Translation(s): English
Thunderbird is an email/news/chat client with a possible RSS feed aggregation developed by MZLA Technologies Corporation, subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation.
In the past, Debian provided Icedove, a rebranded version of Thunderbird, due to trademark issues. By now the issues have been resolved (#816679) and the ''thunderbird'' package is available in all supported Debian releases.
Migration from Icedove
Switching package names
By the functionality of transitional packages the user will automatically get installed the dependent respective Thunderbird packages. There is no special action needed to get Thunderbird installed; it works automatically. In detail the following changes were made to the packages:
Changes due Icedove to Thunderbird De-branding |
old package |
replaced by |
remarks |
icedove |
thunderbird |
Thunderbird Main application |
icedove-dev |
thunderbird-dev |
Thunderbird Development files |
icedove-dbg |
thunderbird-dbg |
Thunderbird with debugging symbols |
iceowl-extension |
lightning |
Lightning, aka Calendar for Thunderbird |
icedove-l10n-* |
thunderbird-l10n-* |
l10n localization packages for Thunderbird |
iceowl-l10n-* |
lightning-l10n-* |
l10n localization packages for Lightning |
calendar-google-provider |
There is no transitional or new package. |
After any automatic installation of thunderbird related packages (marked replaced by in the above table) you can simply remove the old icedove related packages (marked old package in the above table). The transitional packages don't have any working "thing" inside except to pull the dependent thunderbird package.
Adoption of User Profiles
The Thunderbird application uses a different folder for the user profiles than Icedove. The profiles are collected in ~/.thunderbird, Icedove was using ~/.icedove. Because of this, the user profiles need to be adopted. The Thunderbird package comes with a wrapper script in /usr/bin/thunderbird which will do the users profile adoption (if possible). It will be triggered automatically if a user is calling thunderbird from a CLI or via the desktop file. The script will do the following things:
1. Check if there is no folder or symlink named ~/.thunderbird .
- 2. Inform the user that an adoption of the existing Icedove profile will happen.
3. Create a symlink from ~/.thunderbird ~/.icedove .
4. Fixup the MIME associations in ~/.thunderbird/$profile(s)/mimeTypes.rdf .
Change associations of /usr/bin/iceweasel to /usr/bin/x-www-browser and icedove to thunderbird after a backup was created.
5. Backup and fixup ${HOME}/.config/mimeapps.list and ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list in case they contain entries like userapp-Icedove-*.desktop .
- 6. List created backup files.
These steps will cover most typical users' concerns, but some users may have a slightly different environment.
Other environments with other folder structures
Some users may be using an advanced setup in their home directory. The following two other possibilities of folders and symlinks will be detected and cause no trouble.
There is a symlink ~/.icedove that is pointing to a folder ~/.thunderbird .
This will of course work as Thunderbird is detecting the folder ~/.thunderbird with the profile(s) in there. You can probably remove ~/.icedove as Thunderbird doesn't care about that symlink. In case you want to share both profile locations please only use one dedicated Icedove or Thunderbird version! Otherwise, one day you will get in trouble as Icedove and Thunderbird are writing version information into the working profile; this will break at least your local installed extensions one day!
There is a symlink ~/.thunderbird that is pointing to a folder ~/.icedove .
Well, if you have used this in the past everything is also fine now. This is exactly the constellation the wrapper script is now creating to let Thunderbird find a folder ~/.thunderbird that is pointing to valid profile(s) data. The wrapper script will detect if the fixups for MIME associations and the *.desktop files are needed and changes those with a created backup before doing so.
There is a folder or symlink ~/.icedove and there is a folder or symlink ~/.thunderbird which isn't pointing in a direct way to each other.
This situation can't be handled by the wrapper script. We can't know which folder should be used and the wrapper is showing an error screen. The assumption here is that such user know what to do to solve such a constellation. If there is any solution created as described above the wrapper script is also doing the fixups if needed within the first run.
I run into trouble!
Don't panic, no data will be lost, ever! In case nothing is visibly happening then please start the wrapper script from a CLI by the argument --verbose
$ thunderbird --verbose
This will turn on a verbose mode which will show more information about things that probably are going wrong. In case you need help please open a bug report with a log of the command.
I need one of the backup files
The wrapper script has an option to show created backup files; use the argument --show-backup. This can be also combined with --verbose to see more about what's happening here. The wrapper will show possible files and exists afterwards.
$ thunderbird --show-backup # or $ thunderbird --show-backup --verbose
System wide Configurations
This part is mostly interesting for system admins or people who need to migrate some global Icedove setting to global Thunderbird settings.
The Icedove package was allowing some system wide setup of variables for running Icedove by modifying the file /etc/icedove/pref/icedove.js or adding own files here with a *.js extension. All files here are also being migrated to the Thunderbird package and the respective folder /etc/thunderbird/pref. So if a sysadmin or user has placed some modified files here they will be moved into the new directory. One exception, a modified file /etc/icedove/pref/icedove.js is moved to /etc/thunderbird/pref/icedove.js.dpkg-backup and needs to be adopted by the user into place.
OpenSearch providers
You are able to provide any local opensearch.xml files inside /usr/lib/thunderbird/distribution/searchplugins
- Create the missing sub-directories if they don't exist yet.
See also: OpenSearch@MDN.
To see the new providers after adding some in an existing profile, the user needs to delete search.json.mozlz4 in their profile-directory as explained in step #5 of Add Search Engine to Open Search.
Possible Issues
Happily, not much yet. It may happen that href links are still not working after the migration. The user probably has done some own "tuning" of Mime file association, any help here is appreciated to find the reason for that behaviour. Please file a bug report.
