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Editor: PaulWise
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= Greece: Thessaloniki = = Add your city =
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   * Greece/Thessaloniki    * [[/Greece/Thessaloniki|Greece, Thessaloniki release party]]

Get Debian Stretch!

Debian stretch will be released on 2017-06-17! Start your party organising today!

Debian Stretch Release Parties

Feel free to add your stretch release party to this list to let others know about your local ReleaseParty to celebrate the event.

Alphabetic list of parties, by country and city:

Australia: Hobart

Australia: Melbourne

  • When: 17th June, 12:30pm to 4:30pm

  • Where: Infoxchange, 33 Elizabeth St. Richmond (map)

  • What: LUV beginners meet this month will celebrate and install the Stretch release

  • More info: https://luv.asn.au/2017/06/17

Australia: Perth (WA)

Bolivia: La Paz

Brasil: Campinas

  • When: 17/06/2017, 10:00-22:00

  • Where: LHC, e então, algum bar (map)

  • What: Install Fest, Keysigning, palestras, bate-papos, Mobile Hacking, bolo

  • Provided: bolo

  • Bring: OpenPGP fingerprints, computadores, aparelhos móveis, plaquinhas

Brasil: Curitiba

  • When: 17 de Junho de 2017 - Apartir das 20hrs

  • Where: Hora Extra (map)

  • What: Encontro informal da Galera de Curitiba, comer, beber e conversar

  • Provided: Animação e boa vontade :)

  • Bring: Nada necessário, se quiser traga sua fingerprint para assinatura.

  • More info: Estaremos no Hora Extra para comemorar a chegada da nova versão em um encontro social.

  • Promotion: .

  • Reports: .

Brasil: Parauapebas

  • When: 17 de junho de 2017 das 9h às 18h - Horário de Brasília.

  • Where: CEUP - Centro Universitário de Parauapebas - Rua A, S/N, Quadra Especial - Parauapebas - Pará - Brasil. (map)

  • What: Install Fest, palestras, tutorial de uso como desktop (manhã), tutorial de uso como servidor (tarde), bolo e bate-papos.

  • Provided: Acesso a internet e energia elétrica, computadores para fazer as atividades práticas, voluntários para ajudar nas instalações e configurações.

  • Bring: Para uma melhor experiência traga algum lanchinho, computador (labtop, desktop, plaquinha, etc), pendrive vazio.

Brazil: Porto Alegre

  • When: 17 de junho de 2017 às 14h - Horário de Brasília.

  • Where: Centro de Tecnologia Acadêmica do Instituto de Física da UFRGS - Avenida Bento Gonçalves, 9500 - Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. map

  • What: será uma installfest. Instalaremos o Debian em várias máquinas, comeremos e conversaremos. Queremos sair depois para conversar em algum ambiente (ainda mais) descontraído.

  • Provided: internet e energia elétrica bem como um ambiente agradável e que todo mundo pode se reunir. Alguns voluntários instalarão o sistema, mas não sobrecarregue nossos amiguinhos.

  • Bring: se quiseres, traga algum lanchinho pra dividir com o pessoal, seu laptop, pendrive vazio ou com o Debian vai ser muito útil.

  • More info: colabore e veja mais info no post no fórum do CTA

Bulgaria: Varna

  • When: 17 June 2017 18:00 - 22:00

  • Where: @?VarnaLab "Pencho Slaveykov" 50 (map)

  • What: Debian Stretch Release Celebration, initiating Debian community in Varna and meet each other

  • Provided: cool place for 20 people

  • Bring: party food, good mood and possibly a laptop

  • More info: https://varnalab.org/events

Canada: Barrie

  • When: Wednesday June 21, 2017 6:45pm Toronto Time

  • Where: Category5 TV Studio D (Barrie, Ontario) and event to be live broadcast via our web site and available on-demand the following day.

  • What: Debian Stretch Release Celebration - an on-air live look at Debian Stretch on the desktop with in-studio discussion and live chat room for viewers to participate.

  • Provided: Door prizes will be awarded at the end of the night.

  • Bring: Your free ticket if attending in-person. Please also consider your best Debian story: how did you discover Debian? At what time? How has it changed? etc.

  • More info: Facebook Event Page

  • Tickets: If you will be attending in person, free tickets can be requested at Category5.tv/tickets. If you will not be attending, you can tune in without tickets via our web player.

