Differences between revisions 25 and 26
Revision 25 as of 2022-08-15 13:10:35
Size: 2432
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: typo
Revision 26 as of 2022-12-04 02:28:28
Size: 2623
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: add loong64
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 43: Line 43:
 * loong64: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
Line 54: Line 55:
For loong64 the list does not exist and the usertags are on debian-devel so you should *not* X-Debbugs-CC the debian-devel mailing list.


These tags are meant to signal that particular bugs are architecture-specific. Maintainers are encouraged to mark any and all architecture-specific bugs with the below tags, whether or not a fix is available; this will allow porters to get a better overview of the state of their port.

For architecture-specific Debian installer bugs, also add the architecture name as a usertag for the debian-boot@lists.debian.org user.

When filing architecture-specific bugs, please also ensure that you add an X-Debbugs-CC field listing each of the appropriate porter lists.

When filing a bug that affects multiple architectures, you can add multiple pairs of User + Usertags pseudo-headers to set multiple architecture usertags.

The generic format of these tags is:

  • User: first ports mailing list
  • Usertags: first port name
  • User: second ports mailing list
  • Usertags: second port name

The port mailing list name is usually 'debian-$architecture@lists.debian.org' or 'debian-$archfamily@lists.debian.org'. Examples of the latter include:

There are some exceptions to these rules:

For both kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64 (aka GNU/kFreeBSD) please add the usertag kfreebsd in addition to the architecture names.

For x32 the list does not exist so you should X-Debbugs-CC: debian-amd64@lists.debian.org instead.

For loong64 the list does not exist and the usertags are on debian-devel so you should *not* X-Debbugs-CC the debian-devel mailing list.
