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Welcome to Debian
This space is maintained by the Welcome Team, a group of current Debian users and developers wanting to help other aspiring or beginner Debian users.
Start using Debian
Questions? Ask online, on IRC
The Welcome team members can be found online on IRC (Internet Relay Chat):
First time around
Keep up with the latest news quickly with Debian Project News. Bits from Debian is the official blog where news are frequently posted in English.
Ask your questions and check the beginners guides on the Debian forums
More experienced users may prefer going directly to one of the numerous mailing lists. debian-user-* lists are normally used for technical help in specific languages.
Try or Install Debian
Debian 12.9 (Bookworm) is the current stable version, released on 2025-01-11. See the announcement, the blog post, the installation guide and the release notes.
The following files are ISO images which can be used to make a bootable CD or USB key used to start your system with. More details about this, especially how to create such media in other operating systems, are available on the FAQ.
Take a look at DontBreakDebian page in the wiki before attempting a new installation.
To try Debian (and optionally, install it) you can boot from a Live CD of Debian 11.1 (stable, aka bookworm, with GNOME desktop).
More experienced users may want to download other versions, types and sizes of installers (including installers for older computers, network-based, servers, etc.).
Find out more about Debian releases, including community support cycles, release/End-of-Life dates, repositories, etc.
Joining the Debian Community
Create your home page on the wiki - consider registering as a contributor and joining the #debian-welcome IRC channel (see above)
Check the wiki content writing style guidelines before contributing content
Check the Screenshots section in the Editor Guide before contributing screenshots
Expats, welcome
Eventually each distribution's section would move to a page under /Welcome, as content is augmented/improved.
Developer resources
Utnubu (inactive) is Ubuntu spelled backwards. One of Ubuntu's activities is frequently redistributing packages originally from Debian to Ubuntu's users. Utnubu was about the reverse, copying packages from Ubuntu to Debian.