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Portal/IDB/icon-template-32x32.png Editors

Portal/IDB/icon-edutainment-32x32.png Edutainment

Portal/IDB/icon-emulator-32x32.png Emulators

Portal/IDB/icon-game-32x32.png Games

Portal/IDB/icon-multimedia-32x32.png Multimedia

Portal/IDB/icon-network-32x32.png Internet and networks

Portal/IDB/icon-office-32x32.png Office applications

Portal/IDB/icon-development-32x32.png Programming


Portal/IDB/icon-display-32x32.png Desktop Environments

Portal/IDB/icon-development-32x32.png System Administration

Portal/IDB/icon-printer-32x32.png Printing

Portal/IDB/icon-backup-32x32.png Compression


Installing software

The recommended way to install new software on Debian, is to use Package Management tools to install packages from the official repositories. These repositories should contain most of the software you will want to install, allowing you not to rely on external sources.

Finding Software

There are several ways to learn what software included in Debian can cover your specific needs.

Installing software from other sources

Provided you know what you are doing, you might also get software by :

See also

Other software lists

Generic software lists

Specialized software lists

Software forges

Wiki pages

List of pages related to software in Debian:

  1. Amarok
  2. Ampache
  3. Apache
  4. AppArmor
  5. AptCLI
  6. AptCacherNg
  7. AptConfiguration
  8. AptProtocol
  9. Aptitude
  10. Ardour
  11. AutoConf
  12. AutoMake
  13. AutomaticPackagingTools
  14. BackupAndRecovery
  15. Bash
  16. BashColors
  17. Bind9
  18. BitTorrent
  19. Boot-Info
  20. Boot-Repair
  21. BrowserApps
  22. BurnCd
  23. CDDVDTools
  24. CategoryDesktopApplication
  25. CheckInstall
  26. ChineseInputMethod
  27. Chromium
  28. Clementine
  29. CoinOr
  30. Compiz
  31. Compression
  32. Console
  33. ConvertCVStosvn
  34. Cordova
  35. Cupt
  36. D
  37. DDNS
  38. DHCP_Server
  39. DatabaseServers
  40. DebianAlternatives
  41. DebianDesktop
  42. DebianEdu/HowTo/BackupPC
  43. DebianGNUstep
  44. DebianInstaller
  45. DebianKVMGuests
  46. DebianNPDatabases
  47. DebianPackageManagement
  48. DebianSecurity/debsecan
  49. DebianSpamAssassin
  50. DebianTcl
  51. DefaultWebBrowser
  52. DiskImage
  53. DisplayManager
  54. Distcc
  55. Docker
  56. Dovecot
  57. Duplicity
  58. DvdRwTools
  59. EduKstars
  60. EduSoundtracker
  61. EduXtide
  62. Edutainment
  63. Emulator
  64. EtchApache2DefineSSL
  65. Evolution
  66. Exim4ATTUverse
  67. Exim4Gmail
  68. EximSendThroughSSH
  69. FAI
  70. FTP
  71. FakeRoot
  72. Falkon
  73. FastTrack
  74. FileManager
  75. Firefox
  76. Flatpak
  77. FluxBox
  78. FreeSoftwareFoundation
  79. FreedomBox
  80. GIMP
  81. GNOME-DB
  82. GNU
  83. GPL
  84. GTK
  85. Game
  86. Gnome
  87. Groupware
  88. HostingControlPanels
  89. HowtoRecordVNC
  90. I18n/Fcitx5
  91. I18n/LanguagePacks
  92. Icedove
  93. ImapProxy
  94. InstantMessaging
  95. IrcClients
  96. JACK
  97. Java/OmegaT
  98. KDE
  99. KVM
  100. Kodi
  101. Konqueror
  102. LDAP
  103. LDAP/AutoFSSetup
  104. LDAP/ExampleEntries
  105. LDAP/Kerberos
  106. LDAP/LDAPUtils
  107. LDAP/MigrationTools
  108. LDAP/OpenLDAPSetup
  109. LDAP/PAM
  110. LDAP/PowerDNSSetup
  111. LDAP/phpldapadmin
  112. LTSP/Epoptes
  113. LXC
  114. LaMp
  115. Latex
  116. LetsEncrypt
  117. Lguest
  118. LibreOffice
  119. LightDM
  120. Lighttpd
  121. Lustre
  122. Lynx
  123. MATE
