Debian Lenny Release Parties
DebianLenny has been released as scheduled on 14th of February 2009. Now let's party and praise the unfreeze of Sid.
Alphabetical list of parties, by country and city:
El Salvador: San Salvador
- Date: 14-feb-2009, 7PM (GMT-06)
Location: EnriqueMonge 's place
- What: Key Signing, BBQ, Beers, Geeks
Germany: Munich
- Date: 18-feb-2009, 8PM
Location: atlas, Innere Wiener Str. 2, Munich
- What to expect: Dinner and, of course, Beer
Switzerland: Corseaux
- Friday 27. February 09, from 18h00
At OdyX's place: Cornalles 2, 1802 Corseaux (near Vevey, Kanton Waadt)
- PT: Train to "Corseaux-Cornalles" (on the Vevey - Puidoux-Chexbres line) or busses from Vevey
max ~ 20 persons, 4-5 places to sleep if needed, WiFi, apt-proxy
- Dinner (to be decided), Geeks, Key Signing, Drinks, …
Guest list : Please sign in.
- Guests from France and other nearby countries are of course welcome, too.
Current discussion see
UK: Cambridge
- Sunday 1st March from 18:00
- Still working out the details
Current discussion: