Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)
SPDX is a “standard format for communicating the components, licenses and copyrights associated with a software package”.
How to make SPDX 2.0 suitable for adoption by Debian?
Let' brainstorm here and create a discussion list on Alioth if there is interest --- CharlesPlessy
I'm interested in this for Debian Automotive because the automotive industry requires traceability for all its software. --- JeremiahFoster
- We need a SPDX / DEP-5 converter.
- Agreed!
- Full convergence on license short list (MIT/Expat, and others ?)
- What is the "short list" you're referring to?
- Convergence on license exceptions.
- Can SPDX describe the contents of a git repository ?
This too would be very useful, a git <--> SPDX converter.
During the preparation of the 1.0 version, we normalised the short license names in DEP 5 and SPDX.