Qt4 (aka src:qt4-x11) removal
Debian Testing and Unstable (Sid) has removed src:qt4-x11 since 2020-03-07. Any package that still depends on Qt4 will be left uninstallable. For details, see Debian Bug 953294 .
Template text to file bugs
Subject: Qt4 removal from Buster Source: @FILLME@ User: debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org Usertags: qt4-removal Hi! As you might know we the Qt/KDE team are preparing to remove Qt4 as announced in: [announced] <https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/08/msg00006.html> Currently Qt4 has been dead upstream and we are starting to have problems maintaining it, like for example in the [OpenSSL 1.1 support] case. [OpenSSL 1.1 support] <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=828522> In order to make this move, all packages directly or indirectly depending on the Qt4 libraries have to either get ported to Qt5 or eventually get removed from the Debian repositories. Therefore, please take the time and: - contact your upstream (if existing) and ask about the state of a Qt5 port of your application - if there are no activities regarding porting, investigate whether there are suitable alternatives for your users - if there is a Qt5 port that is not yet packaged, consider packaging it - if both the Qt4 and the Qt5 versions already coexist in the Debian archives, consider removing the Qt4 version = Porting = Some of us where involved in various Qt4 to Qt5 migrations [migration] and we know for sure that porting stuff from Qt4 to Qt5 is much much easier and less painful than it was from Qt3 to Qt4. We also understand that there is still a lot of software still using Qt4. Don't forget to take a look at the C++ API changes page [apichanges] whenever you start porting your application. [migration] http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/packagingqtbasedstuff.html [apichanges] http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sourcebreaks.html For any questions and issues, do not hesitate to contact the Debian Qt/KDE team at debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org The removal is being tracked in <https://wiki.debian.org/Qt4Removal>
Related removals
Qt4WebKitRemoval Ubuntu's Qt 4 Removal
Apps using Qt4
Situation of apps and libraries using Qt4
Please keep this list reflecting the status of packages in both unstable and testing. Only when the bug gets fixed in both unstable and testing should we move it into the "Done" part.
Reminder bugs filed against these packages
centreon-broker: 939626 - Will be fixed in next release in April 2020, can be temporarily kept uninstallable when qt4 is removed
sofa-framework 875184
abgate 874806 -> Switched to Qt5.
acetoneiso 874814 -> Ported to Qt5.
acoustid-fingerprinter 874807 -> Orphaned, no upstream release for 6 years, no sign of porting -> Removed, RoQA.
adwaita-qt 874816 -> Ported to Qt5.
akonadi4 874808 -> Removed
alsoft-conf 874809 -> Removed
alt-key 874810 -> Upstream dead, last version released 6 years ago -> 904377 Removed.
amarok 874811 -> master branch is KF5-based, but no release planned yet -> Removed.
amora-server 874812 -> Removed
ams 874823 -> Ported to Qt5
amule 874824 -> "optional Plasma 4 applet disabled"
appmenu-qt 874825 -> Removed
aqsis 874815 -> Qt4 parts disabled
arc-gui-clients 874817 -> see qt4webkit removal page -> Switched to Qt5.
aseba 891021 -> Ported to Qt5.
attica 874818 -> Removed
audex 874819 -> git master is Qt5, but unmaintained; will be autoRMed from testing once libkcompactdisc and libkcddb are migrated to KF5 -> Removed, ROM.
auralquiz 874821 -> New version with Qt5 support uploaded.
automoc 874822 -> Removed
audiocd-kio 874820 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
autokey 875496
avahi 874832 -> Qt4 subpackages removed in the last upload
avogadro 874834 -> Removed
babiloo 935176 -> Removed
backintime 935341 -> Migrated to Qt5
bacula 874836 -> Migrated to Qt5.
ball 874837 -> Migrated to Qt5.
baloo 874826 -> Removed
bangarang 874828 -> "linked to Nepomuk -> dead upstream, RoM"
bareos 874839 → Switched to Qt5, not yet in testing.
basket 874829 -> Migrated to Qt5
bear 874830 -> "Only used in tests -> removed and tests disabled."
bibletime 874831 -> see qt4webkit removal page -> ported to Qt5.
boats 874833 -> Switch to Qt5
bppphyview 874835 -> Ported to Qt5.
breeze 874840 -> Dropped Qt4 support
brewtarget 874838 -> Switched to Qt5 (package version 2.3.1-1)
buildnotify 906564 -> Removed
calligra 874841 -> Qt5 version in experimental.
camp 874842 -> Switched to Qt5
cdcat 874843 -> Removed
choreonoid 874844 -> Removed
clementine 874850 -> Ported to Qt5.
clonalframe 874845 -> Switched to Qt5
clustalx 874851 Ported to Qt5.
cmtk 874853 -> Dropped GUI tools
code-saturne 935342 -> Switched to Qt5
codequery 874855 -> Switched to Qt5
collatinus 874856 -> Ported to Qt5.
connectome-workbench 874859 -> Switched to Qt5.
connectomeviewer 875494 -> Removed
comparepdf 874846
confclerk 874847 -> Switched to Qt5
convertall 874848 -> Ported to Qt5.
cortina 874849 -> Orphaned, upstream dead for 3 years -> Removed.
cppreference-doc 874862 -> Switched to Qt5 build
daemonfs 874864 -> Removed
dc-qt 874866 -> upstream inactive for 4 years, long orphaned -> RM requested 920192 -> Removed.
diffpdf 874854 -> Ported to Qt5 with Debian-specific patch series.
debconf 629405 -> Qt4 frontend removed.
doomsday 874870 -> version 2.x is Qt5-based -> Fixed in new version
dgedit 874852 -> Ported to Qt5
dssi 874857 -> Qt4 examples removed
edfbrowser 874858 -> Switched to Qt5.
eficas 935343 -> Removed
eiskaltdcpp 874872 -> upstream 2.2.10 compiles with Qt5 (maybe https://github.com/eiskaltdcpp/eiskaltdcpp/pull/367 is needed too)
encuentro 934324 -> upstream bug, RMed
eqonomize 874860 -> Switched to Qt5 (new version 1.2-1, QA upload).
epigrass 891994 -> Switched to Qt5
esperanza 874861 -> Removed, ROM.
evolvotron 874863 -> Switched to Qt5.
expeyes 904090 -> qt4 in Build-Depends, qt5 in Depends -> Unified to use Qt5 toolchain.
faustworks 874865 -> Switched to Qt5.
fbreader 874867 -> Removed Qt4 support
fcitx 874868 -> Removed Qt4 support
fcitx-kkc 874869 -> New version using Qt5 -> New version uploaded.
fcitx-libpinyin 874871 -> Switched to Qt5 in the new version.
fcitx-skk 874879 -> Switched to Qt5.
felix-latin 874881
ffdiaporama 874874 -> Switched to Qt5.
flightcrew 874875
fmit 874884 -> Switched to Qt5
fracplanet 874885 -> Switched to Qt5.
fractalnow 874876 -> Switched to Qt5.
fraqtive 874888 -> Switched to Qt5.
freecad 874877 -> Version 0.17 is based on Qt5.
freemat 874878 -> Removed
freemedforms-project 874880 -> Removed
freeplayer 874882 -> "'Upstream is long dead.' according the packager -> will be removed -> Removed, ROM"
fwbuilder 874894 Qt5 version uploaded using the "official" fork at https://github.com/fwbuilder/fwbuilder
gambas3 874896
gammaray 874883 -> Ported to Qt5.
gazebo 874898 -> the release 8.0.0 switched to Qt5
gcin 874886 -> Qt4 sub-package dropped
geogebra-kde 874887 -> "the package contained just a thumbnail generator and a service desktop file -> Removed"
geophar 875497 -> Migrated to Qt5.
gle-graphics 874901 -> Removed
gmic 874889
gnash 874890 -> Removed
gns3 874891 -> Removed
gnudoq 874892 -> Removed
gnuradio 874893 -> Switched to Qt5.
goldendict 874895 -> see qt4webkit removal page -> Switched to Qt5.
gpsbabel 874897 -> see the Qt4WebKitRemoval -> Switched to Qt5 since 1.5.4.
