LaTeX will write the current time when creating a .dvi file.

Known affected packages


Example debbindiff output


None yet.


Here's a way to use the file modification time instead of the current date and time:

--- iproute2-3.16.0.orig/doc/Makefile
+++ iproute2-3.16.0/doc/Makefile
@@ -42,7 +42,10 @@ print: $(PSFILES)
 %.dvi: %.tex
        @set -e; pass=2; echo "Running LaTeX $<"; \
-       while [ `$(LATEX) $< </dev/null 2>&1 | \
+       minutes_since_midnight=$$(expr `date -u "+%H" -r $<` '*' 60 + `date -u "+%M" -r $<`); \
+       creation_time=$$(date -u "+\year=%Y\month=%m\day=%d\time=$$minutes_since_midnight" -r $<); \
+       echo "$$creation_time"; \
+       while [ `$(LATEX) "$$creation_time\input $<" </dev/null 2>&1 | \
                 grep -c '^\(LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may\|No file \|! Emergency stop\)'` -ge 1 ]; do \
                if [ $$pass -gt 3 ]; then \
                        echo "Seems, something is wrong. Try by hands." ; exit 1 ; \

It's not the best approach, the .tex file itself can be generated. But this shows how to set the timestamp.


Another way is to prevent embedding the date completely. The date is written inside the DVI comment field, which can be set to any value or cleared with latex --output-comment=""