Editor notes /* The list is generated from https://salsa.debian.org/nodiscc/awesome-linuxaudio, a list of multimedia/live/audio/video/graphics applications for Linux. Please consider submitting a Merge Request there or at one of the mirrors listed in the README, so that the list can easily be kept in sync with the wiki. The latest export in moinmoin wiki format can be found at https://gitlab.com/nodiscc/awesome-linuxaudio/-/pipelines/master/latest under the debianwiki job (use the raw format for better readability). Exports can also be generated manually with make debianwiki Translation(s): العربية - English - Español - Français - Русский - Svenska - 简体中文 Debian Wiki Multimedia portal - This portal covers all aspects of viewing, playing, editing and creating audiovisual content on Debian.
This list is generated from https://salsa.debian.org/nodiscc/awesome-linuxaudio. Contents
ardour - the digital audio workstation lmms - Linux Multimedia Studio meterec - minimalistic multi track recorder muse - Qt-based audio/MIDI sequencer qtractor - MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer application rosegarden - music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer seq24 - traverso - Multitrack audio recorder and editor
bambootracker - YM2608 (OPNA, sound chip of Yamaha) music tracker cheesecutter - SID music editor goattracker - C64 music editor hivelytracker - Music tracker for AHX and HVL formats klystrack - Chiptune tracker komposter - lightweight music composing system milkytracker - music creation tool inspired by Fast Tracker 2 pt2-clone - Music tracker clone of ?ProTracker 2 for modern computers schism - ?ImpulseTracker clone aiming at providing the same look&feel tiatracker - music tracker for making Atari VCS 2600 tutka - tracker style MIDI sequencer zytrax - Easy to use, tracker-inspired music sequencer
audacity - fast, cross-platform audio editor kwave - sound editor for KDE mhwaveedit - Simple and fast GTK2 sound editor
drumgizmo - Audio sampler plugin and stand-alone app that simulates a real drum kit freewheeling - live looping musical instrument giada - Hardcore Loop Machine hydrogen - advanced drum machine/step sequencer hydrogen-drumkits - drumkits for Hydrogen hydrogen-drumkits-effects - effect drumkits for Hydrogen kluppe - loop-player and recorder designed for live use qsampler - ?LinuxSampler GUI frontend based on the Qt toolkit samplv1 - polyphonic sampler synthesizer - standalone sooperlooper - Looping Sampler
calf-plugins - Calf Studio Gear - audio effects and sound generators amb-plugins - ambisonics LADSPA plugins avw.lv2 - caps - C* Audio Plugin Suite cmt - LADSPA plugin collection fomp - collection of LV2 audio plugins ardour-lv2-plugins - digital audio workstation - lv2 plugins set invada-studio-plugins-ladspa - Invada Studio Plugins - a set of LADSPA audio plugins invada-studio-plugins-lv2 - Invada Studio Plugins - a set of LV2 audio plugins mda-lv2 - Paul Kellett's MDA plugins ported to LV2 ste-plugins - stereo LADSPA plugins swh-lv2 - Steve Harris's SWH plugins ported to LV2 swh-plugins - Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins tap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins vco-plugins - LADSPA plugin sporting anti-aliased oscillators x42-plugins - Collection of LV2 plugins zam-plugins - Collection of LV2, CLAP, VST3, LADSPA, LINUX-VST and JACK plugins
eq10q - LV2 plugins bundle fil-plugins - parametric equalizer LADSPA plugin
abgate - LV2 noise gate plugin autotalent - pitch correction LADSPA plugin blop - Bandlimited wavetable-based oscillator plugins for LADSPA hosts blop-lv2 - Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator Plugins ported to LV2 dragonfly-reverb - Reverb effect plugins - metapackage drc - digital room correction guitarix - Rock guitar amplifier for JACK ir.lv2 - LV2 IR reverb lv2vocoder - LV2 vocoder plugin phasex - Phase Harmonic Advanced Synthesis EXperiment radium-compressor - audio compressor for JACK rakarrack - Simple and easy guitar effects processor for GNU/Linux rev-plugins - reverb LADSPA plugin rubberband-ladspa - LADSPA plugin for audio pitch-shifting rubberband-lv2 - LV2 plugin for audio pitch-shifting sonic - Simple utility to speed up or slow down speech soundstretch - Stretches and pitch-shifts sound independently stretchplayer - Audio file player with time stretch and pitch shifting terminatorx - realtime audio synthesizer vocproc - wah-plugins - auto-wah LADSPA plugin zita-at1 - JACK autotuner zita-rev1 - pro-audio reverb effect
