This page is obsoleted by ReleaseGoals/RemoveOldLibs
- Rationale: defoma is unmaintained and Debian-specific. fontconfig is a maintained and cross-distro replacement that is already in Debian. We should migrate everything to fontconfig and drop defoma.
All bugs:;tag=defoma-removal
- Migration of packages with defoma backends to fontconfig
Status: bugs filed, all done
Xorg: Xorg is tricky. It uses defoma via x-ttcidfont-conf and --with-default-font-path=...defoma.... Fixing it should be a matter of removing defoma from its FontPath. Bug 657565 filed about the FontPath change and x-ttcidfont-conf already removed. Upstream plans to switch to fontconfig, but we shouldn't expect that to happen any time soon. The interim situation is that font packages manually need to add themselves to the font catalog dir or that Xorg could add a trigger creating a symlink farm.
- Conversion of defoma hints in fonts packages to fontconfig snippets
- Status: all hints removed
- Drop defoma backend from fontconfig
- Status: fixed in fontconfig 2.9.0
- Drop defoma from unstable
- Status: dropped from unstable
- Defoma deprecation in infrastructure stuff; lintian, etc
- Status: not needed
- Drop defoma documentation from wiki, website etc
- Status: dropped
Test upgrades lenny -> squeeze -> wheezy for obsolete defoma files
- Status: not started