Patrice Duroux
Contact: <patrice DOT duroux AT PASDEPOURRIELS gmail DOT com>
I've been a Debian user since about 1993-94, discovered while studying computer science at university. At that time, going from an IBM XT (10M) to an IBM PS/1 for my personal computer was so great to split the downloads not to 360K floppies but 1.44M! :-D
Debian Bug;;;
Package Wishlist
GIS tools
Packaged: gpsprune gtkviewer josm merkaartor pytrainer qmapshack satellite-gtk viking
GPXSee - see RFP 884253, discussion and for Repology versions (Qt5 based)
GPX Viewer - Repology versions (GTK3 based)
RouteConverter - Repology versions (Java based)
Iphigénie Non-free map tool for French IGN with a Linux desktop version has a .deb package (Java based)