Kathenas, aka Phil Wyett
Web: Kathenas Website
Email: <philip DOT wyett AT SPAMFREE kathenas DOT org>
IRC: kathenas (registered on OFTC and Libera)
Most of the money you see in and around Free / Open Source Software, Hardware and other projects is in the hands of large groups and self styled organisations, with little or none reaching the actually contributors/maintainer/developers of your favourite projects who actually do the core work.
Consider donating to projects and persons directly.
If you choose to do so, you can donate to me via the link below. Any donations are greatly appreciated and go towards hosting and hardware so I can continue contribution across a wide variety of projects.
- Auckley, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England, UK.
Yorkshire man, former soldier, an engineer and forthright by nature. If I think something is right or wrong, I will say it and start a discussion.
Reading - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jeff Somers, Anthony Horowitz and more.
- Food.
- Computing.
- Automotive - All, but enjoy a Ford or Lotus.
- Robotics.
- Engineering.
Kathenas Web, Social and Media Links
Kathenas Debian Activities
Debian Maintainer (DM).
Maintainer of bglibs
Maintainer of compton
Maintainer of filezilla
Maintainer of (as part of Debian Astro Team) gnuastro
Maintainer of libfilezilla
Maintainer of librepfunc
Maintainer of nanomsg
Maintainer of rednotebook
Maintainer of (as part of Debian Astro Team) splash
Maintainer of vdr-plugin-wirbelscan
Maintainer of w-scan-cpp
Nothing to see here at present.
I can often be found on Debian Mentors helping other Debian Developers, Debian Maintainers and other contributors with their packages and issues. Other Debian mentors details below.
Mailing list: Debian Mentors mailing list.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Channel: #debian-mentors on OFTC IRC Network.
A variety of articles that may be of interest or bore - You can decide.
The Scriptium
A git repository with a variety of bash scripts that folks may find useful.
Kathenas bash scripts on GitHub
The end for now. Kathenas, signing off...