ToDo: merge this with Schroot



Allows you to configure chroots without requiring root credentials.

For a better knowledge on the subject:

Preparing environment for your caged Debian packages


To start the installations, we will download the following packages:

# apt install debootstrap schroot

Once installed, we will edit the /etc/schroot/schroot.conf file.

# cp /etc/schroot/schroot.conf /etc/schroot/schroot.conf.old

# editor /etc/schroot/schroot.conf

{*} editor = your favorite text editor: nano, vim, mcedit, etc...

In this model, we will do this in the amd64 architecture, but you can change or create it in the i386 architecture.

Copy and paste into the file.

description=debian unstable amd64

Installing the caged Debian base


# mkdir -p /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64

# debootstrap --arch amd64 unstable /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64

Preparing caging

# chroot /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64

# echo proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 >> /etc/fstab

After these settings, type "exit" or press "Ctrl+D" to close everything.

Checking caging

user@debian: ~$ schroot -l

Accessing caged public user

user@debian:~$ schroot -c unstable-amd64

Accessing private caged (root)

user@debian:~$ schroot -c unstable-amd64 -u root

Basic Debian packaging configurations

Thanks to Eriberto and I recommend everyone to access this link (Portuguese - Brazil) for more details on how to package your software in Debian.

We will do root access in the schroot configured to install some important packages for Debian packaging.

user@debian:~$ schroot -c unstable-amd64 -u root

{*} editor = your favorite text editor: nano, vim, mcedit, etc...

Adjusting the "/etc/bash.bashrc" file

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# editor /etc/bash.bashrc

Insert at the end of the file /etc/bash.bashrc

alias ls="ls --color=auto"
alias tree="tree -aC"
alias debuildsa="dpkg-buildpackage -sa -k0987654321ABC1234567890DFG0987654321HIJL" # --> your OpenPGP key.
alias uscan="uscan --verbose --report"
alias apt-cache="LANG=C apt-cache"
alias man="LANG=C man"
export DEBFULLNAME="put-your-full-name"
export DEBEMAIL="put-your-email"
export EDITOR="put-your-favorite-text-editor"
export QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches"
export QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index -pab"
export QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index -pab"
mount /proc

Save and close.

Adjusting the "/etc/apt/sources.list" file

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# editor /etc/apt/sources.list

Edit the file, duplicate the existing line and change the beginning of the second line from "deb" to "deb-src". The end result will be:

deb unstable main
deb-src unstable main

Save, close and update:

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# apt update && apt upgrade

We can now install additional procedures for Debian packaging.

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# apt install autopkgtest blhc devscripts dh-make dput-ng how-can-i-help locales quilt renameutils spell splitpatch tree

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# dpkg-reconfigure locales tzdata


It is recommended that resetting locales leave "C.UTF-8" as the default.

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# apt autoremove && apt autoclean

Adjusting the "/etc/lintianrc" file

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# editor /etc/lintianrc

Enable the following lines:

display-info = yes
pedantic = yes
display-experimental = yes
color = auto

Enabling the OpenPGP key to sign packages

Edit the /etc/devscripts.conf file and enter your OpenPGP key on the DEBSIGN_KEYID line and activate.

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# editor /etc/devscripts.conf


Save and close. With that, schroot is ready for Debian packaging and you don't need to be root to get the job done.

NOTE: If an error message occurs when you are doing an "update/dist-upgrade" mentioning:

dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
 unknown system group 'Debian-exim' in statoverride file; the system group got removed
 before the override, which is most probably a packaging bug, to recover you
 can remove the override manually with dpkg-statoverride

To resolve, you might need to remove the statoverride entry.

(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# dpkg-statoverride --list | grep Debian-exim
(unstable-amd64)root@debian:~# dpkg-statoverride --remove /etc/exim4/passwd.client

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