Differences between revisions 89 and 91 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 89 as of 2020-02-28 00:55:20
Size: 8070
Editor: nodiscc
Comment: link formatting
Revision 91 as of 2020-02-29 03:22:58
Size: 8094
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: https
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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||<tablestyle="width: 100%; text-align: center; border: 0px hidden"> {{http://www.debian.org/logos/openlogo-nd-50.png}} {{http://www.debian.org/Pics/debian.png}}|| ||<tablestyle="width: 100%; text-align: center; border: 0px hidden"> {{https://www.debian.org/logos/openlogo-nd-50.png}} {{https://www.debian.org/Pics/debian.png}}||
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[[http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html|the Debian New Maintainers' Guide]] -- tutorial for simple package<<BR>>
[[http://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#packaging-tutorial|Debian Packaging Tutorial]] -- slides-based overview of Debian packaging<<BR>>
[[http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/|Debian Policy]] -- guiding rules
[[http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/|Developers Reference]] -- advanced guide etc.<<BR>>
[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html|the Debian New Maintainers' Guide]] -- tutorial for simple package<<BR>>
[[https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#packaging-tutorial|Debian Packaging Tutorial]] -- slides-based overview of Debian packaging<<BR>>
[[https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/|Debian Policy]] -- guiding rules
[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/|Developers Reference]] -- advanced guide etc.<<BR>>
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 * [[http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html|the Debian New Maintainers' Guide]] describes the building of a Debian package to ordinary Debian users.
 * [[http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/|the Debian Policy]] includes technical requirements that each package must satisfy.
 * [[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html|the Debian New Maintainers' Guide]] describes the building of a Debian package to ordinary Debian users.
 * [[https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/|the Debian Policy]] includes technical requirements that each package must satisfy.
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  * [[http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/|The Developers Reference]] provides an overview of the recommended procedures and the available resources for Debian developers.   * [[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/|The Developers Reference]] provides an overview of the recommended procedures and the available resources for Debian developers.
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 * [[http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.announce/997|Autobuilding non-free packages]]  * [[https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/20061129152824.GT2560@mails.so.argh.org|Autobuilding non-free packages]]

Translation(s): English - Italiano - Svenska - Русский

https://www.debian.org/logos/openlogo-nd-50.png https://www.debian.org/Pics/debian.png

Portal/IDB/logo_portal.png Welcome to Debian packaging portal

Portal/IDB/icon-template-32x32.png This portal is about information relevant to developers wishing to package software for Debian. If you were looking for information on installing and removing packages from your Debian system, see the package management page.

Debian packages are maintained by a community of Debian Developers and volunteers.

If you're just starting out with Debian packaging, please read the official documentation first:
the Debian New Maintainers' Guide -- tutorial for simple package
Debian Packaging Tutorial -- slides-based overview of Debian packaging
Debian Policy -- guiding rules Developers Reference -- advanced guide etc.

Introduction to Debian Packaging

To get a good grounding in Debian packaging:

Now that you have seen the basics, it is highly recommended that you read some real stuff:

Then, if you are looking for answers, you can come back here or read:

What not to do:

  • There are no shortcuts to learning good packaging practices. Avoid equivs which is only useful for building trivial metapackages and does not teach you anything about packaging.

Packaging Procedures

Types / Formats


Advanced Procedures

Useful Pages

Training Sessions

From Debian Women

DebianWomen organise interesting training sessions.

See also:

Wiki pages

All pages related to packaging in Debian:

