Size: 13035
Comment: ReleaseRecertification page needs link to @codename+1@ after @codename@ release
Size: 13018
Comment: release recertification wiki stuff moved away from ArchiveQualification namespace
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* [ ] Update these wiki pages (coordinated with ReleaseNotes's editor): FrontPage DebianReleases [[Status/Stable]] StableUpdates StableProposedUpdates [[Backports]] [[Welcome/Users]] [[Glossary]] [[Debian@Codename@]] [[Debian@Codename-1@]] [[Debian@Codename+1@]] ReleaseParty [[ReleaseParty@Codename@]] [[DebianArt/Themes]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork/@Codename+1@]] [[ArchiveQualification/@Codename+1@]] [[Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting]] [[Teams/Dpkg/FAQ]] SourcesList | * [ ] Update these wiki pages (coordinated with ReleaseNotes's editor): FrontPage DebianReleases ReleaseRecertification [[Status/Stable]] StableUpdates StableProposedUpdates [[Backports]] [[Welcome/Users]] [[Glossary]] [[Debian@Codename@]] [[Debian@Codename-1@]] [[Debian@Codename+1@]] ReleaseParty [[ReleaseParty@Codename@]] [[DebianArt/Themes]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork/@Codename+1@]] [[Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting]] [[Teams/Dpkg/FAQ]] SourcesList |
This is template of the RM's TODO list, which might not be authoritative or complete. To create a new release TODO list, add it to the list below and replace the @codename-1@ @codename@ @codename+1@ @codename+2@ etc placeholders, ensuring that you preserve the case of the placeholders in the values; replace "@Codename@" with "Bullseye" not bullseye".
The following things need to be done for a release:
Tagging RC Bugs
[ ] At some point, we will have to tag the remaining RC bugs to filter what should be removed/deferred/fixed. It's possible to define our own sorting criteria by sending the following request to
user usercategory @codename@-sort * @codename@ [tag=] + Blockers for @codename@ [@codename@-is-blocker] + Planned for removal [@codename@-will-remove] + Ignored for @codename@ [@codename@-can-defer]
Then, usertagged bugs will be listed on:
Useful references about this feature are:
Another very useful view on the RC bugs is via this udd view.
Before freeze
[ ] Decide on a code name for @codename@+2: @codename+2@
- [ ] Get that included in BTS tags:
- [ ] @gTags in /srv/ on
[ ] bts_release_tags and bts_release_ignore_tags in webwml
[ ] Edit wiki pages to add @codename+2@: DebianReleases Debian@Codename+2@ Debian@Codename+1@ Glossary
[ ] Add pages for @codename@+2: @codename+2@ get@codename+2@
- [ ] Get that included in BTS tags:
[ ] Edit/create wiki pages for @codename@: ReleaseParty ReleaseParty@Codename@ Debian@Codename@ ?NewIn@Codename@
[ ] Update pages to use @codename@: relparty
- [ ] Theme (artwork) design should be finalised and decided
- [ ] Prepare the website changes
[ ] Ensure that the following pages exist on
- [ ] index
- [ ] credits
- [ ] errata
- [ ] installmanual (requires installmanual is being built for @codename@ as well)
- [ ] releasenotes (requires releasenotes is being built for @codename@ as well)
- [ ] reportingbugs
[ ] There should also be a page for as there are some links to it.
- [ ] The pages should say they are beta versions/not released etc. at this point
[ ] Assert the architecture list is up to date (, new ports should be available on (ports/index.wml)
[ ] Ensure that updates to the installation-guide appear on the website (d-i) [To avoid a repeat of <>]
- [ ] Ensure that updates to the release-notes appear on the website
- [ ] Decide on Release Architectures
- [ ] Ensure image builds work for all release architectures
[ ] Generate and add release keys to debian-archive-keyring (see 860830 + 860831)
- [ ] SRMs generate one (technically, RMs can generate it too, but SRMs will need it post release)
[ ] "reportbug" to get it added to
[ ] FTP-masters generate several (see <>)
- [ ] SRMs generate one (technically, RMs can generate it too, but SRMs will need it post release)
- [ ] Have FTP masters create security + backports archive for upcoming release
- [ ] Re Announcements: Remember to clarify that -backports is read-only for the sake of assisting with upgrades.
- [ ] Remember to add the ACL to the @codename@-backports and @codename-1@-backports-sloppy suites
- [ ] Coordinate with security team to do a test upload to -security to check if it builds correctly everywhere
- [ ] also do an upload of a package that needs signing
- [ ] Coordinate with backports team to do a test upload to -backports to check if it builds correctly everywhere
- [ ] also do an upload of a package that needs signing
- [ ] this will probably need NEW processing by backports admins
- [ ] Have DSA upgrade a non-critical machine
- [ ] Suggestions include:
- [ ] Have DSA upgrade a buildd for each architecture
- [ ] Do a checklist for each architecture/buildd machine
[ ] Have DSA contact debian-services-admin to ask service maintainers to prepare their services for the @codename@ release (example mail)
[ ] and include how-can-i-help output for the package list from each machine
- [ ] Coordinate plan for English review + translators of the release-notes, so everyone has time to do their work.
- [ ] Some chapters can freeze before others (Notably, the "Issues" will want to stay open as long as possible)
- [ ] Mail: debian-l10n-english@, debian-i18n@, debian-doc@. debian-release@
- [ ] Ensure that www/freeze-and-release-dates.yaml is up-to-date
Before a Release
- [ ] binNMU everything that has a Built-Using header and is using old versions to remove old source packages from the release.
- [ ] d-i should have (beta or even better rc) releases
- [ ] Do at least one DVD making dry run with the right installer, to ensure that everything fits properly.
