The site is an experiment at publishing ?FOAF/WebIDs for Debian contributors.
It is managed by obergix.
See WebIDForDebianWebServices for a more general description of the use of WebID in Debian.
offers reference URIs for FOAF profiles for Debian contributors that can be linked from the ?PTS
Using it
$ curl -s -H "Accept: text/turtle"
This fetches the RDF Turtle document which describes a Semantic Web resource named <> who is a foaf:Person holding a foaf:OnlineAccount (<>).
For Debian project members, the FOAF URI is derived from the debian login, as <>.
For non-project members, the FOAF URI is derived from an URL-encoded + lowercase email, as <>.
Here are the next things planed :
generate the files periodically (the files are updated every day)
- unify people's various accounts (exploiting the OpenPGP keyring is an option)
Future ideas
migrate to somewhere on
provide WebID authentication means (for instance with WebID + TLS), as an alternative to DebianSingleSignOn
interlink with other FOAF profiles of the contributors (possibly, using ?MyProfile)
Integrate with other Django-based Debian Web services. See for a more recent experiment.