Debian Outreach team - meeting minutes



* Picking project
* Do we need to update delegation
* Any other things/project that we want to do in outreach.
    - GSoD has nothing to with outreach team.   
* Debconf slot request.
* Should we have timely meeting once in two month or something.
   public recorded meetings good instead of video meeting.
   Can have video meeting once in a while to catch up/do sprint
* Infrastructure
    preparing a pages website for our team.
* AoB

Meeting started by Abhijith at 10:08:12 IST. 

People present
1 Abhijith
2 Pranav

1. Jaminy


*  Approved projects and abhijith will ping couple of projects to update their project field, mentors
*  Last delegation was two years ago. Will be updating delegation after discussing with members not present in the meeting
* Outreach team is open to have more programs than just GSoC and outreachy. Only problem is the human power that team lacks. GSoD has nothing to do with debian outrech team. (update 05/09/24, actually it is reaching out to technical writer community (professional or otherwise), so its definitely within outreach program, (abhijith)) 
* Sruthi or Pranav will request the slot for outreach team. Activities will be discussed over mail
* Love to have regular meetings over IRC, but availability and coordinating over time 
will be the problem as every one will loose initial interest. Agreed to have video meeting once in a while for sprint/catch up.
*Team love to have a blog like thing with static site generators to feed to Abhijith working on salsa for