Size: 4111
Comment: Adding Debian WSL into the picture
← Revision 63 as of 2021-03-24 01:42:28 ⇥
Size: 4264
Comment: mention the need for CD testers to have a date in advance
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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* Have an item added to the [[Teams/DebianCD/ReleaseTesting|Debian CD release testing page]] so CD testers can make themselves available on the date |
This is a SRM's TODO list, which might not be authorative or complete.
The following things need to be done for a point release:
Before a Point Release
- Move remaining (suitable) packages from p-u-new to p-u
- Make sure removal bugs are assigned to release.d.o in the BTS and mentioned in the queue-viewer
- /org/{o-,}p-u-new/COMMENTS/REMOVALS
Check with Kernel Team for specials with the Kernel
- Check with d-i team for specials with this update (check esp. if old versions of d-i should be purged if new versions enter $suite's d-i area)
Check if ReleaseNotes need to be updated. If yes, coordinate with translators
Check if the Security Team's debtags need to be updated. If so, coordinate with EnricoZini.
Coordinate date with the FTP-Team, Debian CD and Press Team
- Have an FTP-master ready/notified/available 3 weeks before the Point Release
Have an item added to the Debian CD release testing page so CD testers can make themselves available on the date
- Make sure base-files has been uploaded to update /etc/debian-version (this can be lingering in p-u-NEW for a while in advance, too)
- Ping for an updated ia32-libs
- Make sure user-mode-linux is built against the latest kernel.
- Check whether any packages need adding or updating in $suite-r0
- Send an announcement of the date to the release, security, press, CD, live, kernel, installer and web teams using this list of addresses:
Send an announcement to debian-stable-announce encouraging people to test stuff in p-u (for the misc bugfixes, not the incorporated DSAs, see SUA3-1 for an example).
Prepare Press Announcement
- coordinate with d-i team for text for d-i changes
- Generate the mail using point-release-mail.
- Review that security archive is in sync with stable + p-u
- Review that p-u is built on all arches for all packages
- Prepare the website changes
During the Point Release
- Deactivate the queue-viewer
- Check with the FTP-Masters
- List of packages that needs to be released
- List of packages (including bug numbers) that need to be removed
- /srv/$queue/COMMENTS/REMOVALS , displayed on queue-viewer
- List of packages that need updating in $suite-r0
- Need d-i to be moved from p-u?
- Need to decruft?
- Check /srv/$codename/ChangeLog
- Check if /srv/ was updated.
- Sign the release file
After the Point Release
- Check that everything that should be released really was released
- Archive/tidy the COMMENTS directory and reactivate the queue-viewer
Notify as people tend to cry occasionally
Notify the PressTeam, that Point Release is done (tell them when the Point Release will be pushed out)
Notify the Debian CD Team that the Point Release is done
Notify the DebianLive Team that the Point Release is done
- Notify rha for Debian WSL build to update the filesystem tarball, sign and upload to Microsoft for onward distribution via Microsoft Store
- Update the website
- Watch mailing-lists for abnormalities
Notify Distrowatch; send a mail to
Propose a tweet/dent on the #debian-publicity IRC channel
Submit a patch for the Debian timeline
Update the version number on various wiki pages (DebianSqueeze DebianWheezy)