gpsd 874905 -> Qt4 used in libqgpsmm22; no mention of Qt5 support upstream, but the build system supports the version of Qt (maybe leftover from 3->4?)
gr-air-modes -> GUI components dropped
gr-fosphor 874899
gr-radar 874900 -> Migrated to Qt5.
grantlee 874908 -> Removed form the archive.
guymager 874902 -> Switched to Qt5
hamfax 874911 -> Removed
hannah-foo2zjs 874903 -> Switched to Qt5
hedgewars 874913
heimdall-flash 874915 -> Switched to Qt5
hgview 875499 (removed)
hime 874904 -> Removed the Qt4 input module
holdingnuts 874917 -> Removed.
hupnp 874906 Removed from the archive.
hydrogen 874907 -> Removed
i7z 874909 -> Qt4 GUI disabled.
iannix 874910 -> Qt5 package uploaded to sid.
ifrit 874921 -> Removed, RoQA.
ike 874914 -> RMed, RoQA
imagevis3d 874916 -> Removed
jovie 874922 -> RMed, replaced by Qt Speech in Qt 5.10
jreen 874918 -> Dropped Qt4 support
juk 874919 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12.
k3b 874923 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.04
kaccessible 874927 -> functionality included in Qt5 -> dropped from KDE Applications 17.12 -> Removed
hachoir-metadata 942191 -> Removed
kactivities 874925 -> Removed
kajongg 874924 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.04
kalternatives 874928 -> Removed
kalzium 874929 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12, switched to Qt5
kamerka 874926 -> Removed
karlyriceditor 874931 -> Removed
katarakt 874930 -> Switched to Qt5 (new version)
kate4 874932 -> Removed
kbibtex 874934 -> "master is Qt5 -> but another kdelibs 4.x version (0.7.0) is planned" Switched to Qt5.
kcachegrind 874935 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.04
kcheckers 874933
kchmviewer 874936 -> switched to Qt5
kcollectd 874938 -> Removed
kdbg 874941 -> Removed
kde4libs 874945 -> Removed
kde-baseapps 874942 -> split into few Qt5 tarballs since KDE Applications 16.12; now removed
kde-dev-utils 874943 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.04
kde-runtime 874944 -> Removed
kdegraphics-mobipocket 874946 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
kdepim4 874947 -> it contains knode and ktimetracker, not available for Qt5 -> Removed.
kdepimlibs 874937 -> Removed
kdesdk-kioslaves 874939 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.04
kdesudo 874940 -> "This is Qt 3 -> it should be removed from the archive altogether in favor of kdesu -> see this and bug 875107" Removed, RoM
kdewebdev 874948 -> Removed, RoM (kimagemapeditor is in own source)
kdiff3 874949 -> Qt5 development version uploaded
keepassx 874950 -> Switched to Qt5
keurocalc 874952 -> Switched to Qt 5
kfilemetadata 874953 -> Removed
kmetronome 874954 -> Ported to Qt 5
kget 874958 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12
kgoldrunner 874960 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.04
kgpg 874951 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
kigo 874963 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
kile 874966 -> Switched to Qt5 beta
kio-gopher 874971 -> Qt5 version released
klatexformula 874972 -> Switched to Qt5.
kmag 874974 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
kmldonkey 874956 -> Removed
kmidimon 874955 -> Removed
kmix 874975 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12
kmousetool 874957 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
kmouth 874959 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12
kmymoney 874961 -> Switched to Qt5
knights 874962 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 18.12
knutclient 874964 -> Removed
kolf 874965 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12
komparator 874981 -> looks dead upstream, requires libkonq4 (it was RMed as planned as soon as src:konqueror was switched to the KF5 version)
konquest 874967 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
konsole4 874983 -> Removed, RoM
kopete 874985 -> Removed, fixed in experimental, but too unstable ATM
kover 874968 -> Removed
kprinter4 874973 -> Removed
kqtquickcharts 874976 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
kpartsplugin 874969 -> Removed
kradio4 874977 -> Removed
kraft 874993 -> Qt5 since 0.80
krecipes 874978 -> Removed
kredentials 874979 -> Removed
kremotecontrol 874980 -> dropped from KDE Applications 17.12 (not ported); now unmaintained by the KDE community -> Removed.
