Differences between revisions 44 and 45
Revision 44 as of 2013-04-28 12:27:06
Size: 4926
Editor: victory
Revision 45 as of 2017-02-18 04:57:56
Size: 4961
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: link to the todo list on the website too
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Please check also the [[http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Webmaster/meetings|past meetings minutes]] for more TODO lists. Please check also the [[https://www.debian.org/devel/website/todo|website]] and [[Teams/Webmaster/meetings|past meetings minutes]] for more TODO lists.

Translation(s): none

A list of TODO items - now in a particular order

/!\ Please note that this is not a wish list! Use the bug tracking system to report them.

Please check also the website and past meetings minutes for more TODO lists.

About new layout


Via Mailing list:

-> http://people.debian.org/~spaillard/website/dynamic_cols/dynamic_columns_debhome.html may be an answer to these reports

Minor issues via BR:


  • Use Javascripts from get.debian.net to select/highlight the arch matching the visitor
  • make http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/ more compact (like CD/vendors, need mirror_list.pl tweak, and sorting the user country first) (bug 706324)

  • inter-sites links under the red button ? (symoon solution does work with CSS2 browsers, not IE7.. maybe not that much a problem ?)
  • which compatibility against web browsers are we looking for ? IE7 ? Default epiphany with small min font size?
  • there is a scaling issue on the front page when Iceweasel is set to "Zoom Text Only", the RSS buttons push the design so that a horizontal scroll bar appears. the issue appears to be that they are set to strictly 35px wide, instead of whatever size they need to be. turning off the width doesn't appear to have any adverse affects. I wonder if the line-height should be px too


  • red PLANET bit on planet.d.o/es needs to link back to the main page
  • planet.d.o/cgi-bin/search.cgi is completely unstyled


Reviving site's areas

  • improve /intro/help section reorganizing contents on how to contribute per-profile (see 608400)

  • review and update doc/books entries (Tolimar volunteers for that and has already some preparations)

  • set a specific road map for /doc/ area:

  • get rid of /misc/

    • /misc/merchandise should go in /events/

    • /misc/children-distros should go in /derivatives

  • Merge the /CD/ and /distrib/ part of the website, following up on 612116 or in a specific wiki page welcome

  • split data and content in /partners/ section

  • Use an UDD-like database to produce /devel/people


  • get all apache logs to a central location and run statistics over it
  • website <-> wiki relation. Which data comes where?