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Debian Wiki System Administration portal - This portal covers all aspects of administering Debian GNU/Linux systems, including installation, package management, configuration, monitoring and security.

Quick access


Portal/IDB/icon-backup-32x32.png Backup And Recovery
Portal/IDB/icon-floppy-32x32.png Boot process
Portal/IDB/icon-configure-32x32.png Configuring systems
Portal/IDB/icon-drive-cdrom-32x32.png Installation
Portal/IDB/icon-kernel-32x32.png Kernel
Portal/IDB/icon-monitor-32x32.png Monitoring
Portal/IDB/icon-chipset-32x32.png Hardware

Portal/IDB/icon-apt-32x32.png Package management
Portal/IDB/icon-printer-32x32.png Printing
Portal/IDB/icon-backup-32x32.png Rescue
Portal/IDB/icon-security-32x32.png Security and Reliability Management
Portal/IDB/icon-community-32x32.png Users and Groups Management
Portal/IDB/icon-emulator-32x32.png Virtualization
Portal/IDB/icon-display-32x32.png X system
Portal/IDB/icon-hdd-32x32.png Storage and file systems

Wiki pages

Portal refactoring/merging in progress below this point

List of pages related to System Administration in Debian:

  1. AdministrationTools
  2. AptCacherNg
  3. AptConfiguration
  4. AutomatedUpgrade
  5. BIOS
  6. Backup
  7. BackupAndRecovery
  8. BackupAndRecoveryWork
  9. Bash
  10. BashColors
  11. Boot-Info
  12. Boot-Repair
  13. BootProcess
  14. BootProcessSpeedup
  15. Btrfs
  16. ChangeLanguage
  17. ChildProcess
  18. Cloud
  19. Cloud/AmazonEC2DebianInstaller
  20. Cloud/AmazonEC2Image
  21. Cloud/GoogleComputeEngineImage
  22. Cloud/SystemsComparison
  23. Cloud/TorqueCluster
  24. CommandLine
  25. CommandsCLI
  26. ConfigPackages
  27. Console
  28. Cron
  29. Cryptography
  30. DDNS
  31. DHCP_Server
  32. DatabaseServers
  33. DateTime
  34. DebianAlternatives
  35. DebianEdu/Documentation/ITIL
  36. DebianEdu/Documentation/ITIL/AllInOne
  37. DebianEdu/Documentation/ITIL/InfrastructureSetup
  38. DebianEdu/Infrastructure
  39. DebianFirewall
  40. DebianHosting
  41. DebianInstaller/NetbootFirmware
  42. DebianInstaller/SataRaid
  43. DebianInstaller/SoftwareRaidRoot
  44. DebianKVMGuests
  45. DebianKernel
  46. DebianSecurity/debsecan
  47. Debian_Systems_Administration_for_non-Debian_SysAdmins
  48. DefaultPrograms
  49. DiskFreeSpace
  50. Doas
  51. Docker
  52. DontBreakDebian
  53. DotFilesList
  54. Dovecot
  55. DrBd
  56. DualBoot
  57. Duplicity
  58. EVMS
  59. EnvironmentVariables
  60. Ext3
  61. Ext4
  62. F2FS
  63. FAI
  64. FTP
  65. FastTrack
  66. FileSystem
  67. FilesystemHierarchyStandard
  68. Firewalls
  69. Hibernation
  70. HostingControlPanels
  71. KVM
  72. Kernel
  73. LDAP
  74. LDAP/AutoFSSetup
  75. LDAP/ExampleEntries
  76. LDAP/Kerberos
  77. LDAP/LDAPUtils
  78. LDAP/MigrationTools
  79. LDAP/OpenLDAPSetup
  80. LDAP/PAM
  81. LDAP/PowerDNSSetup
  82. LDAP/phpldapadmin
  83. LVM
  84. LXC
  85. LaMp
  86. Linux volume management
  87. LinuxRaidForAdmins
  88. Locale
  89. Lustre
  90. MDA
  91. MIME
  92. MaildirConfiguration
  93. Memory
  94. Multiarch/HOWTO
  95. NFS
  96. NFSServerSetup
  97. NTFS
  98. NTP
  99. Netplan
  100. Netplan/FAQ
  101. NetworkConfiguration
  102. NetworkInterfaceNames
  103. NetworkMonitoring
  104. NotEnoughRAM
  105. OpenNebula
  106. OpenStack
  107. OpenVz
  108. PackageKit/ItemNotFound
  109. PackageManagement
  110. Part-UUID
  111. Parted
  112. Partition
  113. PeriodicUpdates
  114. Permissions
  115. Piwik
  116. Podman
  117. PolicyKit
  118. ProxyAutodetectConf
  119. PuppetDashboard
  120. QEMU
  121. RamDisk
  122. Redmine
  123. RemoteDesktop
  124. Root
  125. Rsyslog
  126. SSH
  127. Samba
  128. Samba/BuildingALinuxDomain
  129. Samba/ClientSetup
  130. Samba/DcWithLdapBackend
  131. Samba/Dirvish
  132. Samba/FreeRadiusToLdap
  133. Samba/LinuxDomainClients
  134. Samba/ServerSimple
  135. Samba/WindowsPginaClient
  136. SaneOverNetwork
  137. SecurityManagement
  138. ServiceSandboxing
  139. ServicesHosting
  140. Shell
  141. ShellCommands
  142. ShellConfiguration
  143. ShellToolTricks
  144. ShellTricks
  145. SoftwareRAID
  146. Storage
  147. Swap
  148. SymLink
  149. SystemAdministration
  150. SystemBootProcess
  151. SystemConfiguration
  152. SystemDowngrade
  153. SystemGroups
  154. SystemInstall
  155. SystemMonitoring
  156. SystemPrinting
  157. SystemVirtualization
  158. Teams/DSA
  159. TheUnixWay
  160. ThomasChung/CloudImage
  161. ThomasChung/Linode
  162. ThomasChung/WebConsole
  163. ThomasChung/virsh-snapshot
  164. TimeZoneChanges
  165. TrafficControl
  166. TroubleShooting
  167. UnattendedUpgrades
  168. UserAccounts
  169. UserPrivateGroups
  170. UsersAndGroups
  171. UsingPhusionPassengerWithPuppetmaster
  172. UsingSCAP
  173. WHEEL/PAM
  174. WakeOnLan
  175. WebServers
  176. WhereIsIt
  177. WindowsServerHyperV
  178. Wvdial
  179. Xorg
  180. Zg2ShellStartup
  181. bn/LaMp
  182. bn/SystemAdministration
  183. coreutils
  184. cs/SystemAdministration
  185. deb
  186. debconf
  187. device_node
  188. dnsmasq
  189. euca2ools
  190. fstab
  191. git
  192. iptables
  193. libvirt
  194. ms/SystemAdministration
  195. msmtp
  196. nftables
  197. nginx/FastCGI
  198. nspawn
  199. nullmailer
  200. nut
  201. pamusb
  202. partclone
  203. plymouth
  204. rootfs
  205. ru/Plymouth
  206. sudo
  207. systemd/Services
  208. udev
  209. zh_CN/LAMP
  210. zh_CN/PackageManagement

CategoryPortal | CategorySystemAdministration