krename 874982 -> Qt5 since v5.0.0
kreversi 874984 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
ksaneplugin 874986 Removed, RoM
kscd 874987 -> Removed
kscope 874988 -> "the home page says that 'KScope is no longer being maintained.' -> drop", Removed, RoM
kshutdown 874989 -> can use Qt5 since version 4.x -> Built against KF5 now
ksirk 874990 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12
ksnakeduel 874991 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
kspaceduel 874992 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
kst 874994 -> Switched to Qt5 (already supported).
ksudoku 874995 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
ktikz 874996 -> Ported to Qt5.
ktouch 875000 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12, fixed in experimental
ktp-call-ui 875001 Switched to Qt5 in experimental.
kppp 874970 -> Removed
kubrick 875002 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
kuser 874997 -> dropped upstream, RMed
kvirc 874998 -> unreleased Qt5 version is in experimentalsci
kvkbd 874999 -> no activity recently, but most likely can be replaced by qtvirtualkeyboard (Plasma requirement) -> RMed, RoQA.
kvpnc 875003 -> Removed
kxstitch 875004 -> ported to Qt5
laborejo 935344 -> Removed
launchy 875020 -> Orphaned, original upstream dead, fork available on ?GitHub with Qt5 support, removed
leocad 875006 Switched to Qt5.
lfhex 875018 -> Removed.
libaccounts-qt 875007 -> extra libqt4-dev B-D
libalkimia 875008 -> RoM; Qt5 version available as src:alkimia
libbpp-qt 875009 -> Switched to Qt5.
libdbusmenu-qt 875021 -> Dropped Qt4 support
libdrumstick 875010 -> Switched to Qt5.
libffado -> there is some discussion in 887846
libguytools2 875011 -> Switched to Qt5
libgwenhywfar 875012 -> previously double Qt4/Qt5; switched to Qt5 after kmymoney/Qt5 entered Buster
libjdns 875022 -> Dropped Qt4 support
libkcddb 875013 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
libkcompactdisc 875014 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
libkdegames-kde4 875015 -> KF5 counterpart already in archive, will be RMed once all the games are migrated to Applications 17.12
libkexiv2 875016 -> needed by src:okular, KF5 counterpart already in archive -> RMed from archive
libkmahjongg 875017 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 15.04, KF5 counterpart already in archive -> Removed from archive, no longer needed
libkolabxml 875019 -> Switched to Qt5.
libkpeople 875023 Removed, RoM, Qt5 version already available.
libksane 875024 Removed, RoM. Qt5 since KDE Applications 15.12
liblastfm 875025 Switched to Qt 5.
libmygpo-qt 875033
liborigin2 875034 -> Switched to Qt5.
libqaccessibilityclient 875035 -> new 0.2.0 release dual Qt4/Qt5 -> Ported to Qt5.
libqglviewer 875036 -> Dropped Qt4 support
libquazip 875026 -> Switched to Qt 5.
libqxt 875027 -> Dead upstream -> RM Bug submitted 906650 -> Removed.
liggghts 875028 -> Qt4 part removed.
lightdm 875029 -> Qt4 support removed
lightdm-kde 875030 -> no Qt5 port will happen, packet will be removed alongside Qt4
linguider 875031 -> Removed
linkchecker 875032 GUI component split out, not part of Debian, unmaintained
linpsk 875044 -> only old Qt4-based version left in ports
linux-minidisc 875037 Switched to Qt5.
lmms 875038 -> Switched to Qt5
lskat 875039 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.08
luckybackup 875045 -> Switched to Qt5.
m2l-pyqt 875046 -> Switched to Qt5.
makehuman 906578 -> Removed
maptransfer 933033 -> dead upstream; Removed
matplotlib -> 941527 -> Dropped support for Qt4
mcrl2 875040 -> Removed, unmaintained.
