FreeSmartphone.Org packaging team
See DebianOnFreeRunner for user and general information. This page contains information for the pkg-fso packaging team.
We want to add the applications and tools developed by FreeSmartphone.Org (FSO) for devices like the Openmoko FreeRunner to Debian and ensure that Debian can be used as the system on these devices. After all, Debian is the universal operating system.
We share the mailing list with the upstream FreeSmartphone.Org developers: There is also pkg-fso-maint at alioth and as our IRC channel, we use #openmoko-cdevel on freenode.
We have had a repository on that contained packages until they were incorporated in Debian, both for armel and desktop architectures. Practically everything there is nowadays in 2012 replaced by newer versions in Debian main, but for checking for possibly interesting missed small things you can access the repository using these apt lines:
deb unstable main deb-src unstable main
To suppress apt authentication warnings you can upload the pkg-fso-keyring package after adding the repository:
apt-get install pkg-fso-keyring apt-get update
Please be aware that some packages might depend on packages in Debian experimental (or nowhere anymore). You thus need to activate it in your sources.list. By default only packages that are explicitly needed will be pulled from experimental.
To upload packages to this repository with dput, you can use this configuration snippet:
[pkg-fso] method = scp fqdn = #login = someone incoming = /home/groups/pkg-fso/repository/incoming post_upload_command = ssh /home/groups/pkg-fso/repository/bin/process_incoming
FSO + SHR stack
Attached is a dependency graph in PNG and SVG formats (source).
Common: fso-config-gta02
"FSO1": main package fso-frameworkd
fso-abyss - libgsm0710mux0 - libgsm0710
fso-gpsd - fso-misc-vapi - fso-specs - fso-usaged - libfso-glib0 - libfsobasics0 - libfsoframework0 - libframeworkd-glib - libfsotransport - - libfsoresource
"FSO2": main package?? cornucopia from upstream
libphone-ui-shr - libphone-ui - libphone-ui-backend - libphone-utils - phonefsod - phoneuid - phoneui-apps
This is an overview of the packages maintained by pkg-fso.
fso-frameworkd: System daemon providing most phone features via dbus.Bugs
fso-utils: Various tools, including mdbus, mickeyterm, uboot-enveditBugs
gsm0710muxd: GSM multiplexer daemonBugs
uboot-envtools: Tools to read and modify the U-Boot boot loader environment.Bugs
zhone-session: Init scripts to start zhone on system start. Do not install this on your desktop.Bugs
Some packages, especially those that are in a git repository upstream, are maintained in git repositories, using git-buildpackage:
fso-frameworkd: git:// Gitweb
fso-utils: git:// Gitweb
gsm0710muxd: git:// Gitweb
uboot-envtools: git:// Gitweb
xf86-video-glamo: git:// Gitweb
zhone-session: git:// Gitweb
There is also a repository for various other files, including the installation script
files: git:// Gitweb
These bugs are relevant for us and should be monitored regularly:
Bugs in any of the fso-pkg packages
#435662 apt-get/aptitude: too many xserver dependencies
#449049 powermgmt-base: must not use /sbin/MAKEDEV
#494612 python-edbus: FTBFS on debian unstable chroot on x86
xserver-xorg-input-tslib all bugs in xserver-xorg-input-tslib package
dropbear all bugs in dropbear package
Each bug in pkg-fso packages or any other package affecting Debian on the Openmoko FreeRunner should be marked with an usertag. You can browse all usertagged bugs by this link or grouped by tag.
Here the list of already used usertags:
upstream-fso, as a workaround for #496692
dfsg, against the DebianFreeSoftwareGuidelines
- infrastructure-*, affecting the resources used by pkg-fso
- package-*, affecting one of the package "steps"
- config-*, affecting the configuration of a specific software
- network-*, affecting network components
- input-*, affecting input methods
bluetooth, affecting bluetooth
(08/2010): Migrating and fixing stuff from pkg-fso repository to official archives:
- neon - should be renamed to neon-image-viewer
- remoko/remoko-server
- pypennotes
- openmoko-panel-plugin
- gestures-*
xf86-video-glamo w/ libdrm-glamo - see what's up with them
- auxlaunch - code a bit shaky?
- woosh - maybe? not really that much better than others, eg. no finger scrolling
- Additionally, the ongoing transition of *fso* etc. packages, a majority of which has already been achieved.
Maybe worth packaging:
(older) These should be looked into:
switch to busybox to reduce disk space usage (AFAIK the only package missing would be dropbear) discussion on the smartphone-standards mailing list, but it deviates a bit too much from a standard Debian system link
- modify U-Boot environment variables from a running system. This is partly working in the script, but needs more testing and debugging.
- directly install uImage.bin on the rootfs (it seems that uBoot does not support large sdcards. Feels like 1998 :-). (Rumors say it’s possible with newer uboots))
- Automatically detect a USB client device at the USB port, and switch to host mode.
zhone-session should start a proper session (su -l maybe) discussion on the smartphone-userland mailing list not-yet-released implementation
- write manpages to conform to Debian policy
- Packaging of nice apps: (but there is already an older oSIP project) (if there is some Debian + Twitter user willing to answer user request – I don’t use twitter)
DebianOnFreeRunner/Todo is a separate page that lists some less concrete things that one might want to work on.
- Help user experience with others
numptyphysics needs patches to be applied for ?OpenMoko screen size #586516 (Svn-VCS, home page)