Quality Assurance and Continuous integration for applications in life sciences and medicine
Description of the project: The Debian Med project has packaged a lot of applications in life sciences and medicine. In previous years Outreachy students did a great job in adding autopkgtests to several packages. Continuous integration in this field is very important to get reproducible results and ensure that all programs are working together smoothly. In the past it turned out that students did a really great job in not only writing tests but fixing the failures that were uncovered by failed tests. So that effort can be considered a great success for the Debian Med team. There was also very positive response of the students and some of them remained inside Debian - so the outreachy effort with similar tasks can be considered a full success.
Confirmed Mentor: Michael R. Crusoe
How to contact the mentor: michael.crusoe@vu.nl
Confirmed co-mentors: chuprikovalv@gmail.com, tille@debian.org
Deliverables of the project: Continuous integration tests for all Debian Med applications (life sciences, medical imaging, others), Quality Assurance review and bug fixing
Desirable skills: Background in bioinformatics, medical imaging could be an advantage, but interest in scientific software and reading relevant documentation and papers might be sufficient. Debian packaging skills are an extra plus but can be taught in the project run.
What the intern will learn: Detailed insight into the software maintained by the Debian Med team, bug triaging in scientific software, Debian packaging skills, optimising bioinformatics and other scientific tools
Application tasks: Pick one of these bugs 909706, 909708, 909710, 909713 or 909716 and try fixing it - asking the mentor for help is perfectly fine and actually recommended. This is on one hand proof that the students is able to understand Debian packaging and understands the actual topic at a sufficient level
Related projects: SummerOfCode2016/Projects/BioToolsTesting, SummerOfCode2017/Projects/QA_BiologyApps, ?Continuous_Integration_for_biological_applications_inside_Debian, SummerOfCode2019/ApprovedProjects/CIforDebianMed