Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2023-02-16 23:40:33
Size: 1570
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: it is almost time to party!
Revision 2 as of 2023-04-28 05:22:56
Size: 1581
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: update status
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## Debian bookworm [[https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/20XX/XX/msg000XX.html|will be]] released on 20XX-XX-XX! Start your party organising today! Debian bookworm [[https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/E1ps5uu-00FaGp-U5@respighi.debian.org|will likely be]] released on 2023-06-10! Start your party organising today!

Debian bookworm will likely be released on 2023-06-10! Start your party organising today!

Debian Bookworm Release Parties

Feel free to add your bookworm release party to this list to let others know about your local ReleaseParty to celebrate the event.

Alphabetic list of parties, by country and city:

Belarus: Minsk

  • When: 2023.06.10 14:00

  • Where: Hops Beerhouse (map)

  • What: Debian Bookworm Release Party

  • Provided: nothing

  • Bring: money, OpenPGP fingerprints

  • More info: https://mlug.linux.by/?p=1242

Belgium: Leuven

Bolivia: La Paz

  • Cuándo: Sábado 10 de Junio desde el mediodía (12:00 PM)

  • Dónde: Hacklab La Paz "r00thouse". Ubicación del hacklab.

  • Qué haremos: Celebraremos el lanzamiento de Debian Bookworm: tendremos charlas improvisadas y pruebas del sistema.

  • Lo que habrá: torta Debian, snacks y música :)

  • Lo que necesitas llevar: Laptop y algo de dinero para las cuotas, además la comida siempre es bienvenida :)

  • Más información: https://www.hacklab.org.bo/xo_event/debian-12-release-party-la-paz/

  • Contacto: 68106953 (Donato)

Brasil: Francisco Beltrão/Paraná

  • Quando: 10 de junho de 2023

  • Onde: UTFPR Campus Francisco Beltrão - Miniauditório do Bloco Q. good place to party in some city (map)

  • O quê: Festa de lançamento do Debian 12 (Bookworm), com palestra, install fast e oficina sobre Debian.

  • O que vai ter: Bolo, bebidas, balões

Brazil: Online

Bulgaria: Varna

Canada: Vancouver

  • When: Saturday May 10th at 3pm

  • Where: Beach Ave Bar and Grill (1012 Beach Ave #1, Vancouver, BC V6E 1T7) (map)

  • What: Drinks/food in a restaurant to celebrate Debian

  • Provided: nothing, participants pay for their own

  • Promotion: only this website

France: Paris

  • When: samedi 10 juin 2023, à partir de 18H

  • Where: local de l’association April dans le 14e arrondissement

  • What: apéro dont vous êtes le héro / l'héroïne, apportez ce que vous voulez y trouver :)

  • Provided: le lieu

  • Bring: à boire, à manger, des machines de démo avec Bookworm installée

  • More info: place limitée, inscrivez-vous ici !!

  • Promotion: Annonces sur Mastodon, sur les listes debian-user-french et debian-devel-french

  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

Germany: Munich

  • When: June 14th, from 18:00

  • Where: Augustinerkeller Biergarten, Arnulfstr. 52

Germany: Rostock

India: Hyderabad

  • When: June 10 - 16:00 to 18:00 (UTC+05:30)

  • Where: Swecha Office, Gachibowli (map)

  • What: Celebrate Debian Bookworm release!

  • Provided: cake, snacks, swag

  • Bring: Bring some passion to be part of Free Software Movement. Get your laptops to install/upgrade to Debian 12

  • Events: Debian Overview and What's New in Bookworm Release | Quiz on Debian | Lightning Talks - Swecha OS, e-Swecha OS and Bala Swecha OS | Creating Meta and Tasksel Packages in Debian

  • More info: FSMI, Swecha

  • Promotion:

  • Reports: will be updated post-event.

India: Online

CategoryRelease CategoryRelease CategoryRelease

Indonesia: Purbalingga

Iran: Tehran

  • When: June 15th 2023 (‫۲۵ خرداد ۱۴۰۲‬)

  • Where: سالن شهدای تربیت بدنی دانشگاه تهران (map)

  • What: چند ارائه و جشن گرفتن به مناسبت انتشار نگارش جدید

  • Provided: Tea, Coffee, Launch, چای، قهوه، ناهار

  • Bring: Smile, Good Mood, لبخند، حس خوب

  • More info: https://events.debian.ir

  • Promotion: Mastodon, Linkedin

  • Reports: unrivaled

Ireland: Dublin

  • When: 10th June (Saturday) evening at 7 pm.

  • Where: The Gasworks at Grand Canal Street Upper, Dublin(map)

  • What: Gathering in a pub to eat, drink and play games (Gasworks has Jenga and pool, besides other things).

