBX_SERVER = 'localhost'; $ZBX_SERVER_PORT = '10051'; $ZBX_SERVER_NAME = 'My Server Name'; $IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT = IMAGE_FORMAT_PNG;
Now try visiting again your http://your-host/zabbix page, and you should see a login page instead of the installation process.
The default username/password credentials for you Zabbix frontend will be:
Note: never expose your Zabbix frontend to the world before changing these default credentials! You should quickly change your password visiting the /profile.php page of your Zabbix frontend.
Have fun with your Zabbix frontend! Now you should know what you have to do with Zabbix. In any case you can explore the official documentation.
Securing Zabbix PHP frontend
You may want to restrict the directories allowed to be read by your Zabbix PHP frontend, setting a PHP open_basedir directive.
As example, put this in your /etc/apache2/conf-available/zabbix-frontend-php.conf, near the other php_values:
php_admin_value open_basedir /usr/share/zabbix/:/var/lib/zabbix:/etc/zabbix:/usr/share/javascript:/usr/share/fonts
Installing a Zabbix proxy
A Zabbix proxy is useful for example when you have a LAN with some hosts to be monitored, but your Zabbix server is not in the same network.
Probably you do NOT want to install a Zabbix proxy if you already have a Zabbix server on the same machine.
Create a new UTF8 binary database with a dedicated username (choose a good password):
mysql CREATE DATABASE zabbix_proxy CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; CREATE USER 'zabbix'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'here-an-example-password-but-please-change-me'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `zabbix_proxy`.* TO 'zabbix'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; quit
Do not forget the password you just entered for your Zabbix username because you have to write it down also in the configuration:
nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf
DBName=zabbix_proxy DBUser=zabbix DBPassword=here-an-example-password-but-please-change-me
Now decompress the SQL files provided in /usr/share and import them:
zcat /usr/share/zabbix-proxy-mysql/schema.sql.gz | mysql zabbix_proxy
NOTE: If you see this error:
ERROR 1071 (42000) at line 348: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
or similar, it means you have not followed the guide. Drop the database and create it again following the above instructions.
NOTE: If you see this error:
ERROR 1118 (42000) at line 1278: Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.
or similar, it's a well-known bug.
In that case, you can drop the database, re-create it, enable strict mode, import the problematic tables, and fix the problematic VARCHAR columns, and re-enable strict mode:
mysql <<< "DROP DATABASE zabbix_proxy" mysql <<< "CREATE DATABASE zabbix_proxy character SET utf8 collate utf8_bin;" mysql <<< "SET global innodb_strict_mode='OFF'" zcat /usr/share/zabbix-proxy-mysql/schema.sql.gz | mysql "zabbix_proxy" mysql zabbix_proxy <<< "ALTER TABLE host_inventory MODIFY name varchar(128) default '' not null, modify alias varchar(128) default '' not null, modify os varchar(128) default '' not null, modify os_short varchar(128) default '' not null;"; mysql <<< "SET global innodb_strict_mode='ON'"
Source of the fix:
Now go in your Zabbix web interface and add your Zabbix proxy:
Now be sure to have the service enabled at startup, and restart it:
systemctl enable zabbix-proxy systemctl restart zabbix-proxy
More documentation here:
Installing a Zabbix agent
To monitor a Debian host, you can install the zabbix-agent package on them.
In the default passive mode, the Zabbix server (or a Zabbix proxy) connects to the agent to collect metrics.
Edit /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf to allow access to the Zabbix server (or proxy) by specifying it's IP address or domain name in the Server option:
The Zabbix agent listens for requests from the Zabbix server on TCP port 10050. Add required rules to the agent host firewall. For example:
$IPT -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 10050 -j ACCEPT
Restart the agent:
service zabbix-agent restart
(These instructions are released under the CC BY-SA 4.0 / GNU GFL / GNU GPL v3+ at your opinion by Valerio Bozzolan - 2018 and contributors)