Purpose: to complement the weekly reports and to coordinate our activities.
When: Tuesdays, 17:00 UTC (starting from June 16, 2015), every two weeks
Where: #debian-reproducible on irc.oftc.net
Duration: meetings should finish in hour hour or less.
Agenda for the fifth meeting, 2015-07-28 17:00 UTC
- discuss todays agenda
- go through last meetings summary and look for unactioned action items
- package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state
- can we move old unneeded packages out of the way? (a /old/ directory?)
- rp.d.n updates+issues
- GSoC updates
- any other business
- announce next meeting
Agenda for the fourth meeting, 2015-07-07 17:00 UTC
- discuss todays agenda
- go through last meetings summary and look for unactioned action items
- package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state
formally agree on "Guidelines for adding a package to the APT archive" in ReproducibleBuilds/ExperimentalToolchain
- uploads of non toolchain packages
- rp.d.n updates+issues
- GSoC updates
- any other business
- announce next meeting
Agenda for the third meeting, 2015-06-23 17:00 UTC
- discuss todays agenda
- go through last meetings summary and look for unactioned action items
- package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state
- rp.d.n updates+issues
- GSoC updates
- any other business
- announce next meeting
Agenda for the second meeting, 2015-06-15 17:00 UTC
- discuss todays agenda
- go through last meetings summary and look for unactioned action items
- package/issue updates + r.a.d.o repo state
- discuss ftbfs_on_testing_due_to_unmigrated_dependencies issue
- discuss ftbfs usertag
- how to deal with cases like #786694
- rp.d.n updates+issues
- mail notification issues
- GSoC updates
- any other business
- announce next meeting
Re-occuring agenda for every meeting
- announce+discuss todays agenda
- go through last meetings summary and look for unactioned action items
- package/issue updates
- rp.d.n updates+issues + r.a.d.o repo state
- GSoC updates
- check all action-items from the previous meeting
- any other business
- announce next meeting