Name: Lucas Kanashiro
Contact/Email/IRC nick: email:, IRC: kanashiro (freenode/OFTC), Github:
Background: I am a Software Engineering student and a free software enthusiast. I am one of the maintainers of the first Brazilian tool of static analysis called Analizo and I am working with some static analyzers in my bachelor thesis. I was a Google Summer of Code student last year on the Debian Continuous Integration Project and now I am a member of team project, this year I joined Debian Perl team and I am trying to package new CPAN Perl distributions. In addition to the Debian Project, I also contribute with some Perl CPAN distributions and I work on a platform to disseminate the use of free software in the Brazilian government. I am familiar with Perl, Python, Ruby, C++ and others programming languages, and I like to work with some deploy automatization tools like Chef and Puppet. Because of my background I am the most indicated to work in this project.
Project title: Add new checkers in Debile
Project details: Debile is a platform which aims to provide a generic rebuild platform. Normal build, custom builds (clang based) or static analyzers (coccinelle, scan-build, etc) are managed through this infrastructure.
The idea of this project is to plug additional checkers (static analyzers, dynamic, etc) to the Debile infrastructure.
Full description in:
Benefits to Debian: Adding new checkers for this generic rebuild plataform we are contributing to improve the QA process in Debian repository. We can maintain packages with more quality and ensuring it to Debian users.
Deliverables: Debile with the greatest possible amount of checkers (Some of them are listed in full project description, but we'll find more
Project schedule: It is dificult to estimate the needed time of tasks, especially because all of them are generical ones. The schedule below is so high level, i'll discuss it with the project's mentor latter, and maybe can change.
1. Deploy Debile locally (1 week)
2. Test all the existing checkers (maybe find some bugs) (1 week)
3. Add already listed checkers (include tests) (5 weeks)
4. Find and add more of them (maybe need some study) (5 weeks)
5. Review and update all the documentation (1 week)
This estimated time include the time to solve unexpected issues.
Exams and other commitments: I'll present my bachelor thesis maybe in June end, and probably I'll need some days.
Why Debian?: I am a Debian user for about 3 years and I feel the need to return something. I like so much to interact with Debian community, all of the members are so helpful
Are you applying for other projects in SoC? No.