Canada: Montréal

  • When: 2017-06-17 11:00 EDT

  • Where: In the terrain corner of Beaumont and De l'Epée (map)

  • What: Picnic, potluck style: bring your own food and drinks, everything is shared.

  • Provided: two tables are on the terrain

  • More info: in case of rain, the party will be held inside Koumbit's office: https://www.koumbit.org/ (see address at bottom of page)

Catalonia: Tagamanent

China: Beijing

  • When: 2017年6月17日下午2时(北京时间) || June 17, 14:00 CST (UTC+8)

  • Where: 清华大学李兆基科技大楼B-558(Tsinghua University Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, B-558)(Map)、魔豆咖啡(Model Coffee (Tsinghua Branch)(Map OSM, Map Google))

  • What: Debian Stretch Release Celebration, some free talks, Q&A, GPG signing, etc. Some food/drinks in a cafe later that day.

  • Provided: Debian GNU/Linux stickers from the DPL, Stickers from LUG@USTC, location for 50 people, a projector?

  • Bring:

    • Yourself
    • laptop or other device
    • GPG keys/fingerprints (if any, together with government issued ID to prove your identity)
    • some money (if wish to join dinner/cafe, avg price RMB ¥60 or higher)
  • Detailed info:

    • Time Arrangement:
      • 14:00 -- 16:30 Meeting, talks and discussions in Lee Shao Kee Sci&Tech Building B-558

      • 17:00 -- 19:00 Food, drinks with free discussions in Model Coffee (At your own expense)
  • Transportation:

    • Underground/Metro: 北京地铁十三号线五道口站下车,西行至清华大学(Line 13 at Wudaokou Station, go west and enter Tsinghua University from South Gate)
    • Taxi: 清华大学南门(South Gate of Tsinghua University)
  • Reports: TUNA activity report (in Chinese) Photo archive

Costa Rica: Heredia

  • When: 17 de junio de 2017, 6:00 PM

  • Where: Vila Del Sendero #27, Santa Lucía de Barva, Heredia (mapa)

  • What: Una buena conversación entre bebidas, minicharlas relámpago y buen networking

  • Provided: Parrilla disponible, Stickers

  • Bring: Comida y bebidas para compartir

  • More info: https://t.me/debianreleasepartyheredia

El Salvador: San Salvador

  • When: 24 June 12:00 PM

  • Where: Concha Acústica, Universidad de El Salvador (mapa)

  • What: Charla y bebida

  • Bring: Voluntad.

  • More info: neozeroes EN gmail PUNTO com

  • Reports: Para mas anuncios ver las notificaciones en telegram https://t.me/LinUES

Deutschland: Berlin

  • When: 17.06.2017, 13:00 UTC (15:00 Uhr localtime)

  • Where: club rooms of IN-Berlin and [Be]LUG, Lehrter Straße 53, 10557 Berlin-Mitte (openstreetmap link) (Anfahrt [german description]) (Vereinsraum [german description])

  • What: come together and celebrate the new debian release, some talks, install party, ...

  • Provided: space for max. 50 people, 2 conference rooms with projectors, install(-party) room for max. 10 people, fast internet for free, drinks and snacks at cost price

  • Bring: Yourself! Bring your friends and family who may be interested, towels, fancy hats, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, your devices (will be reformated *Har* *Har*), cookies, cake, pets, ...

  • More info: TBD: link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event

  • Promotion: https://mlists.in-berlin.de/pipermail/linux-l-announce-mlists.in-berlin.de/2017-June/000539.html

  • Reports: TBD: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

Deutschland: Darmstadt

  • When: 2017-06-17, 14:00 CEST (that's 12:00 UTC)

  • Where: Hackerspace des Chaos Darmstadt e.V., Wilhelminenstr. 17, 64283 Darmstadt (map)

  • What: Comfortable get together and installparty

  • Provided: Space for up to 30 people, drinks & snacks at moderate prices, slow (25/5 Mbit/s) public internet access

  • Bring: Anything that deserves a Debian installation.

  • More info: We'll likely be setting up a PXE installer and a transparent caching proxy to overcome our limited bandwidth.

  • Promotion: https://www.chaos-darmstadt.de/termine.html

  • Reports: TBA

Deutschland: Düsseldorf

  • When: 17.06.2017 15:00

  • Where: Office Freie Software Freunde e.V. (map)

  • What: Come together

  • Provided: Place for 50 people

  • Bring: cake, cookies, bread

  • More info: link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event

  • Promotion: links to mails, blog posts, tweets or other promotion done for the event.