  1. AdvancedBuildingTips
  2. Alioth
  3. AndroidTools
  4. AutomakeTransition
  5. AutomaticPackagingTools
  6. BuildingFormalBackports
  7. BzrBuildpackage/DesignIdeas
  8. CheckInstall
  9. ConfigPackages
  10. CopyrightReviewTools
  11. Courses2005/BuildingWithoutHelper
  12. CreatePackageFromPPA
  13. Creating signed GitHub releases
  14. DDPO
  15. DEX
  16. DataPackages
  17. Debhelper
  18. DebianAstro/AstropyPackagingTutorial/Packaging
  19. DebianAstro/AstropyPackagingTutorial/Preparation
  20. DebianChangelog
  21. DebianDevelopment
  22. DebianGNUstep/TODO
  23. DebianMentorsFaq
  24. DebianPackageManagement
  25. DebianPackaging-FAQs
  26. DebianRepository/Setup
  27. DebugPackage
  28. DevelopersCorner
  29. Diagrams
  30. Distcc
  31. DpkgConffileHandling
  32. DpkgDiversions
  33. EditingBinaryPackageMetadata
  34. EmacspeakTestingGuide
  35. FTBFS
  36. FastTrack
  37. Fonts/PackagingPolicy
  38. Games
  39. Games/Sponsors/Queue
  40. GettingPorted
  41. GitPackaging
  42. GitPackagingSurvey
  43. GitPackagingSurvey/bare debian
  44. GitPackagingSurvey/bare debian monorepo
  45. GitPackagingSurvey/bare template
  46. GitPackagingSurvey/git-debcherry
  47. GitPackagingSurvey/git-debrebase
  48. GitPackagingSurvey/git-dpm
  49. GitPackagingSurvey/manually maintained applied
  50. GitPackagingSurvey/merging
  51. GitPackagingSurvey/modified orig plus further unapplied patches
  52. GitPackagingSurvey/rebasing
  53. GitPackagingSurvey/unapplied
  54. GitPackagingWorkflow
  55. GitPackagingWorkflow/DebConf11BOF
  56. GitSrc
  57. HardeningWalkthrough
  58. HowToPackageForDebian
  59. Java/Packaging
  60. Javascript/Policy
  61. Maintainers
  62. MediaWiki
  63. Mentors
  64. Mingw-W64
  65. NonMaintainerUpload
  66. PackageArchitectureAlmostAny
  67. PackageConfigUpgrade
  68. PackageTransition
  69. Packaging
  70. Packaging/BinaryPackage
  71. Packaging/HackingDependencies
  72. Packaging/Intro
  73. Packaging/Learn
  74. Packaging/Pre-Requisites
  75. Packaging/Variables
  76. Packaging/ruby-team-meta-build
  77. Packaging/sbuild
  78. PackagingWithDarcs
  79. PackagingWithDocker
  80. PackagingWithGit
  81. PbuilderTricks
  82. PkgExim4
  83. PkgExim4UserFAQ
  84. PkgQtKde/BookwormReleasePlans
  85. PkgQtKde/TrixieReleasePlans
  86. Projects/DebSrc3.0
  87. Python/DbgBuilds
  88. Python/LibraryStyleGuide
  89. Python/Policy
  90. RPM
  91. RenamingPackages
  92. Repackage_srcrpm
  93. Repacking
  94. ReproducibleBuilds
  95. Salsa
  96. Salsa/support
  97. SecurePbuilder
  98. ServiceSandboxing
  99. SimpleBackportCreation
  100. SimplePackagingTutorial
  101. SoftwarePackaging
  102. SponsorChecklist
  103. SystemBuildTools
  104. Teams
  105. Teams/CUPS
  106. Teams/DebianHaskellGroup
  107. Teams/DebianMonoGroup/NewPackage
  108. Teams/DebianMozExtTeam
  109. Teams/Dpkg/Spec/DeclarativePackaging
  110. Teams/Foo2zjs
  111. Teams/MySQL
  112. Teams/MySQL/MySQL-wsrep
  113. Teams/OCamlTaskForce
  114. Teams/Printing
  115. Teams/Ruby/Packaging
  116. UntrustedDebs
  117. UsingQuilt
  118. WNPP
  119. binNMU
  120. debian/patches
  121. debian/upstream
  122. debian/upstream/edam
  123. debian/watch
  124. piuparts
  125. pt_BR/AdvancedBuildingTips
  126. pt_PT/Teams
  127. sbuild
  128. tag2upload
  129. udeb
  130. zh_CN/DebianRepository/Setup

CategoryPackaging | CategoryPortal