Differences between revisions 43 and 45 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 43 as of 2023-07-21 08:07:52
Size: 4163
Editor: LauraArjona
Comment: Simplify the tasks, the web part now is under webmaster team umbrella: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Webmaster/PointReleaseWorkflow
Revision 45 as of 2023-09-06 07:05:51
Size: 4149
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: use a link instead of raw URL, wording
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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1.5. Follow the instructions in https://micronews.debian.org/pages/contribute.html to send a microblogging that will be published in micronews.debian.org and mirrored in the @debian profile in different social networks. 1.5. Follow the [[https://micronews.debian.org/pages/contribute.html|contribution instructions]] to send a microblog that will be published in micronews.debian.org and mirrored in the @debian profile in different social networks.
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Note: The webmaster team can start preparing the website changes related to installation images as soon as the announcement is published in the web (after 1.2 step is done). The web cron jobs will stay stopped until the images are ready for download, so if there are new translations of the announcement there won't be published until the images are ready for download. Please refer to https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Webmaster/PointReleaseWorkflow for the web team workflow and coordinate with them in #debian-www or #debian-release if there is any issue Note: The webmaster team can start preparing the website changes related to installation images as soon as the announcement is published in the web (after 1.2 step is done). The web cron jobs will stay stopped until the images are ready for download, so if there are new translations of the announcement there won't be published until the images are ready for download. Please refer to [[Teams/Webmaster/PointReleaseWorkflow|the web team workflow]] and coordinate with them in #debian-www or #debian-release if there is any issue

Workflow for the Release Point announcements

This page describe the current workflow and best practices for the creation and publication of announcements of release points.

This task has to be run by Publicity delegates and/or webmasters because you need permissions to stop cron jobs, build the website, and push to mirrors.

1. The release team will probably have written a draft (or two if there is release point for stable and oldstable) in the publicity announcements git repository under en/$year/YYYYMMDD.wml and have sent a mail to debian-publicity@lists.debian.org (adding in CC debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org and debian-i18n@lists.debian.org) asking for reviews and translations, so check the folders of other languages (or commit log of the repository).

1.1. Commit the announcement files to the website repo:

1.1.1. You need to add it to the webwml git repository at webwml/english/News/$year with the namescheme YYYYMMDD.wml. Add and commit the English version first. Then, take note of the hash of the commit of the English file (you can do "git log english/News/$year/YYYYMMDD.wml" and copy the hash of the most recent commit).

1.1.2. Then copy the translations to their corresponding folders (adding Makefiles if needed), and then edit them to add the hash in the "translation-check" header.

For example, let's say that the French translation file has a first line like this:

#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="      " maintainer="Jean-Pierre Giraud"

Then you have to paste the hash so it looks like something like this:

#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="0788aa9ab387393e2e9236d36df0630ae1c038c6" maintainer="Jean-Pierre Giraud"

Save the files, and then add and commit the translations (and makefiles if any) You can add and commit all the files at the same time.

1.1.3. Edit the /english/homepagenews.data file to add the YYYYMMDD of the announcement on top, and remove an old news (usually the announcement of the former release point, so we don't have for example 10.9 and 10.8 on the homepage). Important: Remove any extra blank lines at the end of the file, to avoid the build producing the line "No news items for this year" after the list of news. Commit the changes.

1.2. Publish the announcement. Run a partial rebuild of the website. We'll do it in two steps:

Rebuild the News folder:

   ssh -tt www-master.debian.org sudo -u debwww /srv/www.debian.org/update-part News

Now update the homepage (and RSS), and push to mirrors again:

   ssh -tt www-master.debian.org sudo -u debwww NOSUBDIRS=1 /srv/www.debian.org/update-part index

1.3. Now you're ready for creating the mail: the script to create it is the publicity dpn repo under scripts/DPNhtml2mail.pl Please note that the script is not perfect: a check and a couple of adjustments by hand are usually required (and a patch to improve it, as well!)

./scripts/DPNhtml2mail.pl -t news -i $year/$date

1.4. Send the mail to debian-announce@lists.debian.org.

1.5. Follow the contribution instructions to send a microblog that will be published in micronews.debian.org and mirrored in the @debian profile in different social networks.

2. Remove the announcement from the publicity announcements git repository once it has been published.

3. Finally, update the debian-timeline with this event.

Note: The webmaster team can start preparing the website changes related to installation images as soon as the announcement is published in the web (after 1.2 step is done). The web cron jobs will stay stopped until the images are ready for download, so if there are new translations of the announcement there won't be published until the images are ready for download. Please refer to the web team workflow and coordinate with them in #debian-www or #debian-release if there is any issue