mixxx - Digital Disc Jockey Interface xwax - open-source vinyl emulation software for Linux discodos - remember and analyze your DJ sets based on Discogs and ?AcousticBrainz data
yoshimi - software synthesizer originally based on ZynAddSubFX2 zynaddsubfx - Realtime software synthesizer for Linux
amsynth - two oscillators software synthesizer blepvco - LADSPA, minBLEP-based, hard-sync-capable oscillator plugins bristol - vintage synthesizer emulator synthv1 - old-school polyphonic synthesizer - standalone whysynth - DSSI Soft Synth Interface
hexter - Yamaha DX7 modeling DSSI plugin
wsynth-dssi - hack on Xsynth-DSSI to allow wavetable synthesis
drumkv1 - old-school drum-kit sampler - standalone qsynth - fluidsynth MIDI sound synthesiser front-end din - digital audio synthesizer fluidsynth - Real-time MIDI software synthesizer xsynth-dssi - classic-analog (VCOs-VCF-VCA) style software synthesizer
ams - Realtime modular synthesizer for ALSA mcp-plugins - LADSPA plugins designed for Alsa Modular Synth omins - collection of LADSPA plugins aimed at modular synthesizers
aeolus - Synthesised pipe organ emulator horgand - JACK capable organ softsynth setbfree - DSP tonewheel organ
sox - Swiss army knife of sound processing ecasound - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor fadecut - toolset to rip audiostreams, cut, fade in/out and tag the resulting audiofiles gwc - Audio file denoiser libsox-fmt-all - All SoX format libraries linux-show-player - Free cue player designed for sound-playback in stage productions nama - Ecasound-based multitrack recorder/mixer pianobooster - Learn the piano just by playing a game showq - silentjack - silence detector for the JACK audio system taptempo - command line tap tempo timemachine - JACK audio recorder for spontaneous use
bitmeter - brp-pacu - audio analysis tool ebumeter - loudness measurement according to EBU-R128 jaaa - audio signal generator and spectrum analyser jackmeter - a basic command line meter for the JACK audio system japa - JACK and ALSA Perceptual Analyser jkmeter - horizontal or vertical bargraph audio level meter for Jack Audio Connection Kit meterbridge - Collection of Audio meters for the JACK audio server siggen - Waveform generation tools sonic-visualiser - viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files xoscope - digital oscilloscope
fmit - Free Music Instrument Tuner gtick - gxtuner - Tuner for Jack klick - advanced metronome for JACK
jack-keyboard - Virtual MIDI keyboard for JACK MIDI timidity - Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player) abcmidi - converter from ABC to MIDI format and back gmidimonitor - GTK+ application that shows MIDI events qmidiarp - MIDI arpeggiator for ALSA qmidinet - MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast qxgedit - MIDI System Exclusive files editor swami - MIDI instrument editor application vmpk - Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard
qwinff - GUI for FFmpeg ambdec - Ambisonic decoder for first and second order audiotools - Collection of audio handling programs for the command line dir2ogg - audio file converter into ogg-vorbis format ffmpeg - Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files gigedit - instrument editor for Gigasampler files gigtools - command line tools for Gigasampler and DLS Level 1/2 files mediainfo-gui - graphical utility for reading information from audio/video files mediainfo - command-line utility for reading information from audio/video files mp3diags - find issues in MP3 files and help to solve them mp3splt-gtk - split MP3, Ogg Vorbis, or FLAC files without re-encoding mp3val - program for MPEG audio stream validation mplayer - movie player for Unix-like systems sfarkxtc - Converts soundfonts from legacy sfArk v2 file format to sf2 soundconverter - GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats winff - graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg or avconv zita-bls1 - binaural stereo signals converter lame - MP3 encoding library (frontend) vorbis-tools - several Ogg Vorbis tools mp3info - MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor puddletag - simple, powerful audio tag editor exfalso - audio tag editor for GTK+
asunder - Graphical audio CD ripper and encoder handbrake - versatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK+ GUI) sound-juicer - GNOME CD Ripper ogmrip - Application for ripping and encoding DVD cdparanoia - audio extraction tool for sampling CDs yaret - console tool to turn CDs into encoded music ripit - Textbased audio CD ripper gramofile - transfer sound from gramophone records to CD ripperx - GTK-based audio CD ripper/encoder abcde - A Better CD Encoder
