The work listed here has been completed in unstable. For further coordination please join #debian-usrmerge on OFTC and/or directly see the ddlist here:
Bootstrap set
apt: 1054137
audit: 1060167
bash: 1064888
bzip2: 1059981
coreutils: 1061274
dash: done
dpkg: 1059982
gcc-13: 1060001
glibc: 1061248
gzip: 1059533 + zutils
hostname: 1056978
ifupdown: 1059919
iputils: 1059916
isc-dhcp: 1060089
keyutils: 1059816 (not in essential set?)
libcap2: 1060140
libselinux: 914247
libtirpc: 1055959
lvm2: 1052666 + completed by waldi
nano: 1059411 (not in essential set)
pam: 1060160
procps: 1059817
shadow: 1059915
sysvinit: 1060139
tar: 1059818
usrmerge: 1060002
util-linux: done
Irrelevant sources: