Debian I18n Team
Salsa Project:
Unix group: debian-i18n
General mailing list: <debian-i18n AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Development mailing list: <debian-l10n-devel AT lists DOT alioth DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
- Services handled by the team:
- I18n resources on host
- DDTP on host
Interacting with the team
Email contact: <debian-l10n-devel AT lists DOT alioth DOT debian DOT org>
Public IRC channel: #debian-i18n on OFTC (webchat)
Usual roles
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (IRC nick faw) handles team resources system administration
- Nicolas François (IRC nick nekral) maintains the team's various scripts and robots
- Martijn van Oosterhout (IRC nick kleptog) is in charge of the DDTSS (the DDTP web interface) and partly of the DDTP
- Michael Bramer (IRC nick grisu) is in charge of the DDTP
Language coordinators (please notice that these positions are somehow informal : Debian l10n, just like other areas in Debian, is a do-ocracy where those who lead things are those who do things):
Brazilian Portuguese: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-portuguese AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Czech: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-czech AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Dutch: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-dutch AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
French: David Prévot. Mailing list: <debian-l10n-french AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
German: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-german AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Indonesian Mailing list: <debian-l10n-indonesian AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Italian: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-italian AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Portuguese: Mailing list: <traduz AT debianpt DOT org>
Russian: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-russian AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Spanish: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-spanish AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Swedish: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-swedish AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
Vietnamese: Mailing list: <debian-l10n-vietnamese AT lists DOT debian DOT org> (archives)
- This list is not exhaustive. If "your" team is not listed here, please add it. If your team doesn't exist, create it!
ChristianPerrier (IRC nick bubulle) acted as overall i18n animator and guru
- Simon Paillard (IRC nick symoon) is the team's interface with the WWW team
Task description
The team maintains resources used to work on the localization and internationalization of several parts of the Debian Project
translation of packages and of packages interaction with users
translation of packages descriptions (also named DDTP)
translation of the web site (shared with the WWW Team)
statistics about Debian localization
Get involved
Involve yourself in one of the localization teams and start working on translations and reviews
Help documenting the internationlization and localization work
Help setting up a more centralized l10n resources interface (services such as Weblate)