Student Application Template
Name : Mouaad AALLAM
Contact/Email/IRC nick: Email: , - IRC (OFTC/Freenode): Mouaad
Background: I am a Master's Student in Computer Science Engineering in University of Paris 7, my interest in FOSS world is growing since i started to follow a FOSS course in my university insured by Mr. Stefano Zacchiroli (Debian Project Leader 2010-2013), and i am really enthusiastic about idea of contribute and be a part of Debian community. I got some skills in C/Java coding, Android developement, and i have studied about Operating Systems (Linux/Unix systems more specifically).
Project title : Android SDK Tools in Debian (Project Proposed by Debian)
Project details:
- finish packaging all of the core development tools (lint, gradle-plugin, SDK Manager, etc.)
- update android-tools and relevant pkg-java packages to the latest upstream version
- update androidsdk-tools to the Android Tools Team style, and update to latest upstream version
- package new parts of the Android upstream source, including the NDK, target platforms, emulators, Android Studio, etc.
- package and improve / update related tools, like apktool, androguard, fdroidserver, drozer, etc.
Synopsis: Get more of the tools needed to build and work with android applications into Debian.
Benefits to Debian: Android development would be easier out of the box on Debian.
Project schedule: First of all, I'm planning to dedicate 4 to 5 hours every day during the GSoC period to this project on average. I'm certainly willing to make more efforts if the project is behind schedule.
- Week 1 - Week 3 : Studying the spec and the code, and discussions with the mentor and the community, and evaluate difficulty.
- Week 3 - Week 5 : finish packaging all of the core development tools (lint, gradle-plugin, SDK Manager, etc.)
- Week 5 - Week 7 : update android-tools and relevant pkg-java packages to the latest upstream version
- Week 7 - Week 9 : update androidsdk-tools to the Android Tools Team style, and update to latest upstream version
- Week 9 - Week 10 : package new parts of the Android upstream source, including the NDK, target platforms, emulators, Android Studio, etc.
- Week 10 - Week 11 : make all Android Tools packages build reproducibly
- Week 11 - Week 12 : improve package build systems to be more tightly integrated with upstream build systems
- Week 12 - Week 13 : add Continuous Integration tests
- Week 13 - Week 14 : package and improve related tools, like apktool, androguard, fdroidserver, drozer, etc.
- Week 14 - Week 16 : Landing the finished packages.
Since this project is a large one please note that these are approximated schedule and allow minor adjustments according to the project status, plus other contributors may work on it which is awesome !
Exams and other commitments: One week of exams in May, and another one in June.
Why Debian?: My first ever Linux operating system i have used was debian, and since then im a regular user of the OS, But the main reason is that i really like the debian community and it will be really awesome to be a part of it.
My previous Debian contributions: I contribute time-to-time in simple tasks (as reporting bugs), but I never had the chance to contribute in coding due to lack of time.
Are you applying for other projects in SoC? Yes, Mozilla Firefox Android.