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Welcome to Debian

This space is maintained by the Welcome Team, a group of current Debian users and developers wanting to help other aspiring or beginner Debian users.

Start using Debian

Questions? Ask online, on IRC

The Welcome team members can be found online on IRC (Internet Relay Chat):

First time around

Try or Install Debian

Debian 12.9 (Bookworm) is the current stable version, released on 2025-01-11. See the announcement, the blog post, the installation guide and the release notes.

The following files are ISO images which can be used to make a bootable CD or USB key used to start your system with. More details about this, especially how to create such media in other operating systems, are available on the FAQ.

Find out more about Debian releases, including community support cycles, release/End-of-Life dates, repositories, etc.

Joining the Debian Community

Expats, welcome

Eventually each distribution's section would move to a page under /Welcome, as content is augmented/improved.


Developer resources

CategoryTeams | CategoryCommunity