Student Application Template
Name : Harsh Daftary
Contact/Email/IRC nick:
Project title : Developer Horizon and other extensions
Project details: Working on multiple projects including
- Debian Dashboard - Developer Horizon
- Planet RSS front-end
- and python api and packaging .deb file.
- Continue the development of Developer Horizon project and enhancing features and fixing bugs for Debian which was also part of last year’s GSOC project.
- Developing Front-end for Planet RSS aggregation system.
- Fix issues and add support in Debian URL shortening python APi
Benefits to Debian :
Easy to use UI for Developer horizon will attract users General purpose benefits to Debian as it will be the only platform providing this service.
- channels - #debian-data #debian-soc
- my nick - harshzz
Github :
Project mentor : Bernd <> and Iain <>
Hardware used for development :
- Macbook pro 13 with Ubuntu OS
- Debian-server on Virtualbox for whitebox testing.
- Internet speed : around 1.8-2Mbps
- No-filtering on internet except torrents.
- VPN based of netharlands IP address
IDE : ?PyCharms student edition
Server Requirement : I have my vps with digitalocean which I use run and test my code on cloud infrastructure, most of open source code I host on github and private(security testing) on gitlab private repo.
How will you respond when things go wrong?
- how will you backup your work in case of hard disk failure? : clone my last commit from github.
- are electricity failures common where you live? : NO
- in case of lost internet I can use mobile hotspot but that has never happened yet.
- Adding Data sources for Developer Horizon.
- Aggregating and Parsing RSS feeds for Developer Horizon
- Making UI responsive and available on Mobile phones
- Add support for fetching and parsing RSS and XML as data sources.
- Adding rest API's for outside events for example, FOSDEM people can directly integrate into their website.
- People attending any event or conferences can upload their schedule in ICAL, JSON or RSS format and manage their activity there.
- Front End for managing planet.ini in Planet RSS aggregation system
- Bug fixes for and python API
- Documentation of Developer Horizon WebAPI
Project schedule:
- Week 1 : Analyzing potential data sources for Developer Horizon and Aggregating resources required for planet RSS system
- Week 2-3 : Building new API’s required for Developer Horizon to be integrated into third party sites.
- Week 3-5 : Improving UI and making it mobile responsive and Adding support for RSS, iCAL and JSON
- Week 5-8 : Bug fixes for and python API
- Week 9 : Working on Front-end of Planet RSS system.
- Week 10-12 : Testing of Developer Horizon and Planet RSS front-end Documentation Developer Horizon webAPI
- Finalizing : Packaging Developer Horizon as Debian package and Publishing to pypi
Exams and other commitments: No commitments.
Other summer plans: I dont have any summer plans except a 3day holiday with my spouse. Date is not yet fixed but it will be somewhere in June end.
Why Debian?:
My previous Debian contributions:
Python Api for and URL shortening services
Debian Developer Dashboard :
Gave a talk at Debconf 15 Heidelberg
- Are you applying for other projects in SoC? : No. Just this one.