Website: http://www.debian.org/mirrors
Unix group: mirroradm
- Services handled by the team:
providing /srv/mirrors/* on .debian.org hosts.
ftp.NN.d.o entry's points.
Maintaining the Mirrors masterlist.
- Maintaining sync hierarchy, rsync credentials and mirror triggers for downstream mirrors
Maintaining/developing archvsync, the software to mirror Debian archives.
Assessing the status of the mirror network
Interacting with the team
Read the FAQ first: ?FAQ replace that link if you already have a FAQ somewhere else
Email contact:
debian-mirrors@lists.debian.org - public mailing list
mirrors@debian.org - reach mirroradm only
Request tracker:
Public IRC channel: #debian-mirrors on irc.debian.org (OFTC)
- Source repos:
ftpsync set of scripts used: https://ftp-master.debian.org/git/archvsync.git
Data: https://salsa.debian.org/mirror-team/masterlist/-/blob/master/Mirrors.masterlist
Pages on the webwml repo: https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/-/tree/master/english/mirror
BTS tags
The mirrors team uses BTS Usertags to categorize the various issues. The tags user is mirrors@packages.debian.org. The following tags are recognized:
- archvsync
- For bugs concerning the archvsync (ftpsync) scripts
- mirror-list
Updates to the Mirrors masterlist and related issues
- mirror-submission
new entries to the list. Those tagged with moreinfo are considered work-in-progress, the others new.
- mirroradm
- Debian-operated mirrors (such as ftp.debian.org) and syncproxies. In particular, this is for rsync access and push setup.
- httpredir
- Issues around httpredir.debian.org.
- misc
- everything else that didn't fix another category.
Usual roles
- Simon Paillard - (symoon)
- Joerg Jaspert - (Ganneff)
- Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
- Raphael Geissert - (raphael)
- Donald Norwood - (IRC nick cnote)
- Peter Palfrader - (weasel)
- Bastian Blank - (waldi)
Task description
The team is in charge of mirrors :
- for the own Debian infrastructure: archive, webpages, services
- for users: mirrors of the packages archive, including non debian.org hosts
Get involved
Report issues you encounter while using some Debian mirror http://bugs.debian.org/mirrors
Process bugs from http://bugs.debian.org/mirrors
Convince admins of mirrors to use recommended ftpsync and setup push
(Graphical) statistics in time (munin, rrdtool, R) about archive size per architecture / section
Implement all useful tests against mirrors as nagios plugins, see Tests
Figure out and implement push redundancy in ftpsync
YAML'ise all mirroradm config
Generate Nagios config from YAML
Generate ftpsync/runmirror/rsync config from YAML
Figure out generic redirector based on Geographic/Network distance and implement some Content Directory Network
More stuff
Data from Simon not moved to the correct place yet: http://teubr.eu.org/~spaillar/debian/qamirrors/
- Useful inputs and tools:
a previous (not implemented) GSoC proposal
RFC about content delivery network: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3568
maybe anycast one : http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1546
Hook jigdo built with ftpsync: http://debian.nautile.nc/~mirror/jigdo/
nagios specific parameters (useful to check architectures): http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/customobjectvars.html