Packaging and Quality assurance of COVID-19 relevant applications
Description of the project: The Debian Med project has packaged quite a number of packages that are relevant for investigating COVID-19. There is also quite a number of not yet packaged or recently developed Free Software that could turn a Debian system into a workbench for scientists and medical stuff to fight the corona pandemic. Since there is a big amount existing and new software writing tests and hunting down bugs is a larger task than the Debian Med team can manage (since currently team members are also occupied by other tasks).
Confirmed Mentor: Andreas Tille
How to contact the mentor:
Confirmed co-mentors:,
Deliverables of the project: Quality assurance including bug fixing, continuous integration tests and documentation for all Debian Med applications that are known to be helpful to fight COVID-19
Desirable skills: Background in bioinformatics, medical imaging could be an advantage, but interest in scientific software and reading relevant documentation and papers might be sufficient. Debian packaging skills are an extra plus but can be taught in the project run.
What the intern will learn: Detailed insight into the software maintained by the Debian Med team, bug triaging in scientific software, Debian packaging skills, optimising bioinformatics and other scientific tools
Application tasks: Work on packages listed on the COVID-19 task and fix bugs in COVID-19 relevant packages.
Mentors affiliation with Debian: Andreas Tille is DD, Michael Crusoe is DM