  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

Deutschland: Hannover

  • When: 17.06.2017 (Time: 15:00 Uhr CEST)

  • Where: club rooms of Leinelab, Glockseestr. 25, 30169 Hannover (openstreetmap link) (Anfahrt [german description]) (Vereinsraum [german description])

  • What: come together and celebrate the new debian release, some talks, install party,

  • Provided: space for max. 50 people, 2 conference rooms with projector, fast internet for free, drinks and snacks at cost price, maybe: BBQ with self service

  • Bring: fancy hats, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, all kinds of computers and electronic devices

  • More info: https://wiki.leinelab.org/doku.php/projekt:debianreleaseparty:start

  • Promotion: TBD: links to mails, blog posts, tweets or other promotion done for the event.
  • Reports: TBD: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

Greece: Athens

  • When: 2017-06-17 15:30 UTC +3

  • Where: hackerspace.gr, Ampatiellou 11 Athens, 3 blocks south of Subway Station Ag. Eleytherios. (instructions) (map)

  • What: There's going to be a connection with the Debian Party Line, install Fest, key-signing, and discussion on Debian Stretch. Lightning talks about Debian welcome.

  • Provided: Space for up to 50 people, drinks at moderate prices, free popcorn, (24/1 Mbit/s) public internet access.

  • Bring: your devices, OpenPGP fingerprints (& your passport/ID) for key-sign, Storage Media, Laptops for lighting talks, Debian themed stickers, hats and costumes.

  • More info: hackerspace.gr/wiki/Debian_Stretch_Release_Party

Greece: Thessaloniki

  • When: we will discuss in #debian-gr on irc.oftc.net

  • Where: good place to party in some city (map)

  • What: description of the planned event

  • Provided: anything provided by the organisers like cake, balloons, food, drink, silly hats

  • Bring: anything people should bring, like food, drink, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc

  • More info: link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event

  • Promotion: links to mails, blog posts, tweets or other promotion done for the event.

  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

India: Delhi

India: Guntur

  • When: 2017-06-18 14:00 - 17:00

  • Where:Swecha office, 2/4 Brodipet,Guntur, Andhra Pradesh (map)

  • What: Discussion on Debian and a lunch

  • Provided: With Debian9 OS image, stickers and snacks.

  • Bring: Your laptops and pendrives along with you, so that you can install Debian9 in your machines.

  • Promotion:


  • Report: The event was attended by 40 people. It had a install fest where 5 people have installed GNU/Linux. There was a session on installation procedure. This was followed by a lunch and other exciting discussions on tech.

India: Hyderabad

  • When: 2017-06-17 14:00 - 17:00

  • Where: Swecha, (map)

  • What: A small talk on Why Debian followed by install fest.

  • Provided: With Debian9 OS image, stickers and snacks.

  • Bring: Your laptops and pendrives along with you, so that you can install Debian9 in your machines.

  • Schedule:

    • 14:00 - 14:15 Debian Stretch and Jessie demo on 6 different desktops to show the users look and feel.
    • 14:15 - 15:00 A session about Why debian (!) and what is its importance and why someone should go for Debian?

    • 15:00 - 15:15 Interaction with Debian users about their experiences with Debian and also with users from other GNU/Linux distributioms
    • 15:15 - 15:30 Cake cutting with a locally adapted song ;)

    • 15:30 - 17:00 Install fest
    • 17:00- evening Hangout after event
  • Promotion:

    • Poster 1 by Dinesh:


    • Poster 2 by Kishan


    • Poster 3 by Dasarada Ram Reddy


  • Statistics:

    • Attended by 15 people
    • 7 People have installed Debian Stretch {OK}

    • 40 people have participated in the after event discussion via Telegram-Matrix bridge.
  • Reports/ Blog posts:

India: Hyderabad: MGIT College

  • When: 28/07/2017 10:00 - 15:30

  • Where: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad (map)

  • What: Intro to Free Software, Intro to Debian Project, Install fest & lab migration

  • Provided: With Debian9 OS image, stickers and snacks.

  • Bring: Your laptops to install debian9, that's okay if you don't have.