meshlab 875041 -> Switched to Qt5
microbegps 935345 -> Switched to Qt5
midisnoop 875047 -> Switched to Qt5
mixxx 875042 -> the tarball of the released 2.0.0 apparently supports also Qt5 -> Switched to Qt5
mldemos 875043
mm3d 875048 -> Switched to Qt5
monkeystudio 875056 -> Dead upstream, removed
mp3diags 875057 -> Switched to Qt 5.
mrtrix3 939627 -> Switched to Qt 5
mumble 875058 -> development versions (1.3) use Qt5 (see 874683 ) -> Migrated to Qt5.
muse 875049 -> Switched to Qt5
musique 875061 -> Removed
mustang-plug 875050 -> Switched to Qt5
netanim 875051 -> Removed
netemul 875052 Removed, RoM.
nfs-ganesha 935348 -> Only python bindings require Qt4, dropped
nmapsi4 875053 -> Switched to Qt5 (last snapshot of the alpha of the new 0.5).
nomnom 875055 -> video downloader/grabber, last upstream release in 2011, probably not working anymore; candidate for removal (?DebianBug: 922781) -> Removed, RoQA.
noblenote 875054 -> Switched to Qt5
ntrack 875059 -> Removed
ns3 875071 Switched qto Qt5.
nuapplet 875060 Removed, RoM.
nzb 875062 Removed
octave 875063 Switched to Qt5.
octomap 875064 Switched to Qt5.
odin 875065 -> Switched to Qt5
ofono-phonesim 875066 -> Removed
okular 875067 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
openambit 875068 -> Re moved from the archive.
opencolorio 875069 -> Switched to Qt5.
openimageio 875072 -> Switched to Qt5.
openms 875073 -> no Qt5 support in released version or in the 'develop' git branch, but there is a 'feature/qt5' branch
openmw 875081 -> support for building with Qt5 is available 0.37.0, according the release notes
openpref 875074 -> Switched to Qt 5.
opencsg 875070 -> Switched to Qt5
openscenegraph 875075 -> Switched to Qt5
opensesame -> Removed
openteacher 875076 -> Removed
ophcrack 875082
ostinato 875077 -> Switched to Qt5
otb 875083 -> "This migration can be planned for version 6.4 (which should arrive around December 2017)." -> Migrated to Qt5 with new release.
oxygen 875078 -> Dropped Qt4 support
packagesearch 875079 -> Switched to Qt5.
pairs 875080 -> dropped (use the similar activity in gcompris-qt) Removed, RoM.
palapeli 875084 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12
paraview 875086 -> a Qt5 version was uploaded for a while but then reverted (see 821091 ), maybe it can be tried again
pcp 875093 -> Switched to Qt5.
pfstools 875094 -> Switched to Qt5 (with a patch backported from the upstream WIP Qt5 branch).
pianobooster 875089 -> Ported to Qt5
picard -> a Qt5 version was released and packaged; Qt5 packages since 2.0.4-1 (now 2.1.0-1)
phonon 875095 -> removed Qt 4 support.
phonon-backend-gstreamer 875087 -> removed Qt 4 support, kept Qt 5 one.
phonon-backend-vlc 875088 -> Dropped Qt4 support
pinentry-x2go 875090 -> Switched to Qt5.
pivy 875099 -> Switched to Qt5
plasma-widget-yawp 875100 -> "no Qt5 version planned -> only works with Plasma 4" -> Removed.
plplot 875101 Ported to Qt5.
pokerth 875091 -> Switched to Qt5-only build.
polkit-qt-1 875092 -> Dropped Qt4 support
poppler 875096 -> "different backends -> just drop the Qt4 version when there are no dependencies"
populations 875097 -> Ported to Qt5
portabase 875098 -> Removed
postbooks 875102
postbooks-updater 875103
prerex 875104
prison 875105 -> Removed, RoM
projectm 875112 -> Qt5 support since version 2.2.1 (2018-04-06) -> Removed from unstable, awaiting others to reintroduce later.
promoe 875117 -> Orphaned, upstream development stalled -> Removed: 904865
psi 875119 -> Upstream version 1.2 supports/requires Qt5
psi-plus-l10n 875110 Ported to Qt5
psi-translations 875111 -> Migrated to Qt5 toolchain.