AppArmor profile
Icedove/Thunderbird in Debian now ships an AppArmor profile! AppArmor is a Mandatory Access Control framework. When enabled, AppArmor confines programs according to a set of rules that specify what files a given program can access. This proactive approach helps protect the system against both known and unknown vulnerabilities. If AppArmor is enabled on your computer, the program will be confined. This should not lead to misbehaviour, but if it does, please try to follow the documentation available here: AppArmor/Debug to help debug the profile.
It's always great if you can provide patches and modifications to this AppArmor profile! However, we'd prefer that you send these patches upstream first. This way, they will get reviewed. Please see the corresponding documentation: AppArmor/Contribute
When done, you can ask for a merge using Launchpad or upstream's mailing list
Now you can also open a Debian bug, assign it to Icedove/Thunderbird and usertag it, using "merge-from-upstream" as tag. See AppArmor/Reportbug#Usertags for more details.
Please contact the AppArmor team for detailed questions not covered by the documentation.
Beside the tagging of the AppArmor team, we track bug reports where AppArmor is involved. Use this URL to see all bugs tagged tb-apparmor. Feel free to add more bug reports by the bts command.
bts user , usertags <$bugnumber> tb-apparmor
Address Book
Open Address Book only
Most users open the Thunderbird address book from within the email client. That is great as long as the program is already open. But what if you want to open the address book only when Thunderbird is not running on the system? For example, you need to frequently open your address book. But you do not need to open Thunderbird. Or your present device has limited resource. And is not able to open both Thunderbird & the address book at the same time. How do you open only the Address Book? To resolve this challenge, find this resolution below.
Using any application to your liking to edit GNOME menu, such as, but not limited to MenuLibre. Add a new launcher.
Name: Address Book Thunderbird
Command: thunderbird -addressbook
Using GNOME, search for Address Book Thunderbird launcher. Open it.
Only the Thunderbird Address Book will open. Enjoy
Add-ons are free, open source, and let you add new features and change the way your Thunderbird works
To get Add-ons for your Thunderbird, choose any of the following options
Navigate to "Tools" menu, "Add-ons" option
Using your internet browser, such as, but not limited to Mozilla Firefox, go to this official Thunderbird Add-ons website at
Bug Reporting / Issues
Thunderbird will, like most any other Debian released software, work fine. It may happen that you haven't an expected behaviour while using Thunderbird or a related installed package like lightning or calendar-google-provider. Before you start a new bug report re-think the following points:
- Has something else changed? Only Thunderbird was changed / updated or has some other package also changed?
Often the Thunderbird package(s) aren't the root of trouble or issues. Thunderbird can be expanded with new functionality by AddOns and those can also produce some regressions after an update of them. On the other hand, Thunderbird is also relying on other packages which provide functionality, for example for network communication, which may be updated without a Thunderbird update too.
- Have you tried to disable all plugins to check if the issue is now still existing?
- In case something is misbehaving on your side it's good to know if the problem is in Thunderbird or in some (or more) extensions. You can check this by starting Thunderbird in safe mode, which will disable all extensions for that specific session. If Thunderbird is working now normally the problem is typically in one or more extensions. You can start Thunderbird from a CLI with the following call to start in safe mode.
$ thunderbird --safe-mode
- Thunderbird is working without any activated extensions well, but with the active extensions issues are still happening?
- You need to find out which extension is causing trouble. Just start Thunderbird normally and disable extension by extension. You will need to restart Thunderbird with each disabled extension. Hopefully Thunderbird will work again once you've found the fishy extension.
It's sometimes useful to also start the JS console while you are doing such disabling bit by bit to see potential JS errors from the extensions, to do so add the option --jsconsole to the CLI call.
$ thunderbird --jsconsole
- In case you have found a faulty extension, check if it is up to date if the extension is installed manually!
- You can always install any extension within your local profile. The Thunderbird maintainers have no control over such extensions as the user has installed them. You need to take care of such extensions on your own.
- If the extension is installed from the Debian archive you will probably need to report a bug against this package. If you are unsure, contact the Thunderbird maintainers; we will guide you and push the problem to the correct people if possible.
- O.k. a problem related to Thunderbird is still existing. What else can I do?
The following advice is for more experienced users. You can check if the issue is still alive if you use a fresh clean profile; that's not that difficult. The rationale for this is that sometimes, for whatever reason, a broken user profile can cause a not fully working Thunderbird. This can be checked by using a fresh new profile. Create a new profile by simply using the profile manager, the existing profile won't touched.
$ thunderbird -P
And another option here is also to use the pre-compiled binary package (for amd64 or i686! only) from MZLNA to check if one or more issues are also happen with an upstream version of Thunderbird. To do so navigate to, pick up and click on the correct version and then select the correct platform linux-i686 or linux-x86_64 and finally choose your preferred language for Thunderbird. Extract the tarball and start the thunderbird binary, it will pick up your profile automatically!
- You are really sure you have found a issue, so you want to start a bug report?
Please take some time and check existing bug reports for similar issues! Yes, this takes a bit of time, but this will help the maintainers also! Please imagine that not only you have found an issue, some other user have also found the same problem just two days before you. If you start a separate bug report the maintainers need time to check if both reports are the same thing and coordinate their work to catch both user's problems correctly. This costs important time on the maintainer side which can't be used to solve the issue. So please, really check for existing bug reports before starting a new report. Thank you!
See also
CategorySoftware | CategoryNetwork | CategoryNetworkApplication | CategoryMail