Differences between revisions 251 and 252
Revision 251 as of 2018-01-10 11:47:30
Size: 13116
Comment: r-pkg-team: Debian R Packages Maintainers
Revision 252 as of 2018-01-11 00:36:21
Size: 13193
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: WindowMaker
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * [[Teams/WindowMaker|pkg-wmaker]] - The Debian WindowMaker packaging team

Translation(s): English - indonesia - Italiano - Русский

This page aims to provide an entry point to the various Debian internal teams. The goal is to document everything that is important for people who want to help and maybe later join the corresponding teams. If you're part of such a team, you should check out the guidelines for internal teams, which provides information on creating and keeping a successful team.


For convenience, please keep the list alphabetically sorted.

Infrastructure and Core teams

  • ?Alioth - The administrators of alioth.debian.org and related services ({svn,bzr,arch,git,hg}.debian.org)

  • Backports - The Debian Backports FTP Masters

  • DAM - The Debian Account Manager(s)

  • Debbugs - The bugs.debian.org and debbugs maintainers

  • DebConf - organizers of the DebConf conference

  • Debian Buildd - Wanna-build and build daemon administrators

  • Debian CD - CD and DVD production

  • Debian Live - Live images toolchain and production

  • Debian Wiki - Admin and management of this wiki

  • Debian Women - The Debian Women Project

  • DPL - The Debian Project Leader

  • DSA - The Debian System Administrators

  • Events & Merchandise - Gather/organize events, including merchandise

  • FrontDesk - The Debian front desk for prospective developers

  • FTPMaster - FTP Masters

  • I18n - Internationalization and localization

  • KeyringMaint - Keyring maintainers

  • ListMaster - Debian List Masters

  • MIA - Debian "Missing in Action" team

  • Mirrors - Debian Mirrors Administrators

  • Outreach - Debian Outreach Team

  • Policy - The Debian Policy team

  • Publicity - The publicity team

  • Press - The press team (old, now merged with Publicity team)

  • QA - The Quality Assurance team

  • Release Team

  • RTC - Real Time Communications team

  • Secretary

  • Security - The security team

  • ?TestingSecurity - The testing security team

  • Treasurer - The Debian Treasurer(s)

  • Webmaster - The web team

Development Projects

Blends teams

Packaging teams

In addition to the general guidelines for teams there's a page collecting resources for packaging teams.

There are far more teams!

Help out

If you want to create a new page for a team, please enter the name of your team in CamelCase, press the button and fill out the template. It's best when the page is created by a member of the team. However, when the team is known to be overloaded, and if you would like to join that team to help out, it's wise to create the page and put all your knowledge about the team in that page. Then ask someone from the team to review it.

Some teams that have not yet been added to this page are listed in /TODO.

About this page

A somewhat similar effort was once started with ?TaskDescription but it was too theoretic and never got very far. This page aims to be much more concrete and lightweight so that people effectively keep it up to date.

CategoryTeams CategoryPackaging