r-pkg-team: Debian R Packages Maintainers
Website: This page
Salsa Project: https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team (group ID: 2429)
Tracker page: https://tracker.debian.org/teams/r-pkg-team/
Package Overview / QA: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=r-pkg-team%40alioth-lists.debian.net
Maintainer Dashboard: https://udd.debian.org/dmd/?r-pkg-team%40alioth-lists.debian.net#todo
Documentation: This page
Interacting with the team
Read the FAQ first: (To be written)
Email contact: <debian-r AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (Archives)
Public IRC channel: #tbd on irc.debian.org (OFTC)
Task description
We maintain collaboratively Debian packages distributing R libraries (packages), mostly from CRAN and Bioconductor. We use a standard Git layout (master/upstream/pristine-tar) and standard helpers: dh-r (preferred) or CDBS.
Get involved
Close a bug affecting a R package.
Report breakages not caught at build time.
Upload a new upstream release of a R package which you can pick from a list
Create a new R package.
Every Debian Developer, and every member of the Debian Med and Debian Science teams has a commit access to the packages stored in the r-pkg-team group in the Salsa GitLab forge.
If you'd like to add new git repo's to the r-pkg-team group, e.g. for not yet packaged r-cran software, ask for access with your salsa account by using the "Access Request" button at https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team.
Quick Start
To create an R package for Debian based on the package foo in CRAN, install dh-r and run
prepare_missing_cran_package foo
This should do most of the work for you. Make sure to fix everything marked FIXME manually.
Note: In spite of the hyphen-in-upstream-part-of-debian-changelog-version pedantic Lintian warning, please do not convert hyphens in upstream version numbers to dots. This can cause dependency issues.
Testing of packages
If you are interested there is a detailed description why we are testing our packages and how the tests are done.
Related pages
Debian R Policy: first public draft from 2003 (outdated and unauthoritative).
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