Recommended practices for Debian services

Hosting possibilities

In the Debian infrastructure, on hardware managed by the Debian Systems Administrators (DSA)

Contact the debian-services-admin mailing list. Admins for services are expected to be subscribed to this mailing list.

Other contact points:

In the Debian infrastructure, on hardware provided by the DebianNet Team

The Teams/DebianNet team offers unmanaged hosting for Debian Developers to host services related to Debian and have the costs paid for by the Debian project. Please see the documentation for instructions on how to request an instance.

Outside the Debian infrastructure

(also see this d-d-a post for context)

Note that all services useful to Debian should ideally be hosted in the Debian infrastructure, on DSA-managed hardware. Hosting outside Debian should ideally be limited to cases where this facilitates the development or testing of new services, or the hosting of services with requirements that cannot be satisfied by the Debian infrastructure. As described above, it is recommended to engage early with DSA to identify possible blockers.

The sections lists organizations (in alphabetical order) that are offering hosting to Debian contributors for their Debian work, including hosting services. For hosting of services not directly related to Debian, check out the benefits of being a Debian member/contributor. Unless specified otherwise, those organizations offer this hosting at no cost, and expect reasonable mentions of their help in communication about the service (thank you note in blog posts about the service, mention on the service's homepage, etc.). Each request is subject to its own review by the organization, which may very well refuse -- those offers are not blanket approvals of all requests. Also, unless specified otherwise, those are not offer for hosting general-purpose machines, but are restricted to services that somehow contribute to Debian development (new QA services, etc.).

Before contacting those organizations, it is recommended that you engage with the debian-services-admin mailing list to discuss your goals and opportunities for convergence with other services, as outlined above.

To learn about services hosted by each organization, refer to the Services Census.






Other potential options include: Scaleway

Random notes

Setting up machines the DSA way

Contact information about this page

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