puddletag 935346 -> Removed
pulseview 875113 -> Switched to Qt5.
pykde4 875118
pymecavideo 875120 -> Ported to Qt5.
pynagram -> dead upstream, RM proposed -> Removed, RoQA.
pypibrowser -> dead upstream -> RM Bug submitted 905804 -> Removed.
pyqwt3d 875116
pyqwt5 875115 -> Removed
pysatellites 935347 -> Switched to Qt5
pyside 875122 -> Removed
pyside-tools 875114 -> Removed
python-pyface 935349 -> Switched to Qt5
python-pyqtgraph 843897 -> Switched to Qt5
python-whiteboard 875121 Switched to Qt5.
python-qt4 875109 -> Removed
pythonqt 875108 Switched to Qt5.
qbzr 935351 -> Removed
qca2 875133 -> Dropped Qt4 support
qscintilla2 875144 -> Dropped Qt4 support
qcomicbook 875129 -> "version 0.9.1 uses Qt5 -> uploaded"
qct -> RFA; RFA says should be removed -> Removed, ROM.
qimageblitz 875130 -> Removed
qimhangul 875131 -> RoM, there are alternatives for Qt5.
qink 875132 Orphaned, no upstream Qt5 version. -> Removed, RoQA.
qjoypad 875137 -> Switched to qt5
qjson 875139 -> Removed
qliss3d 875140 -> Removed
qgis 875135 -> at least the version 2.18.12 (released on 18.08.2017) can be compiled with Qt5, but Qt5 is not supported upstream until 3.0. The package in Debian will be switched to Qt5 when 3.4.x LTR enters the upstream Long-Term Repo. -> 3.4.x uploaded to sid and migrated to testing.
qpxtool 875141 -> Ported to Qt5
qr-tools 875142 Switched to Qt5. (debian-specific patch)
qrfcview 875143 -> No upstream activity since 2006, no debian maintainer activity since 2008, no upload since 2013, package removal planned, query sent to package maintainer -> Removed.
qsapecng 875138 -> Removed.
qstardict 875145 -> Ported to Qt5.
qt-assistant-compat 875151 -> Removed
qt-at-spi 875146 -> Removed
qt-gstreamer 875147 -> Qt4 parts dropped
qt-sdk 875154 Removed, RoM.
qtads 875157 -> Switched to Qt5
qtcurve 875149 -> Dropped Qt4 support
qt4reactor 935350 -> Removed form the archive.
qtexengine 875158 -> Removed
qthid-fcd-controller 875160 -> Ported to Qt5
qtiplot 875150 -> Removed
qtkeychain 875152 -> can be compiled for both Qt4 and Qt5 -> Switched to Qt5.
qtm 875161 -> Removed
qtop 875162 -> Switched to Qt5.
qtruby 875153 Removed, RoM.
qtscriptgenerator 875155 -> needed by src:amarok -> Removed.
qtscrob 875156 -> Switched to Qt5.
qtsmbstatus 875163 -> Removed
qtwebkit 875159 -> Removed
qwt 875165 -> Dropped Qt4 support
qwt5 875166 -> Removed
qemuctl 875134 -> Removed
qmpdclient 875136 -> Removed
qwbfsmanager 875164 -> Removed
qwtplot3d 875167 -> Ported to Qt5.
qxmlrpc 875178 -> Removed
radium-compressor 875168 -> Ported to Qt5
razorqt 875169 -> Removed
rinputd 875170 Removed, RoM
rkward 875171 -> "framework branch available -> not ready yet" -> Ported to Qt5.
rlplot 875172 -> Removed
robocut 875173 Switched to Qt5.
robojournal 875174 -> Removed, RoM.
sailcut 875175 Already Qt5.
scantailor 875176 -> Removed
scap-workbench 875177 -> Removed
scidavis 875251 -> Removed from the archive
scim 875250 → Dropped Qt4 support
scolasync 935183 ->
screenie-qt 875179 -> Upstream dead (Google Code), no package maintenance activity in the last 8 years -> Removed, RoQA.
scribus 875180 -> Switched to Qt5
seascope 875500 -> dead upstream? -> Removed.