  124. MDA
  125. MPlayer
  126. MUA
  127. MailApps
  128. Make
  129. Mame
  130. ManipulatingISOs
  131. Manual-Howto
  132. Mariadb
  133. Matrix
  134. Mozilla
  135. Multimedia
  136. MultimediaCodecs
  137. MultimediaFetchingTools
  138. Mupen64Plus
  139. MySql
  140. NFS
  141. NFSServerSetup
  142. NFSTroubleshooting
  143. NTP
  144. Nautilus
  145. NetworkApplication
  146. NetworkManager
  147. NetworkMonitoring
  148. NewsAggregator
  149. OSM/tileserver
  150. OSS
  151. OfficeApplication
  152. OpenPGP
  153. OpenStack
  154. OpenVz
  155. Openbox
  156. Opera
  157. PDF
  158. POSIX
  159. PackageManagement
  160. PackageManagementTools
  161. Pan
  162. Parted
  163. Peer2Peer
  164. PentiumBuilder
  165. Picard
  166. PipeWire
  167. PkgNagios
  168. Po4a
  169. Podman
  170. PostfixAndSASL
  171. PostgreSql
  172. ProgrammingApplication
  173. Prosody
  174. PulseAudio
  175. Python
  176. QEMU
  177. Rdesktop
  178. Redmine
  179. RemoteDesktop
  180. RemoteFiles
  181. Rhythmbox
  182. Ripping
  183. Rsyslog
  184. Rust
  185. SSH
  186. SVNAdministrationTutorial
  187. SVNTutorial
  188. Samba
  189. Samba/BuildingALinuxDomain
  190. Samba/ClientSetup
  191. Samba/DcWithLdapBackend
  192. Samba/Dirvish
  193. Samba/DomainController
  194. Samba/FreeRadiusToLdap
  195. Samba/LinuxDomainClients
  196. Samba/ServerSimple
  197. Samba/WindowsPginaClient
  198. Sandbox
  199. Schroot
  200. Screensaver
  201. Seahorse
  202. Seamonkey
  203. SecuringNFS
  204. SecurityApplication
  205. Shell
  206. ShellConfiguration
  207. ShellToolTricks
  208. Software
  209. Subtitle
  210. Subversion
  211. Sympa
  212. Synaptic
  213. SystemBuildTools
  214. SystemVirtualization
  215. TFTP
  216. TerminalEmulator
  217. TextEditor
  218. ThomasChung/CloudImage
  219. ThomasChung/WebConsole
  220. Thunderbird
  221. TorBrowser
  222. Transmission
  223. Unison
  224. UseNet
  225. UsenetApps
  226. UserModeLinux
  227. UsingSCAP
  228. VDR
  229. VLC
  230. VMBuilder
  231. VMware
  232. VNCviewer
  233. VersionControlSystem
  234. VirtualBox
  235. WNPP
  236. WebBrowsers
  237. WebServers
  238. WhyTheName
  239. WindowManager
  240. WindowsEquivalent
  241. WindowsServerHyperV
  242. Wine
  243. WordPress
  244. XCP
  245. XMPP
  246. Xfce
  247. ZNC
  248. Zope
  249. bn/ProgrammingApplication
  250. bn/Software
  251. cdrecord
  252. coreutils
  253. dansguardian
  254. de/PDF
  255. dnsmasq
  256. dpkg
  257. dselect
  258. ekiga
  259. euca2ools
  260. fr/Apache
  261. fr/GIMP
  262. freedict
  263. git
  264. gmdb2
  265. gmusicbrowser
  266. gnome-chinese-input
  267. hu/FreedomBox
  268. irssi
  269. it/GIMP
  270. it/HowToReconfigureCryptSetup
  271. it/Picard
  272. libvirt
  273. light-locker
  274. minidlna
  275. mpd
  276. ms/ProgrammingApplication
  277. ms/Software
  278. msmtp
  279. netconf
  280. nginx/FastCGI
  281. nspawn
  282. nullmailer
  283. opendkim
  284. plymouth
  285. po
  286. reportbug
  287. ru/Plymouth
  288. sSMTP
  289. screen
  290. ungoogled-chromium
  291. vim
  292. w3m
  293. zh_CN/ChineseInputMethod
  294. zh_CN/Chromium
  295. zh_CN/Game
  296. zh_CN/I18n/Fcitx5
  297. zh_CN/KDE
  298. zh_CN/Multimedia
  299. zh_CN/NetworkApplication
  300. zh_CN/OfficeApplication
  301. zh_CN/Opera
  302. zh_CN/PipeWire
  303. zh_CN/ProgrammingApplication
  304. zh_CN/Software
  305. zh_CN/TextEditor

CategoryPortal | CategorySoftware | CategoryPackageManagement