Student Application Template
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This is a suggestion for the kind of information we'll find useful from students in their submissions. Remember -- you're going to be committing to several months' work. The more information and planning you can provide up-front, the more we (and Google!) will have to go on when we're ranking your application. Do not forget adding your submission at SummerOfCode2014/StudentApplications
Name Floris-Andrei Stoica-Marcu
Contact/Email: (irc: ?FlowRiser)
Background: My name is Floris (pronounced ?FlowRees) I am 19 years old and i have been passionate about coding since high school. I am a first year student at Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania and I first learned programming in High School, taking part in many competitions to prove myself.
I am currently studying Computer Science as an undergraduate. I discovered Linux and its wonderful community a little over 3 years ago and I became instantly hooked. Since then, I learned allot and vastly improved my coding skills. I took a liking in Qt/Qml when I saw that it isn't just a GUI toolkit, but a platform that allows you to go as deep as you like into its code and customize it to your liking.
Since in high-school i won so many prizes at IT projects competitions (Qt/Qml was a big help), I now focus on research and trying earn a spot on the map of the open-source community.
I chose this project because it fits nicely with my current skills and what I want to learn. Also, I believe it has the potential to become a choice for most users. I am confident I will make important contributions to it and that it will allow me to get familiar with Debian and its great developers.
Currently, I am researching the general computing capabilities of the GPU using CUDA and ?OpenCl.
Known Languages: C/C++, Python, Bash, PHP, JavascriptProject title Get Muon ready
Project details: Get Muon ready for Debian and make some needed improvements.
Synopsis: What needs to be done is to update some dependencies of Muon to fit Debian better, get Muon ready for packaging (solving any issues that could appear) and then improve it's usability for Debian.
Benefits to Debian I think it will fit quite nicely in Debian, providing users with an easy way to discover new software to fit their needs. After all, Linux should provide choice.
Deliverables: Package and Improve Muon
Project schedule:
1. Community Bonding Period (until 18th of May):
Get to know the community
Further discuss ideas to improve Muon with Aleix and Sune, my mentors
Get to know Muon
Read up on Debian and how it does things, consult with Sune
2. Work Period 1 (basic functionality):
May 19 - May 25 (Week 1): Packaging newer Muon with new libqapt
May 26 - June 1 (Week 2): Modifying libqapt to feed muon-discover with the right package sources.
June 2 - June 8 (Week 3): Modify the muon-updater to fit into Debian. Make any necessary adjustments in libqapt to make it work.
June 9 - 22 (Week 4-5): Early package with the basic functionality. Fix hanging on start of apps in the Muon suite. Testing everything and making sure it runs smoothly before usability improvements and tweaks. Should have one exam in Week 5.
3. Work Period 2 (usability, improvements/tweaks and final packaging):
June 23 - July 6 (Week 6-7): Rewrite the login backend for Debian, to provide su permissions when installing/updating certain apps.
June 7 - July 20 (Week 8-9): Check on update if another release has been made stable via the stable/Release file on the mirror. Notify the user if it's the case.
Fix installing apps, specifically modify the backend of Muon to not use any (K)Ubuntu specific stuff, unless already present on Debian.
July 21 - July 31 (Week 10-11): Modify libmuon to get it's package metadata (votes, downloads) from, as we concluded that the rnr-server is not appropiate for Debian.
August 3 - August 6 (Week 12): Make a system to send screenshots of apps easier to the screenshots server. Use kipi-plugins for this and make a "Send Screenshot" button visible for installed packages, that would open up KScreenShot with the apropiate setting already selected.
August 7 - 14 (Week 13): Integrating with apt-listbugs.
August 15 - August 21 (Last week): Tweak GUI and improve functionality. For example: add a way to tell instantly if an app/widget is installed in grid-view and Prioritize apps over widgets in muon-discover, currently they are shown after Comics and Widgets; In Debian, I want to put the accent on apps rather than Comics and Widgets (not everyone has the whole KDE desktop).
Making sure everything is in place (and working), write documentation and final package!
August 22: Submit required code samples to Google
Exams and other commitments: I have 4 exams spanning between June 16 and 6 July, but i made sure to allot enough time to finish the tasks.
Other summer plans: Enjoying summer without getting sun burnt.
Why Debian?: I always wanted to try it, and since I did I was happy to use it. I was amazed at how stable and snappy kde was on it, i really felt like home! Also, I always felt I had to give something back to the community that shaped who I am and helped me grow so much.
- Are you applying for other projects in SoC? No.
Proof of concept (built Muon on Debian):
- Other stuff about me:
Video of my very own kde-greeter with integrated flash elements:
David Edmundson ported a theme and posted it on his blog:
My first commit from one of my favorite projects (kde-lightdm-greeter):