aj-snapshot - make snapshots of JACK connections gjacktransport - access to the JACK's transport mechanism as touchable slider jack-capture - program for recording soundfiles with jack jackd2-firewire - JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO backend) jackd - JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package) * [jack_mixer](https://rdio.space/jackmixer/) - JACK Audio Mixer ([◼](https://packages.debian.org/buster/jack-mixer)) jack-tools - various JACK tools: dl, record, scope, osc, plumbing, udp, play, transport qjackctl - User interface for controlling the JACK sound server qjackrcd - Qt4 application to record JACK server outputs rotter - JACK client for transmission recording and audio logging zita-mu1 - organise stereo monitoring for Jack Audio Connection Kit
a2jmidid - Daemon for exposing legacy ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI systems alsa-tools-gui - GUI based ALSA utilities for specific hardware alsa-tools - Console based ALSA utilities for specific hardware alsa-utils - Utilities for configuring and using ALSA zita-ajbridge - alsa to jack bridge
ffado-mixer-qt4 - FFADO D-Bus mixer applets libraw1394-11 - library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka ?FireWire) libraw1394-tools - library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka ?FireWire)
pipewire - audio and video processing engine multimedia server
paprefs - PulseAudio Preferences pavucontrol - PulseAudio Volume Control pavumeter - PulseAudio Volume Meter pulseaudio-module-jack - jackd modules for PulseAudio sound server pulseaudio-module-lirc - lirc module for PulseAudio sound server pulseaudio-utils - Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound server pulsemixer - command-line mixer for PulseAudio with a curses interface pulseaudio - PulseAudio sound server
jalv - tool to run LV2 plugins as stand-alone applications rtirq-init - startup script for realtime-preempt enabled kernels rtkit - Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
See <https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted/=media-streaming> for the main list autoradio - radio automation software gpac - GPAC Project on Advanced Content - utilities obs-studio - recorder and streamer for live video content vlc-bin - binaries from VLC vlc - multimedia player and streamer zita-njbridge - Jack clients to transmit multichannel audio over a local IP network darkice - Live audio streamer ezstream - easy media streaming client over icecast servers ices2 - Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 2 liquidsoap - audio streaming language
ola - Open Lighting Architecture
kdenlive - non-linear video editor flowblade - non-linear video editor olive-editor - Professional open-source NLE video editor auto-editor - Effort free video editing dvgrab - grab digital video data via IEEE1394 and USB links frei0r-plugins - minimalistic plugin API for video effects, plugins collection lives - Video Editing system allowing users to edit and create video nageru - modern free software video mixer openshot-qt - create and edit videos and movies pitivi - non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer shotcut - video editor xjadeo - Video player with JACK sync syncplay - Synchronize playback of various video players via internet (Client)
blender - Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer cloudcompare - 3D point cloud and mesh processing software evolvotron - Generator of textures through interactive evolution f3d - fast and minimalist 3D viewer fractalnow - Fast, advanced fractal generator fraqtive - draws Mandelbrot and Julia fractals geomview - interactive geometry viewing program javamorph - Java morphing film-make program for pixel picture-input mandelbulber2 - 3D fractal renderer and animator meshlab - System for processing and editing triangular meshes mm3d - OpenGL based 3D model editor sunflow - rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis (GUI) sweethome3d-furniture-editor - Sweet Home 3D Furniture Library Editor sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree - Interior 2D design application with 3D preview (additional non-free furniture) sweethome3d-furniture - Interior 2D design application with 3D preview (additional furniture) sweethome3d-textures-editor - Sweet Home 3D Textures Library Editor sweethome3d - Interior 2D design application with 3D preview wings3d - Nendo-inspired 3D polygon mesh modeller
aegisub - advanced subtitle editor devede - simple application to create Video DVDs gnome-subtitles - Subtitle editor for the GNOME Desktop environment subtitlecomposer - text-based subtitle editor subtitleeditor - Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves representation
