SDL packaging team
Salsa Project:
Upstream website:
Interacting with the team
Email contact: <pkg-sdl-maintainers AT lists DOT alioth DOT debian DOT org>
Public IRC channel: #debian-sdl on (OFTC)
Joining the team
Create an account on
Request to join the team on
- Please, send a mail to the address mentioned above to present yourself and tell us what
- activity you wish to do within the team
Usual roles
DominiqueDumont (IRC nick dod or dodathome), will gladly welcome new members and aim to review packages of said new members
- Sam Hocevar (IRC nick sam)
- Miriam Ruiz will review packages
- Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo (mafm) maintains SDL packages.
- Felix Geyer (debfx) maintains SDL packages.
Task description
Packaging SDL libraries.
SDL games are usually packaged by debian-games team.
Get involved
Help me update this page
Adopt a SDL package
Packaging with git
There's no document dedicated for SDL team, yet. The best way is to read git doc from perl team, forget about dh-make-perl in there and think "sdl" when you read "perl".
Current situation
Team activity snapshot:
- Note: new sdlperl is available in experimental as libsdl-perl:
SDL team now use git: look for sdl in
- Thanks to mafm and debfx, the SDL packages maintained by the team are now up-to-date.
- Some SDL packages are maintained outside of SDL team. Their current maintainer are welcome to join the team.
Old stuff
- old version of SDL packages are available in SVN
- SVN repo does not show up in alioth viewvc. don't know why
On-going tasks
Updated 2012-01-19
- Dod is working on updating libsdl-perl:
- New version is available in experimental
- Cannot be uploaded in unstable until its dependencies are fixed (upstream is working on it):
- frozen-bubble: ready upstream as version 2.2.1-beta1
- dizzy: ready to be packaged once libsdl-perl is available
- pangzero: original upstream author is unresponsive. perl-sdl upstream is working on it.
- New frozen-bubble could be uploaded as sdl-mixer1.2 is up-to-date
TODO list
At least:
- Triage bugs
If you have no other dedicated place to document stuff concerning your team, then use this place. You can put documentation (with warnings and infos), FAQ, TODO list (see "Get Involved" above) , ideas () etc.
You can use ?Subpages to structure the content if you have many things to document here.