shelxle 875189 -> Switched to Qt5
shiboken 875190 -> Removed
sigviewer 875191 -> Switched to Qt5
simplescreenrecorder 875192 -> Switched to Qt5.
smokegen 875181 -> Removed.
smpq 875182 -> KDE4 kio binary package dropped.
sni-qt 875183 -> Removed
soprano 875185 -> Removed, RoM
soqt 875186 -> Switched to Qt5
soundkonverter 875187 -> Switched to Qt5/KF5
soundscaperenderer 875188 -> Switched to Qt5
starpu-contrib 875196 -> Switched to Qt5
stretchplayer 875195 -> Switched to Qt5
structure-synth 875203 -> Switched to Qt5
stopmotion 875194 -> Switched to Qt5
subcommander 875204 -> Orphaned, last upstream activity in 2009 -> Removed, RoQA.
subdownloader -> dead upstream? no source code on the homepage -> Upstream migrated to pyqt5.
suil 875205 -> "dual link to Qt4 and Qt5; Qt4 was dropped in the Debian git repository, maybe requires a team upload, but maybe also better wait for the next version, see https://bugs.gentoo.org/631914#c2 -> uploaded new package without Qt4 support."
svgpart 875197 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 16.12
sweeper 875198 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12
swift-im 875212 -> Switched to Qt5
syncevolution 875215 -> Removed
synergy 875199 -> Removed
syrthes 891993 -> Remo0ved GUI using Qt
tagainijisho 875200 -> Removed
tagua 875201 -> Switched to Qt5.
telepathy-qt 875206 -> Qt4 parts dropped
tipp10 875207 -> Switched to Qt5
tora 875208 -> Removed
traverso 875209 -> upstream site in maintenance since 2014... -> Switched to Qt5.
treeline 875210 -> Ported to Qt5.
trimage 935352 -> Ported to Qt5
ttfautohint 875211 -> Switched to Qt5.
txtreader 875213 -> dead upstream, looking for removal -> Removed, RoQA/RoM.
uicilibris 875223 -> RM Removed.
udj-desktop-client 875214 -> Upstream and Maintainer inactive -> RM Bug filed 902964 RoQA -> Removed.
uim 875216 -> Dropped Qt4 build (already builds Qt5 module)
ultracopier 875217
unetbootin 875218 -> Removed from the archive, QA. "Known upstream -> should take minimal effort to port -> bumped."
universalindentgui 875228 -> Removed from the archive.
unixodbc-gui-qt 875219 -> Removed
usbguard 875220 -> Removed a spurious build-dependency on Qt4
v4l2ucp 875221 -> Removed
valkyrie 875222 -> Removed
veusz 875232 -> version 3.0.1 in sid uses Qt5 but it has transition issues -> Fully migrated.
videocut 875224 See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=875224#10. Removed, RoM.
virtualjaguar 875225 -> Switched to Qt5
vistrails 935353 -> Switched to Qt5
vitables 935354 -> Switched to Qt5
viva 875226 -> Upstream inactive, removed
vmpk 875238 -> Switched to Qt5
voxbo 875227 -> Removed
webkit-image 875229 -> Removed, RoM
webkitkde 875239 -> Removed, RoM
witty 875230 -> can be compiled without Qt4; package basically abandoned, only in sid, many fixes and a new major upstream release not packaged -> Removed.
woo 875231 -> the last git snapshot supports also Qt5; the package is only in sid -> Removed, ROM.
wpa 875233 -> Switched to Qt5
writetype 875234 -> Removed
wsjtx 875235 -> last version(s) supports Qt5, packaging ongoing for version 1.8 (see 906899 )
x2goclient 875236 -> Ported to Qt5.
yagf 875243 -> Switched to Qt5
xca 875237 -> Switched to Qt5
xdrawchem 875245 -> Ported to Qt5.
xflr5 875240 -> Removed
xxdiff 875241 -> Switched to Qt5.
yabause 875242 -> Switched to Qt5
zbar 875246 -> Upstream inactive since 2012 -> Qt4 part removed.
zeroconf-ioslave 875244 -> Qt5 since KDE Applications 17.12