- [ ] Install Guide should be up-to-date
[ ] Make sure that reportbug contains the right stable to suite name tables. See: for details.
[ ] ReleaseNotes need to be updated:
[ ] Check with Linux kernel team for specials with the Kernel
- [ ] Check with d-i team for specials with this update (check esp. if old versions of d-i should be purged if new versions enter @codename@'s d-i area)
[ ] Check with Security Team for lower supported packages
[ ] Install & upgrade tests should reveal no undocumented (release notes, install guide) surprises
- [ ] Coordinate a release date at least 3 weeks before - involved teams/roles:
- [ ] Required
- [ ] FTP-masters
- [ ] SRMs (need to sign the Release file for "stable" that becomes "oldstable")
- [ ] Image team / Install media team
- [ ] Press (media coverage + sending the press announcement)
- [ ] Optional or/and Vetoers:
- [ ] d-i (optional for the day itself, but can veto the day - if d-i doesn't work, we cannot release)
- [ ] DSA (optional, but good to have in case of issues)
- [ ] Required
- [ ] Announce the release date on d-d-a, preferably coordinated with press@ / #d-publicity so they can do micronews
- [ ] Ensure that the planned release date is added to
- [ ] Ensure that mentions the release date under "Key release dates"
- [ ] Add release dates and relevant deadlines to the release calendar.
- [ ] Ensure that www/freeze-and-release-dates.yaml is up-to-date
- [ ] Website:
- [ ] Have a patch ready for template/debian/release_info.wml to update
[ ] Notify the Security Team of an upcoming Release
[ ] Notify the Debian CD team of an upcoming Release
[ ] Notify the DebianLive Team of an upcoming Release
- [ ] Notify the Mirror team of an upcoming Release
[ ] Notify the publicity team of an upcoming Release
- [ ] Decron trille for the week before the release to avoid daily emails with the same stale contents
[ ] Prepare press release
- [ ] coordinate with d-i team for text for d-i changes
- [ ] Prepare the wiki changes
While Releasing
[ ] Mention things that are happening on IRC so the publicity team can relay to social media
- [ ] Check with the FTP-Masters
- [ ] d-i needs to be copied to @codename+1@
- [ ] new win32-loader?
- [ ] cleanup of @codename@-proposed-updates and @codename@-security
- [ ] stable-updates needs its suite name hack updated to oldstable-updates
- [ ] debtags need to be copied from unstable
[ ] Check /srv/
- [ ] Check if /srv/ was updated.
- [ ] Sign the release file
- [ ] Check that everything that should be released really was released
[ ] Notify debian-security as people tend to cry occasionally
- [ ] Notify the Publicity Team, that Release is done (tell them when the Release will be pushed out)
[ ] Notify the Debian CD Team that the Release is done
[ ] Notify the DebianLive Team that the Release is done
- [ ] Update the website
[ ] Publish the ReleaseNotes
- [ ] Notify the Debian WWW team that the Release is done and is time to update the website
- [ ] Ask www team to update english/releases/
- [ ] Ask service owner to update search interface (default to @codename@)
- [ ] Ask publicity team to publish Release Announcement in website news area
- [ ] Ask www team to force website update
[ ] Check after the website update to make sure that it refers to @codename@ in release pages
- [ ] Update Wiki:
[ ] Update these wiki pages (coordinated with ReleaseNotes's editor): FrontPage DebianReleases ReleaseRecertification Status/Stable StableUpdates StableProposedUpdates Backports Welcome/Users Glossary ?Debian@Codename@ ?Debian@Codename-1@ ?Debian@Codename+1@ ReleaseParty ?ReleaseParty@Codename@ DebianArt/Themes DebianDesktop/Artwork ?DebianDesktop/Artwork/@Codename+1@ Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting Teams/Dpkg/FAQ SourcesList
- [ ] Ping the wiki team to run /srv/ early (cron runs @daily)
- [ ] Watch mailing-lists for abnormalities
- [ ] Backup/flush hint files.
- [ ] Update{oldoldstable,oldstable,stable,testing} symlinks; create @codename+1@ for testing as a copy of @codename@ and edit
[ ] Update these wiki pages that link to release.d.o codenames: ReleaseRecertification
After the release
[ ] Notify Distrowatch; send a mail to
[ ] Notify LWN, slashdot, Hacker News, Reddit, fresh(code)
[ ] Propose a micronews item on the #debian-publicity IRC channel
- [ ] Blog about release team experiences
- [ ] Bits from the release team mail
[ ] Update the Debian timeline
[ ] Update the Project History document and upload to stable-p-u
[ ] Notify derivatives about the release
[ ] Notify that the codename to suite mapping needs to be updated on the RC bugs pages:
[ ] Notify the web team that they should ping Debian users after a few months to check if they are still using Debian and to update their testimonials
- [ ] Add a tag for @codename+1@ to all bugs tagged 'sid'
- [ ] Remove -ignore tags from bugs in @codename@ that are candidates for fixing in point releases
[ ] Check with udd maintainers that the hardcoded values are updated (see SuitesAndReposExtension#udd)
[ ] Check with buildd team that buildds know about @codename+1@. (see SuitesAndReposExtension#wanna-build)
[ ] Check with other service/package maintainers that all the other hardcoded suite names or codenames are updated
Before enabling Britney and removing freeze hints
- [ ] Ensure that the BTS knows that testing has changed (to stop RC bugs regressions from migrating to testing)
- [ ] Ensure other data sources give information about @codename+1@
- [ ] Ensure dinstall run smoothly
- [ ] Ensure trille is croned if it was disabled for the week before the release
- [ ] ...