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Debian is participating in the 15th Round of Outreachy. We are looking for two interns and more can potentially be supported from central funds.

Update: Interns have been announced on


Debian is dedicated to increasing the diversity of contributors to the project. We strongly believe this is a win-win situation for people coming from backgrounds currently underrepresented in free software (who open up new opportunities for themselves through community networking) and the wider free software movement, which benefits from a range of skills, experiences, and viewpoints. Statistics show that although we have increased the diversity of participants, we still have plenty of room to grow. With this initiative we hope more people will see opportunities to become involved in the Debian project.

Thanks to the efforts of the program organizers, Outreachy has now been expanded to other underrepresented groups in the Free Software community, which is perfectly in line with Debian's Diversity Statement.

For whom

From The main program page

Eligible participants must meet all the following requirements:


What to do & Projects

  1. Choose a Project

  2. Make a small contribution.
    • Once you have chosen your project, contact its corresponding mentor and ask him/her what small contribution related to the project you could do.
  3. Submit your application on the Outreachy website:

  4. Make sure you notify us that you have done so : email <outreach AT debian DOT org> and the mentors for your project with a link to your application

Please, read more about this program here:

How to communicate with us

Debian is a huge project, so we have created a welcoming atmosphere:

Coordinators of the program:

See also

Other paid internships and mentor opportunities are available.