puredata - realtime computer music and graphics system csladspa - LADSPA plugin for Csound csound-data - data files used by the csound library csound-utils - miscellaneous utilities for the Csound system csound - powerful and versatile sound synthesis software csoundqt - frontend for the csound sound processor lcd4linux - Grabs information and displays it on an external lcd lcdproc - LCD display driver daemon and clients lirc - Infra-red remote control support - daemons and utils nyquist - language for music composition and sound synthesis pd-csound - Csound external for Pure Data supercollider-supernova - real time audio synthesis server (multiprocessor version) supercollider - real time audio synthesis programming language - metapackage aubio-tools - library for audio segmentation -- utilities
musescore - cross-platform multi-lingual music composition and notation, v2 denemo - free graphical music notation editor (GTK front end to LilyPond) lilypond - program for typesetting sheet music nted - Musical score editor tuxguitar - Multitrack guitar tablature editor and player tuxguitar-synth-lv2 - tuxguitar LV2 audio plugin
audacious - small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats clementine - modern music player and library organizer quodlibet - audio library manager and player for GTK3 rhythmbox - music player and organizer for GNOME vlc - multimedia player and streamer smplayer - Complete front-end for MPlayer and mpv ario - GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) cantata - Qt client for the music player daemon (MPD) gnome-music - Music playing app for the GNOME Desktop gpodder - podcast client and feed aggregator sonata - GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) strawberry - audio player and music collection organizer ymuse - GTK client for Music Player Daemon (MPD) written in Go moc - ncurses based console audio player moc - ncurses based console audio player mpd - Music Player Daemon mpv - video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 adplug-utils - free ?AdLib sound library (utils) gbsplay - Gameboy sound player modplug-tools - Modplug playing console tools mp3blaster - Full-screen console mp3 and Ogg Vorbis player mpg123 - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player opencubicplayer - UNIX port of Open Cubic Player
multimedia-ambisonics - Packages for working with ambisonics (3D surround sound) multimedia-audio-plugins - Audio processing plugins, synths and virtual instruments multimedia-devel - Extra packages for developers and package compiling multimedia-djing - Packages for Disc Jockeys multimedia-drums - Packages for drums & beats multimedia-firewire - Packages for your firewire audiocard / interface multimedia-graphics - Packages for making and editing artwork multimedia-guitar - Packages for playing with your (virtual) guitar gear multimedia-jack - JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) and ALSA related packages multimedia-ladi - LADI, Linuxaudio session management, packages multimedia-looping - Packages for looping music and audio multimedia-midi - MIDI related packages multimedia-mixing - Packages for mixing and mastering your music multimedia-musiciantools - Packages for musicians multimedia-players - Packages which makes your multimedia tools complete multimedia-recording - Packages for audio recording multimedia-samplers - Software samplers multimedia-soundsynthesis - Packages for sound synthesis multimedia-tasks - Debian Multimedia tasks for tasksel multimedia-video - Video packages CategoryPortal | CategorySoftware | CategorySound | CategoryVideo
Multimedia software in Debian
Please consider editing the source file DAW/Sequencers
Audio Editors
Other FX
DJing / Vinyl emulation
Synthesizers - Additive
Synthesizers - Subtractive
Synthesizers - FM
Synthesizers - Wavetable
Synthesizers - Other
Synthesizers - Modular
Synthesizers - Organ simulators
Audio utilities
Audio utilities - Misc
Audio utilities - Meters & Analysis
Audio utilities - Tuners & Metronomes
Audio utilities - MIDI Utilities
Audio utilities - Transcoding
Audio utilities - CD/DVD Ripping
System utilities
System utilities - JACK
System utilities - ALSA
System utilities - Firewire
System utilities - Pipewire
System utilities - Plugin hosts & adapters
System utilities - Pulseaudio
System utilities - Other
System utilities - Network streaming/broadcasting
CGI & 3D Modeling
Signal processing/electronics
Score Editors
Media players