Differences between revisions 70 and 71
Revision 70 as of 2022-02-08 21:23:19
Size: 9137
Editor: ?TomaszBywalec
Comment: "Standing out in the crowd" link does not seem to work anymore. Replaced with a link to YouTube video with the OSCON 09 keynote.
Revision 71 as of 2022-02-09 09:30:52
Size: 9255
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: use archive.org for the blog post, keep link to youtube
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 130: Line 130:
 * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brZz_upFG-g |Standing out in the crowd (YouTube video)]]  * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20090728123941/http://infotrope.net/blog/2009/07/25/standing-out-in-the-crowd-my-oscon-keynote|Standing out in the crowd]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brZz_upFG-g|video]])

Community Team

Task description

The Debian Community Team is a group of volunteers working to help make Debian a welcoming place for contributors to collaborate. We're not working alone here - we expect all of Debian's contributors to be part of that. But we're here to help as/when/if things are not working so well.

We are the correct people to contact when members of the Debian community want to inform somebody about violations of the Debian Code of Conduct or the DebConf Code of Conduct.

If you contact us, we promise that we will treat your request with dignity and confidentiality, investigate, and take or propose whatever actions are appropriate.

We also act as a point of contact for Debian event organisers who want guidance when setting up a code of conduct or anti-harassment policy.

Our primary contact method is via the email alias community@debian.org


We've started documenting our processes in the wiki - see /Process.


  • In April 2020 the Debian Project Leader officially delegated the Community Team. See the delegation email for the full text.

  • In August 2020 the DPL updated the delegation to add Molly and Sruthi to the list of delegates. See the delegation email for the full text.

  • In January 2022 the DPL updated the delegation to add Andy Cater to the list of delegates, and acknowledge AndySimpkins and Pierre-Elliott stepping back. See the delegation email for the full text.

Name change

We used to be called the Anti-Harassment team, but we thought that was not a good name to match up with what we hoped to achieve. We do also still accept email sent to antiharassment@debian.org, in case people find that address when searching for us.

Current team members


IRC nick







Jean-Philippe Mengual




Luke W. Faraone




Molly de Blanc




Sruthi Chandhan




Andrew Cater




Emeritus team members

Thanks to these persons for their previous dedication to this task:

  • Pierre-Elliott Bécue (IRC nick peb)

  • AndySimpkins (IRC nick RattusRattus)

  • Martina Ferrari (IRC nick Tina)
  • Laura Arjona Reina (IRC nick larjona)
  • Neil McGovern (IRC nick Maulkin)

  • Margarita Manterola (IRC nick marga)
  • Patty Langasek (IRC nick harmoney)
  • Amaya Rodrigo (IRC nick amaya)

Interacting with the team

This is a private email contact that's forwarded to the people in the community team.

If you desire more privacy, you can send encrypted mail there, using the team's OpenPGP key: 817DAE61E2FE4CA28E1B7762A89C4D0527C4C869

Reports from the team

Further info

Note: this section is "work in progress". Some more links will be posted, maybe some deleted to keep the list simple, and hopefully, the content will be organized in topics.

On policies to prevent/deal with harassment:

Adopt a Language of Respect and Equality:

(Most of these readings are targeted at sexism, but just pretend you are reading about ethnic minorities, disabled people, whatever group under-represented in Debian, and voilà! It still works!)