  • More info: TBA

  • Promotion: Facebook Event

  • Reports:


India: Hyderabad: SWEC

  • When: 31st July 10:30 - 15:30

  • Where: Sridevi Women's Engineering College, Gandipet, Hyderabad(map)

  • What: Session on Free Software, Introduction to Debian and its installation.

  • Provided: Stickers

  • Bring: USB sticks for ISO images.

  • Promotion: swec-debian.jpg

  • Report: The workshop was conducted at Sridevi Women's Engineering College, Gandipet on the 31st July from 10:30am to 03:30pm. The students were first introduced to the importance and perks of using free softwares and why it is essential to do so. The students were given an idea about the open source concept and how it expands the boundaries of creation.

The session began with a brief talk about free software. It was carried on by giving an overview of what is Debian and how it is different from other operating systems, and thereby gave an idea about installation of Debian. The workshop saw many enthusiastic students who wished to take their ideas further about the concept and learn many other skills. The installation of Debian, though was a tad difficult to understand for juniors, was understood clearly.

India: Kerala: Alappuzha: Cherthala


  • Reports:

India: Kerala: Cochin: Bhageeratha Square

  • When: Saturday, June 17, 2017, 3 pm to 5 pm

  • Where: Cantact Sreekanth G S: 4th Floor, Bhageeratha Square, Opposite Bank of Baroda, Kacheripady, Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala 682018, Hatio Innovations Private Limited (map)

  • What: Release party at Kerala Ruby Meetup

  • Provided:

  • Bring: anything people should bring, like food, drink, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc

  • More info: https://www.meetup.com/kerala-ruby/events/239927337/

  • Promotion:

  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

India: Kerala: Cochin: CUSAT


  • Reports: TBA.

India: Kerala: Kollam

  • When: June 30th, 2017 11 am

  • Where: Govt HSS, Anchal West (map)

  • What: We will have ISOs of the latest and greatest version of Debian.

  • Bring: An open mind ,laptops ,usb ,dvds for coping and installing debian 9

  • Agenda: Intro To Debian & Install Fest

  • More info: http://kollam.fsug.in

  • Route Guide: Reach Anchal bustand =>Get to Govt HSS, Anchal West via Auto rickshaw ,Buses via Anchal => kollam-kulathupuzha & Thiruvananthapuram-punalur

  • Contact: suman 949641 two one 84


India: Kerala: Kozhikode


  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

India: Kerala : Malappuram

India: Kerala: Mananthavady


  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

India: Kerala: Thalassery

  • When: Postponed, will update new date

  • Where: College of Engineering, Thalassery (map)

  • What: Full day workshop covering Free Software basics, install fest and a session on git version control system

  • Provided:

  • Bring:

  • More info:

  • Promotion:

  • Reports:

India: Kerala: Thrissur

  • When: July 5 2017, Saturday, IST 09:30am to 12:30pm

  • Where: St.Mary's College, Thrissur (map)

  • What: Debian Release Party along with general introduction to GNU/Linux and Free Software

  • Provided: Debian ISO, Stickers and Lots of Love <3

  • Bring: Laptops and Lots of Love <3

  • More info: http://thrissur.fsug.in

  • Promotion:


India: Kerala: Trivandrum

  • When: 17th June 2017, 11 am

  • Where: SPACE C-11, Elankom Gardens Vellayambalam Thiruvananthapuram 10 Kerala Ph: 0471 2318997


  • What: Discussion, Film Screening

  • Provided: cake and drinks

  • Bring: An open mind for Debian 9 and laptops and laptop chargers, if you want to install Debian 9.

  • Contact: Jithin , Ph: 9947297599

India: Kerala: Calicut

  • When: 14,15,16 July 2017

  • Where: National Institute of Technology, Calicut (map)

  • What: Stretch release party and Debian packaging workshop

  • Provided: Paayasam !!