  • Bring: Bring money for eating and drinking if you're planning to

  • More info: Discussions in the #debian-ie IRC channel at OFTC

Israel: Tel Aviv

  • When: Friday Jun-16

  • Where: Dominik, Tuval 11, Ramat Gan

  • What: Meet for a drink

  • Provided: Coffee, Cake, Wine

  • Bring: OpenPGP fingerprints may help

  • More info: event page

  • Promotion:

  • Reports:

Italy: Bozen-Bolzano

  • When: June 10th 2023, 18:00-20:00 (CEST)

  • Where: SPAZIO77 (map) and viavideoconference

  • What: Debian 12 "Bookworm" & FUSS 12 Release Party

  • Provided: some drinks and finger-food.

  • Bring: yourself with a lot of good mood! Some extra food and beverages are well accepted ... and a little help to clean up the space after the party :-)

  • More info: LUGBZ & FUSS websites or write to <workshop@lugbz.org>

  • Promotion: Thanks to SPAZIO77 (Bolzano Solidale) for hosting the party.

  • Reports:

Netherlands: Amsterdam

  • When: 2023-06-10 16:00-22:00

  • Where: ]Lag lab(, 1e Schinkelstraat 14-16, Amsterdam (map)

    • UPDATE Releaseparty: door beperkte aanmeldingen is de releaseparty verplaatst naar de anarchistische bibliotheek tegenover LAG, open vanaf 14:00, in ieder geval tot 18:00, mogelijk later. Kom een praatje maken, wat drinken, op het terras zitten
  • What: release party

  • Provided: tables, internet, drinks etc. (there might be homebrewn mate.)

  • Bring: optional: donations in cash

  • More info: IRC: ircs://irc.indymedia.org:6697/#lag . Organised by joostvb with maxigas and the rest of the Lag crew.

  • Promotion: lists.d.o post

Portugal: Lamego (Mezio, Castro Daire)

  • When: 17 June, 12:00 onwards

  • Where: Restaurante Tipico do Mezio (map, website)

  • What: Lunch regional/traditional food, socialize and celebrate Bookworm's release! Afterwards, those interested in the group can follow the meal with a visit to the traditional craft center (at walking distance), and enjoy seeing how non-digital things are built from source.

  • Provided: While we are organizing the gathering, each person is expected to pay for their own meal. Those wishing to visit the craft center are also expected to pay for their own entrance ticket (1€).

  • Bring: a festive mood - this is going to be a social party!

  • More info: So we can organize the meal (and, in particular, so we can know how many people we are planning to sit on our table) please confirm that you are planning to show up by emailing marcos.marado(at)ansol.org. While the most traditional meal in this restaurant is its "salpicão rice" (the best in the world!), there is also a vegetarian option (vegetarian fritters with bean rice).

  • Promotion: in Portuguese

  • Reports: (let's leave this to *after* the party!)

South Africa: Cape Town

  • When: 10 June at 18:30

  • Where: Woodstock Grill and Tap

  • What: Eat and drink and be merry

  • Bring: If you have any debian clothing, wear it!

  • More info: Contact Jonathan at jcc@d.o

  • Reports: Please blog about the event!

Switzerland: Biel/Bienne (at CoSin)

UK: Cambridge

  • When: 2pm onwards, Sunday 11th June

  • Where: The Haymakers pub, Cambridge: https://www.individualpubs.co.uk/haymakers/where/

  • What: Pub: drinks, food, chat, geekery!

  • Provided: Food and some drinks, please let Steve know if you're coming!

  • Bring: yourself, money for drinks

  • More info: organised by SteveMcIntyre, 93sam@d.o, +44 7775 786572

  • Promotion:

  • Reports:

Join us in Cambridge for a celeberation of bookworm!

We'll have a number of folks around from the installer, images and release teams around so you know who to blame... :-)

USA: Menlo Park, CA

  • When: 2023-10-06 starting 4:00 P.M. local time (US/Pacific)

  • Where: 1105 Altschul Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025-6601 USA directions map, also available virtually, see links immediately below

  • What: CABAL this meeting - will include Debian

  • Provided: seating, power, Wi-Fi, see the links immediately above for further information

  • Bring: yourself, suggested: food/beverage(s) to share

  • More info: see links above

Country: City

  • When: date and time

  • Where: good place to work (map)

  • What: description of the planned event

  • Provided: anything provided by the job like computers and other hardware, etc

  • Bring: anything people should bring, like computers, laptops, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc

  • More info: link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event

  • Promotion: links to mails, blog posts, tweets or other promotion done for the event.

  • Reports: links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event.

Add your city

Enter city name (in format Country/City with no spaces) in the text box below and press the button:

Debian Party Line

There will also be a distributed release celebration on the DebianPartyLine, a mumble-based voice chat.

  • Where: on the DebianPartyLine, a mumble-based voice chat.

  • What: talk, maybe music

  • Promotion: #debian-devel

  • Reports:

  • List of potential attendants:
