Debian OCaml Task Force
A collaborative effort to maintain Debian packages related to the OCaml programming language
Website: OCamlTaskForce (this wiki page)
Salsa group:
Documentation: see more stuff below
Interacting with the team
Email contact: <>
Public IRC channel: #debian-ocaml on (OFTC)
Joining: wanna join us? you are more than welcome! please send an introductory mail to our email contact above, and then request to join the Alioth Project using the legacy GForge mechanism
Task description
The Debian OCaml Maintainers Task Force is up to package OCaml-related programs and libraries in Debian, to make as easy as possible the usage of such pieces of software.
Our usual activities include both routine packaging and maintenance of OCaml-related software and formalization in our policy of best practice for the OCaml packaging in Debian.
Get involved / future work
policy related stuff
OCaml backports coordination page: OCamlBackports
what about a camlp4-misc package?
Past work
essay on OCaml link-time compatibility and Debian dependencies
superseded by JFLA 2010 paper: Enforcing Type-Safe Linking using Inter-Package Relationships
More stuff
OCaml-related packages in Debian distribution are quite a lot, here you can find some resources to monitor them:
Package Entropy Tracker for OCaml Team's packages
source package list ; formats: `.html`, `.txt`
build dependency graph ; formats: `.dot`, `.ps`, `.png`
build order (.txt only)
Bugs in packages maintained by
We wrote a policy establishing best practices for packaging OCaml-related software in Debian. It is available both in HTML and plain text formats. It can also be found in the `dh-ocaml` package on your filesystem.
Debian OCaml Packaging Policy ; formats: `.html`, `.txt`
Version Control System
Most of our packages are maintained using Git, more specifically with git-buildpackage (for building), git-import-orig+pristine-tar (for upstream tarballs) and git-import-dsc (to acknowledge NMUs). Our repositories are available on Salsa. You can browse online our repositories, or check one out using the dom-git-checkout script (from the dh-ocaml package).