Size: 12494
Comment: installation guide is showing up
Size: 12489
Comment: sync wiki page updates with main checklist
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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* [ ] Get that included in BTS tags: * [ ] @gTags in /srv/ on (DebianBug:1029978) |
* (./) Get that included in BTS tags: * (./) @gTags in /srv/ on (DebianBug:1029978) |
Line 36: | Line 36: |
* [ ] Edit/create wiki pages for bookworm: ReleaseParty ReleasePartyBookworm DebianBookworm NewInBookworm * [ ] Update pages to use bookworm: [[|relparty]] |
* (./) Edit/create wiki pages for bookworm: ReleaseParty ReleasePartyBookworm DebianBookworm NewInBookworm * (./) Update pages to use bookworm: [[|relparty]] |
Line 141: | Line 141: |
* [ ] Update these wiki pages (coordinated with ReleaseNotes's editor): FrontPage DebianReleases [[Status/Stable]] StableUpdates StableProposedUpdates [[Backports]] [[Welcome/Users]] [[Glossary]] [[DebianBookworm]] [[DebianBullseye]] [[DebianTrixie]] ReleaseParty [[ReleasePartyBookworm]] [[DebianArt/Themes]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork/Trixie]] [[ArchiveQualification/Trixie]] [[Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting]] [[Teams/Dpkg/FAQ]] SourcesList | * [ ] Update these wiki pages (coordinated with ReleaseNotes's editor): FrontPage DebianReleases ReleaseRecertification [[Status/Stable]] StableUpdates StableProposedUpdates [[Backports]] [[Welcome/Users]] [[Glossary]] [[DebianBookworm]] [[DebianBullseye]] [[DebianTrixie]] ReleaseParty [[ReleasePartyBookworm]] [[DebianArt/Themes]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork]] [[DebianDesktop/Artwork/Trixie]] [[Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting]] [[Teams/Dpkg/FAQ]] SourcesList |
This is a RM's TODO list, which might not be authoritative or complete.
The following things need to be done for a release:
Tagging RC Bugs
At some point, we will have to tag the remaining RC bugs to filter what should be removed/deferred/fixed. It's possible to define our own sorting criteria by sending the following request to
user usercategory bookworm-sort * bookworm [tag=] + Blockers for bookworm [bookworm-is-blocker] + Planned for removal [bookworm-will-remove] + Ignored for bookworm [bookworm-can-defer]
Then, usertagged bugs will be listed on:
Useful references about this feature are:
Another very useful view on the RC bugs is via this udd view.
Before freeze
Decide on a code name for bookworm+2: forky
Get that included in BTS tags:
Edit wiki pages to add forky: DebianReleases DebianForky DebianTrixie Glossary
Edit/create wiki pages for bookworm: ReleaseParty ReleasePartyBookworm DebianBookworm NewInBookworm
Update pages to use bookworm: relparty
Theme (artwork) design should be finalised and decided announcement
- [ ] Prepare the website changes
Ensure that the following pages exist on
installmanual (requires installmanual is being built for bookworm as well)
releasenotes (requires releasenotes is being built for bookworm as well)
There should also be a page for as there are some links to it.
- [ ] The pages should say they are beta versions/not released etc. at this point
[ ] Assert the architecture list is up to date (, new ports should be available on (ports/index.wml)
Ensure that updates to the installation-guide appear on the website (d-i) [To avoid a repeat of <>]
Ensure that updates to the release-notes appear on the website
- [ ] Decide on Release Architectures
- [ ] Ensure image builds work for all release architectures
[ ] Generate and add release keys to debian-archive-keyring (see 1029215 + 1029214)
- [ ] SRMs generate one (technically, RMs can generate it too, but SRMs will need it post release)
[ ] "reportbug" to get it added to
[ ] FTP-masters generate several (see <>)
- [ ] SRMs generate one (technically, RMs can generate it too, but SRMs will need it post release)
Have FTP masters create security + backports archive for upcoming release
- [ ] Re Announcements: Remember to clarify that -backports is read-only for the sake of assisting with upgrades.
- [ ] Remember to add the ACL to the bookworm-backports and bullseye-backports-sloppy suites
- [ ] Coordinate with security team to do a test upload to -security to check if it builds correctly everywhere
- [ ] also do an upload of a package that needs signing
- [ ] Coordinate with backports team to do a test upload to -backports to check if it builds correctly everywhere
- [ ] also do an upload of a package that needs signing
- [ ] this will probably need NEW processing by backports admins
- [ ] Have DSA upgrade a non-critical machine
- [ ] Suggestions include:
- [ ] Have DSA upgrade a buildd for each architecture
- [ ] Do a checklist for each architecture/buildd machine
[ ] Have DSA contact debian-services-admin to ask service maintainers to prepare their services for the bookworm release (example mail)
[ ] and include how-can-i-help output for the package list from each machine
Coordinate plan for English review + translators of the release-notes, so everyone has time to do their work.
- [ ] Some chapters can freeze before others (Notably, the "Issues" will want to stay open as long as possible)
Mail: debian-l10n-english@, debian-i18n@, debian-doc@. debian-release@ <>
- [ ] Ensure that www/freeze-and-release-dates.yaml is up-to-date
Before a Release
- [ ] binNMU everything that has a Built-Using header and is using old versions to remove old source packages from the release.
- [ ] d-i should have (beta or even better rc) releases
- [ ] Do at least one DVD making dry run with the right installer, to ensure that everything fits properly.
