Upcoming Debian 10 "Buster" will include 0.112.
Current stable Debian 9 "Stretch" will include 0.110.
Running the Sugar interface on Debian
Use the following on Stretch/Buster/Bullseye/Sid to install official parts of Sugar:
apt install sucrose
Sugar packaging for Debian is coordinated on the mailing list. Code is at git.
Development status is tracked here.
- Comments or suggestions? Send a message to the list.
Wanna join? Register an account at Salsa and join our team.
Your participation is welcome!
Work on improved packaging from scratch is available through these commands:
sudo apt install git-buildpackage debcheckout sugar-base cd sugar-base git-buildpackage
If you have improvements to the above GIT work, then please advertise your own forked GIT repository here.
More scripts to initialize a local git repo and to push it back into the master repo are available.