  • Bring: Laptop

India: Pune

Ireland: Dublin

  • When: Thursday, 15/6/17, 20:00

  • Where: The Black Sheep. 61 Capel St. (map)

  • What: Drinks and food to celebrate Stretch

Israel: Tel Aviv

  • When: Saturday, June 17th, Time: 19:00

  • Where: Porter & Sons (map)

  • What:

  • Provided: TBD

  • Bring: TBD

  • More info: here

  • Promotion: TBD

  • Reports:

Italy: Magione (Perugia)

Italy: Montebelluna (TV)

  • When: 2017-07-12 - 12 luglio 2017 - dalle ore 21.30 circa

  • Where: Presso il MontelLUG - in Montebelluna (TV), Via Dante Alighieri, 14, presso l'Ex-Biblioteca ora "Casa del volontariato" (Vedi sulla mappa)

  • What:

    1. Presentazione della comunità Debian;
    2. Install party
    3. Key signing party
    4. Rinfresco
  • Provided: internet, elettricità, volontari a disposizione

  • Bring: 4GB USB stick, computer, extra memory, OpenPGP fingerprints, libagioni varie, bibite e prosecco

  • More info: Pagina organizzativa

  • Promotion:

  • Reports:

Italy: Quiliano

  • Quando: 17 giugno 2017 ore 15:30

  • Dove: ?GovonisLab in Via valletta di Vadone a Valleggia (frazione di Quiliano) (map)

  • Cosa:

    • Presentazione di Debian e della sua Comunità. - Come e perché entrare a farne parte e contribuire, al di là delle proprie competenze.
    • Installiamo insieme Debian Stretch
    • Install party - Installiamo e aggiorniamo stretch sui nostri computer.
  • Inoltre: Sarà servito un rinfresco ed i partecipanti potranno avere dvd di installazione e gadgets.

  • Aggiornamenti ed informazioni http://www.govonis.org/

  • Promozione: info@govonis.org.

  • Reports: disponibili dopo l'evento.

Italy: Varese

Japan: Osaka

Japan: Tokyo

México: Ciudad de México

The Netherlands: Amsterdam

Slovakia: Bratislava

  • When: 2017-06-17, as a part of OSS víkend chill & chat

  • Where: Progressbar (map)

  • What: Debian Stretch release party, install fest, key signing party

  • Provided: Club-Mate, TBD

  • Bring: GPG key fingerprints, laptops, anything related

  • More info: TBA

  • Promotion: TBA

  • Reports: TBA

Sweden: Gothenburg

  • When: 2017-06-17, 12:00-late

  • Where: Chalmers University, NC/Idéläran (map)

  • What: Get-together and install party +Libreboot flashing

  • Provided: Space for 20+ people, fika, Debian images, maybe NO internet

  • Bring: Laptop etc.

  • More info: irc.dtek.se

Switzerland: Biel/Bienne

Switzerland: Zürich

Taiwan: Taipei

Tunisia: Tunis

  • When: date and time

  • Where: good place to party in some city (map)

  • What: description of the planned event

  • Provided: anything provided by the organisers like cake, balloons, food, drink, silly hats

  • Sponsors: any sponsor can help to share the event and make it successful (clubs, companies, associations ...)

  • Bring: anything people should bring, like food, drink, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc

  • More info: link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event

  • Promotion: links to mails, blog posts, tweets or other promotion done for the event.

  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

Turkey: Izmir

  • When: 17.06.2016 -- 15:00

  • Where: Dokuz Eylül University (Tinaztepe Campus), Department of Mathematics (map)

  • What: come together and celebrate the new debian release, some talks

  • Provided: dvds for copying and installing debian 9, chat with Debian users at DEU Mathematics Department and Coffee

  • Bring: Yourself!, an open mind for Debian 9, laptops and laptop chargers. Also feel free to bring your own foods, drinks, etc

  • More info: TBA

  • Promotion: TBA

  • Reports: TBA

UK: Cambridge

Let's meet up in the Haymakers for food and drinks. It's a nice geek-friendly pub, owned and run by a former Debian Developer too!

If you struggle to find us, contact SteveMcIntyre (Sledge) on +44 7775 786572

UK: Manchester

UK: Oxford

  • When: 16-June-2017, after work (5pm onwards)

  • Where: Royal Oak (map)

  • What: Just an informal after work gathering for Oxfordshire people with an interest in Debian.

  • Provided: Nothing. We'll just be sat in the public bit of a Public House.

  • Bring: Feel free to bring ID and OpenPGP fingerprints if you'd like to do some key signing.

  • More info: contact mans0954@debian.org

USA: Atlanta

  • When: 06-17-2017, 6 PM

  • Where: Eclipse di Luna (map)

  • What: Release Party

USA: Washington, D.C.

Add your city

Enter city name (in format Country/City with no spaces) in the text box below and press the button:

Debian Party Line

There will also be a distributed release celebration on the Debian Party Line, a mumble-based voice chat.
