FileSystem > NTFS

Translation(s): English Русский

NTFS (Windows NT FileSystem) is a proprietary filesystem, used as the default in every version of Microsoft Windows since NT 3.1. Accessing NTFS partitions is a common necessity in dual-boot setups, where exchanging files between drives is a need.

NTFS Drivers

Three NTFS filesystem drivers are currently available:


Usage Examples


See ntfs-3g(8) for available options

As a regular user to a /media subdirectory

$ udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdc1


ntfs and ntfs-3g

The original tool used to mount ntfs partitions was /sbin/mount.ntfs. However, in Debian Squeeze this is symlink-ed to /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g, which is in turn symlink-ed to /usr/bin/ntfs-3g. So an entry in /etc/fstab that mounts an NTFS partition can specify either ntfs or ntfs-3g as its filesystem type, and both of these specifications will use the new NTFS filesystem driver ntfs-3g to mount the partition. ntfs-3g might be the preferred choice as it provides both read and write access to NTFS partitions.

Permissions for mounted partition(s)

For filesystem access by other users and groups on the system, refer to the mount(8) and fstab(5) man pages; note the umask, dmask, fmask, uid and gid options.

mount(8) § Mount options for ntfs


CategoryStorage | CategorySystemAdministration | CategoryProprietarySoftware