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X Resources
X Resources are part of X Server architecture. It can be used to :
- define terminal colours
- configure terminal preferences
- set DPI, anti-aliasing, hinting and other X font settings
- change the Xcursor theme
- theme xscreensaver
- configure low-level X applications like: xorg-xclock, xpdf, rxvt-unicode
X Resources on Archlinux Wiki
Reference manual:
The X Window System (Chapter 7) Classic X Clients
Basic infos
You will need xrdb to load parameters from your configuration files during your X Session.
~/.Xresources and ~/.Xresources.d
Simple color theme
This color theme will be used by terminals, such as xterm and urxvt.
Commented lines begin with '!'.
! Color theme to be placed in ~/.Xresources file ! Enable it at runtime with : ! $ xrdb ~/.Xresources ! or ! $ cat ~/.Xresources | xrdb *background: #000000 *foreground: #ffffff *color0: #000000 *color1: #d36265 *color2: #aece91 *color3: #e7e18c *color4: #7a7ab0 *color5: #963c59 *color6: #418179 *color7: #bebebe *color8: #666666 *color9: #ef8171 *color10: #e5f779 *color11: #fff796 *color12: #4186be *color13: #ef9ebe *color14: #71bebe *color15: #ffffff
i3 has a way to retrieve color values from Xresources. This gives a practical way to share same colors between your terminals and your window manager.
Note: rgb:ff/ff/ff notations in Xresources don't seem to be correctly imported in i3.