This page lists the packages we think would be useful to Mobian users. Feel free to edit it by:
- adding new nice-to-have packages
indicate you're working on a specific package (please provide the Salsa repo URL if possible) and update its status
remove packages already uploaded and accepted into Debian
Graphical environments
Plasma Mobile
- Nice to have
index-fm: file manager (it depends on mauikit, then that should also be packaged) not really needed any more, as Dolphin now behaves well on mobile
other mauikit based applications:
Rust based apps
other apps
Headlines: GTK4/libadwaita C++ based Reddit client (BLOCKED on an outdated dependency)
Other third-party software
postmarketos-tweaks: (could/should probably be renamed, see upstream issue) very outdated early packaging. Existing package may be used for example but should be restarted if picked up by a new maintainer.
Saber: handwriting notes, with builtin network sync via ?NextCloud
- Flutter based, difficult to package (for now upstream provides flatpak)
Mobian packages
meta-mobian (needs to be reworked, best to wait for the mobian-tweaks/mobile-tweaks refactor and merge)
mobile-usb-networking: interesting comments on the ML, heavy rework needed
not an urgent issue, it can stay in Mobian only for a while (only rdeps are <device>-support Mobian packages)
Debian packages needing action
Pure Maps
It depends on libnemodbus1, this repository has source fopr a libnemodbus package which has a build-dependency on qt5-default but appears to build OK without it.
It also depends on mapbox-gl-qml which seems to be from this repository which has no debian/ directory. Where do we find source for this?
This blog post has the information on the last serious attempt to do it
- Emulates a laptop-style touchpad device using a touchscreen, good for accessibility.
- Upstream's debian packaging not ready for submission
Debian native packages
- None for now