- [ ] Install Guide should be up-to-date
[ ] Make sure that reportbug contains the right stable to suite name tables. See: for details.
[ ] ReleaseNotes need to be updated:
[ ] Check with Linux kernel team for specials with the Kernel
- [ ] Check with d-i team for specials with this update (check esp. if old versions of d-i should be purged if new versions enter bookworm's d-i area)
[ ] Check with Security Team for lower supported packages
[ ] Install & upgrade tests should reveal no undocumented (release notes, install guide) surprises
- [ ] Coordinate a release date at least 3 weeks before - involved teams/roles:
- [ ] Required
- [ ] FTP-masters
- [ ] SRMs (need to sign the Release file for "stable" that becomes "oldstable")
- [ ] Image team / Install media team
- [ ] Press (media coverage + sending the press announcement)
- [ ] Optional or/and Vetoers:
- [ ] d-i (optional for the day itself, but can veto the day - if d-i doesn't work, we cannot release)
- [ ] DSA (optional, but good to have in case of issues)
- [ ] Required
- [ ] Announce the release date on d-d-a, preferably coordinated with press@ / #d-publicity so they can do micronews
- [ ] Ensure that the planned release date is added to
- [ ] Ensure that mentions the release date under "Key release dates"
- [ ] Add release dates and relevant deadlines to the release calendar.
- [ ] Ensure that www/freeze-and-release-dates.yaml is up-to-date
- [ ] Website:
- [ ] Have a patch ready for template/debian/release_info.wml to update
[ ] Notify the Security Team of an upcoming Release
[ ] Notify the Debian CD team of an upcoming Release
[ ] Notify the DebianLive Team of an upcoming Release
- [ ] Notify the Mirror team of an upcoming Release
[ ] Notify the publicity team of an upcoming Release
- [ ] Decron trille for the week before the release to avoid daily emails with the same stale contents
[ ] Prepare press release
- [ ] coordinate with d-i team for text for d-i changes
- [ ] Prepare the wiki changes
While Releasing
[ ] Mention things that are happening on IRC so the publicity team can relay to social media
- [ ] Check with the FTP-Masters
- [ ] d-i needs to be copied to trixie
- [ ] new win32-loader?
- [ ] cleanup of bookworm-proposed-updates and bookworm-security
- [ ] stable-updates needs its suite name hack updated to oldstable-updates
- [ ] debtags need to be copied from unstable
- [ ] Check /srv/
- [ ] Check if /srv/ was updated.
- [ ] Sign the release file
- [ ] Check that everything that should be released really was released
[ ] Notify debian-security as people tend to cry occasionally
- [ ] Notify the Publicity Team, that Release is done (tell them when the Release will be pushed out)
[ ] Notify the Debian CD Team that the Release is done
[ ] Notify the DebianLive Team that the Release is done
- [ ] Update the website
[ ] Publish the ReleaseNotes
- [ ] Notify the Debian WWW team that the Release is done and is time to update the website
- [ ] Ask www team to update english/releases/
- [ ] Ask service owner to update search interface (default to bookworm)
- [ ] Ask publicity team to publish Release Announcement in website news area
- [ ] Ask www team to force website update
[ ] Check after the website update to make sure that it refers to bookworm in release pages
- [ ] Update Wiki:
[ ] Update these wiki pages (coordinated with ReleaseNotes's editor): FrontPage DebianReleases ReleaseRecertification Status/Stable StableUpdates StableProposedUpdates Backports Welcome/Users Glossary DebianBookworm DebianBullseye DebianTrixie ReleaseParty ReleasePartyBookworm DebianArt/Themes DebianDesktop/Artwork DebianDesktop/Artwork/Trixie Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting Teams/Dpkg/FAQ SourcesList
- [ ] Ping the wiki team to run /srv/ early (cron runs @daily)
- [ ] Watch mailing-lists for abnormalities
- [ ] Backup/flush hint files.
- [ ] Update{oldoldstable,oldstable,stable,testing} symlinks; create trixie for testing as a copy of bookworm and edit
After the release
[ ] Notify Distrowatch; send a mail to
[ ] Notify LWN, slashdot, Hacker News, Reddit, fresh(code)
[ ] Propose a micronews item on the #debian-publicity IRC channel
- [ ] Blog about release team experiences
- [ ] Bits from the release team mail
[ ] Update the Debian timeline
[ ] Update the Project History document and upload to stable-p-u
[ ] Notify derivatives about the release
[ ] Notify that the codename to suite mapping needs to be updated on the RC bugs pages:
[ ] Notify the web team that they should ping Debian users after a few months to check if they are still using Debian and to update their testimonials
- [ ] Add a tag for trixie to all bugs tagged 'sid'
- [ ] Remove -ignore tags from bugs in bookworm that are candidates for fixing in point releases
[ ] Check with udd maintainers that the hardcoded values are updated (see SuitesAndReposExtension#udd)
[ ] Check with buildd team that buildds know about trixie. (see SuitesAndReposExtension#wanna-build)
[ ] Check with other service/package maintainers that all the other hardcoded suite names or codenames are updated
Before enabling Britney and removing freeze hints
- [ ] Ensure that the BTS knows that testing has changed (to stop RC bugs regressions from migrating to testing)
- [ ] Ensure other data sources give information about trixie
- [ ] Ensure dinstall run smoothly
- [ ] Ensure trille is croned if it was disabled for the week before the release
- [ ] ...